Being in a pre-accession state to the European Union, Bulgaria needs to reinforce its research capacities in order to serve industry and society. The main goal of MISSION is to establish, at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IGIC), an inn ovative leading Centre of Development and Management of Multifunctional Materials and New Processes with Environmental Impact based on cross-links science-education-industry-society. The centre of gravity of MISSION falls into Thematic Area 3 of FP6. The specific mission of MISSION will be the cultivation of a new generation of young specialists who will then transfer the obtained knowledge to their new working places. The specific objectives of MISSION are: - reorganization of IGIC and focusing its ac tivities on the environmental aspects of multi-functional materials and new processes; - enhancing the research capabilities of IGIC in the development of environmentally oriented multifunctional materials and new processes; - expanding the contacts b etween IGIC and leading research institutions in Europe; - promotion of the careers of young scientists and maintaining a high education level; - dissemination of knowledge to the scientific community, industry and society. These objectives will be achiev ed by (i) establishment of appropriate units at IGIC; (ii) employing young scientists (iii) inviting leading European scientists and arranging exchange visits; (iv) continuous increase of personnel qualification (v) selective upgrading of equipment (vi) organizing of scientific meetings (vii) effective management. The final objective of MISSION is continuous development of the Centre after the end of the project in order to be able to meet the specific current demands of the society. The main delivera bles of MISSION will be: INTERNET portal; Data bases; PhD theses; Workshops, Round-tables; New projects; Conference, Reports, Project presentation, Final plan of knowledge dissemination.
Call for proposal
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Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator