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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Centre of Multifunctional Materials and New Processes with Environmental Impact

Final Report Summary - MISSION (Centre of Multifunctional Materials and New Processes with Environmental Impact)

The 'Centre of multifunctional materials and new processes with environmental impact' (Mission) is one of the seven Bulgarian centres of competence established as a result of the EC call: 'Promotion of co-operation with associated candidate countries: reinforcement of the Associated Candidate Countries' Research Capacities from the Specific Support Action Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area (FP6-2004-ACC-SSA-2).

The main goal of Mission was to establish at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IGIC) an innovative leading centre of development and management of multifunctional materials and new processes with environmental impact based on cross-links science education-industry-society. The specific mission of mission was to train a new generation of young scientists who will then transfer the obtained knowledge to their new working places.

The specific objectives of Mission included:

1. Reorganisation of IGIC and focusing its activities on the environmental aspects of multifunctional materials and new processes;
2. Enhancement of the research capabilities of IGIC for the development of environmentally oriented multifunctional materials and new processes;
3. Expansion of the contacts between IGIC and leading research institutions in Europe;
4. Promotion of the careers of young scientists and maintaining a high educational level;
5. Dissemination of knowledge to the scientific community, industry and society.

The final objective of Mission was the continuous development of the centre after the end of the project in order to meet the specific current demands of the society.

As a result of the enhanced contacts with European scientists and industry, the number of different projects prepared and submitted with participation of IGIC increased. In particular, a new centre for transfer of knowledge, Transmission, based on Mission achievements and complementing its activities, was established at the institute in the framework of the PHARE programme.

The members of the advisory board signed a statement that the goals of the project have been successfully achieved and the centre of competence on multifunctional materials and new processes with environmental impact created at IGIC within the Mission project will secure the continuity of the high level of research reached as a result of the successful project.

An internet website of Mission was set, where the progress of the project work could be monitored: A special logo of Mission was designed. At the website the programs and the lectures of the Mission courses ('Computational chemistry', 'Adsorption methods for texture analysis', and 'Atomic absorption spectroscopy methods') have been announced. Useful information about the activities of the Mission centre was also available at the Mission website.

Various research and popular products developed in the frame of the Mission project were specifically tailored to raise the impact of the science on the Bulgarian society. At first place the PhD thesis programs and topic courses dedicated to prepare young specialists for high quality researches in the specific fields corresponding to the research work packages should be mentioned.

Besides, there was a strong knowledge and information dissemination element in this project aimed to generate useful contacts between Bulgarian, Balkan and European research societies by the two thematical workshops organised, by the oral and poster presentations at many European scientific forums, by long-term and short-term specialisation of young scientists from IGIC at leading laboratories and centres in Europe. To make the information about Mission achievements available to a wider audience, several round-table discussions were organised, thus popularising products developed in the frame of the project.