The objective of the proposed experiment is to improve the practices in software production as it is carried out in a consortium of two organisations. The organisations participating in the application experiment develop transaction oriented software. The goal of this experiment is to improve the productivity, reliability and cost effectiveness of the software development process by adopting a methodological approach. Both companies aim to broaden the scope, widen the scalability and gain DBMS independence for the next generation of the client-server applications they will be producing.
The application experiment will be carried out on the platforms LYDIA and INFINITE PLUS for 01 PLIROFORIKI and SUNSOFT respectively. LYDIA is a well accepted integrated solution for municipalities in Greece, whereas INFINITE PLUS is a complete accounting package for SMEs. These systems are both transaction oriented developed by high level development tools such as ORACLE and ORACLE-FORMS for LYDIA and the OMNIS DBMS for INFINITE PLUS. The development environment for both software platforms during the application experiment has been selected to be the GUPTA SQLWindows.
The application experiment MAUSE will focus on the requirements specifications, systems analysis and systems design, since, improvements in the above areas will reflect throughout the software life-cycle. The significant growth of software development activities in the companies involved reveals the need for a thorough approach to software development. SSADM has been chosen as the appropriate methodology to be applied for the analysis and the design of transaction oriented software. An Object Oriented Analysis and Design methodology (i.e. Booch, Coad/Yourdon, Shlaed/Mellor) will be selected for the User Interfaces. Additionally, great emphasis will be given in the management of project risks by adopting contemporary project management approaches such as the PRINCE methodology. This will result in greater understanding of software development and the correct estimation of the cost and timelines associated with it.
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador
111 43 ATHENS