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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-16

An European Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences

Final Activity Report Summary - EUA4X (An European Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences)

EUA4X was a three year project (2005-2007) financed by European Union Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses.

Starting in 2005 and ending in 2007 the EUA4X Series of Events provided a well-balanced and focused training program in the field of scientific computing (SC), that consisted of 26 event taking place on many different locations all over Europe and of 2 on-line events. SC is a crucial part of the new century technologies, offering the potential for advance knowledge in a wide range of technical processes and physical phenomena of very high societal interest. The EUA4X project was motivated by the recognition of the fact that in this domain the know-how is rarely combined in a multidisciplinary context for the solution of complex problems, resulting in a shortage of skilled researcher in Europe in a knowledge domain which is crucial to catalyse research synergies between academia an industry and to foster industrial innovation.

To address this issue, the international partnership that promoted this project designed a coherent multidisciplinary training program that consistently covered enabling technologies (numerical grid generation, finite elements, finite difference and finite volume methods, higher order methods) and a number of important applications of high societal interest (civil and earthquake engineering, design of new materials, flow processes, subsurface flow, aero-acoustics, automotive and aerospace engineering, fuel cells, microelectronics, food quality and safety, paper making among many others).

This program, which was realised in a period of three years, included 14 formal training courses and summer schools, as well as 12 application oriented hands-on workshops and conferences. To better integrate the young researchers in the professional world of the scientific community, 2 training courses and 6 workshops were planned as guest events in high-level scientific conferences. In addition to that, to preserve and structure the know-how, 2 additional virtual events were organized for making the outcomes of the project available for the development of competences far beyond the duration of the project. As fundamental components of the project, these virtual events take the form of a web-based initiative (EUA4X E-Atelier accessible at offering event proceedings, video and audio recording of major events, courses and supplemental material in a coherent framework (Virtual School) as well as collaborative test bed to produce a free encyclopaedic dictionary on Numerical Grid Generation Dictionary (NGGD). NGGD is currently organised in 35 categories and 432 entries that covers a vast portion of a scientific area which is transversal to all the disciplines of scientific computing.

About 1300 research scientists, coming from all over Europe and overseas, participated to the EUA4X Series of Events, strongly contributing to the strengthening of the European Research Area. Consistently with the purposes of the Marie Curie Program, to all of them and, in particular, to about 540 fellowships recipients were provided excellent opportunities of intense networking with inspirational leaders in Academia and with other dedicated, talented researcher and professionals and to keep abreast of the latest scientific developments in their field of research, fulfilling the scope of encouraging junior researchers to pursue a research career in Europe, and contributing to the reinforcement of human resources in Europe to support the European competitiveness.