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FIDELIS: Establishing A European Network of Trustworthy Digital Repositories

Project description

Developing trustworthy digital repositories for the European Open Science Cloud

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) partnership is paving the way towards more accessible, reusable, and discoverable data, tools and services for researchers across Europe. Achieving this goal requires trustworthy digital repositories (TDRs) to preserve and maintain these resources over the long term. In this context, the EU-funded FIDELIS project will harmonise the definition of trustworthy repositories and establish a European network of TDRs to foster and support the scientific environment envisioned by the EOSC and the community. The network aims at developing, upgrading, and harmonising TDRs, facilitating collaboration with other repositories within the EOSC ecosystem. FIDELIS will collaborate with the EOSC EDEN project to jointly advance effective data preservation and curation in Europe.


The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) aims to develop a web of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and services for science in Europe. In order to achieve a sustainable EOSC, Trustworthy Digital Repositories (TDRs) providing long-term preservation services are required. The FIDELIS project aims to establish a healthy, vibrant and self-sustaining network of TDRs that will foster a supportive open science environment and guarantee FAIR data sharing also in the future. Within its three-year lifetime, FIDELIS will set up, develop, and operate a European network of trustworthy repositories that will support the development and growth of TDRs within the EOSC ecosystem; foster harmonisation and interoperability across repositories to enable an EOSC federation of TDRs; and strengthen the upskilling of repositories and expansion of the network through an active training and support programme.

The word Fidelis comes from the latin Fides and means trustworthy, faithful, loyal, dependable, true. In Ancient Rome, Fides is everything that is required for honour and credibility, from fidelity in marriage, to contractual arrangements, and the obligation soldiers owed to Rome. It is also the name of the goddess of trust, faithfulness and good faith (bona fides).


Net EU contribution
€ 503 350,00
02101 Espoo

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Activity type
Total cost
No data

Participants (21)

Partners (2)