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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Graphene: Europe in the Lead Coordination and Support Action

Description du projet

Renforcer le leadership de l’Europe dans le domaine des matériaux 2D

L’Europe se doit de maintenir son autonomie stratégique dans les technologies reposant sur le graphène et d’autres matériaux 2D. Elle doit, pour ce faire, coordonner les efforts et les fonctions de soutien afin de permettre à des actions distinctes de coopérer efficacement et d’exploiter les synergies. Dans ce contexte, le projet GrapheneEU financé par l’UE contribuera à la coordination et à la gouvernance, à l’industrialisation, à la diffusion et à l’alignement, garantissant ainsi un leadership européen durable dans ce domaine et capitalisant sur les investissements antérieurs. GrapheneEU encouragera les synergies et maximisera l’efficacité des efforts scientifiques et technologiques, par le biais d’actions de recherche et d’innovation. En fournissant des fonctions de support essentielles en matière de gouvernance, d’industrialisation et de diffusion, le projet entend encourager l’échange de bonnes pratiques en vue de futures collaborations avec des initiatives nationales et régionales.


The Graphene Flagship (GF) initiative aims at advancing Europe’s strategic autonomy in technologies that rely on graphene and other 2D materials and sustaining the first-mover advantage that Europe has obtained through earlier investments. This overarching goal will be pursued by a number of graphene and 2D materials (2DM) related actions – Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) and Innovation Actions (IAs) – in collaboration with activities funded by the EU member states and associated countries. The overall coherence of the GF initiative is guaranteed by a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) that allows the separate actions to exploit synergies in their scientific and technological activities and work more efficiently by utilising common services and support functions.

GrapheneEU builds upon the extensive experience and expertise of a consortium that has been responsible for the central support and coordination functions of the Graphene Flagship during the FP7 and Horizon 2020 phases and therefore has access to the broad network of researchers and organisations which will participate in the GF initiative. GrapheneEU will ensure a strong and coherent initiative by providing key support functions in coordination and governance, industrialisation, dissemination, and alignment, enabling the participating projects to identify and utilise synergies in their work, share best practices, and promote interactions with relevant national and regional initiatives. GrapheneEU will help secure a sustained European leadership in 2DM by capitalising on the investments in the Graphene Flagship from the FP7 and Horizon 2020 phases and fostering and facilitating the work to be continued during Horizon Europe.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 760 260,00

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Södra Sverige Västsverige Västra Götalands län
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 760 260,00

Participants (4)

Partenaires (1)