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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

ISLANDS: Integrated Sensing and communications for future vehicuLAr systems – a Network of Doctoral Students

Description du projet

Combler le fracture entre la communication et le radar

Le choc des systèmes de communication et de radar a engendré un réseau enchevêtré de congestion électromagnétique, entravant les progrès des villes intelligentes, de la mobilité avancée et des mesures de sécurité. Pendant trop longtemps, ces technologies ont évolué de manière isolée, et appellent d’urgence à des solutions intégrées. Avec le soutien du programme Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie, le projet C-ISLANDS comblera le fossé entre les systèmes de communication et les systèmes radar. En privilégiant le développement d’algorithmes de pointe et de solutions au niveau du réseau, cette initiative devrait révolutionner la manière dont nous utilisons le spectre électromagnétique, en garantissant des performances supérieures, une plus grande efficacité énergétique et un avenir plus interconnecté et plus sûr. Plus précisément, le projet fusionnera les capacités de communication et de détection, pour des performances supérieures et une plus grande efficacité énergétique.


For decades communication systems have been developed independently to radar systems, leading to a duplication of systems and devices that exploit the electromagnetic spectrum in common ways. Yet, the future wireless infrastructure will need to do more than just communications to support smart cities, intelligent mobility, infrastructure monitoring, security. It will need to perform multiple functions and will rely on high-reliability communication and sensing. The independent growth of radar and communication systems is no longer sustainable and will lead to a congestion of devises, emitters and sensors. There is a skills gap in the community to address this as communication engineers work isolated to radar engineers, and a new set of skills need to be developed.

ISLANDS is a doctoral network that focuses on the theoretical and algorithmic foundations of integrated sensing and communication for the automotive sector, with the objective of developing new physical-layer and network-level solutions, to explore the fundamental limits of such technology, and to provide experimental validation and testing for the developed techniques. Specifically, ISLANDS will: 1) develop new transceiver algorithms, capable of integrating and leveraging the communication and sensing functionalities, with the purpose of achieving superior performance and energy and hardware efficiency; 2) investigate the ultimate network performance limits that the integration of communication and sensing can achieve in environments with extreme mobility; and 3) provide experimental validations of the developed techniques with proof-of-concept testbeds and realistic system-level simulators.

ISLANDS will train the next generation of EU experts and leaders with specific interdisciplinary expertise, combining sensing and communications, with the aim of reinforcing European leadership in the automotive sector of the next decades.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 518 875,20
43124 Parma

Voir sur la carte


L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Parma
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (7)

Partenaires (12)