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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-29

Smart Odour Control system to increase product quality, occupational safety, and safeguard the location and jobs, based on forward-looking tools of SMEs entering the European paper market


A European survey within the framework of COST E17 presented in 2004 shows the need for a reliable Odour Control system for the paper industry. Offering that system to paper mills, SMEs will improve their competitiveness by widening their product portfolios to enter a new market segment in the papermaking and related sectors. This new application area will substantially raise their business volume. Establishing a sustainable cooperation with European paper mills and an internationally acting paper institute will accelerate the penetration of this future market.

Based on distinguished SME products a unique, fast and sensitive Odour Control system will be developed to overcome odour problems in papermaking. Biological odour formation is a complex and challenging process whose full description and control requires a critical mass of disciplines. Therefore Odour Control combines biotechnological, physical, chemical and process engineering tools. This multidisciplinary approach will cover all subjects relevant for successful integral solutions. The ambitious goal will be achieved by developing rapid monitoring products for detecting odour forming microorganisms and odorous compounds
FISH Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation -VIT-kit (biotechnological)
AOS Artificial Olfactory Systems - (physico-chemical) triggering tailor-made countermeasures for odour control
mill treatment system - biokidney concept (biological/engineering)
mill treatment system - environmentally sound additives (chemical) to be combined into a Odour Control System.

SME product lines will be expanded focusing on paper product quality, occupational safety and safeguarding the location/jobs by sound environmental per-formance. As a result Odour Control supports the Council Directives 98/8, 96/61/EC, 94/62, 93/43/EEC, REACH system and OECD policy whilst bridging the bio- and nanotechnological gap between Europe, the U.S and Japan.

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

Data not available


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (12)