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Contenu archivé le 2024-05-29

Smart Odour Control system to increase product quality, occupational safety, and safeguard the location and jobs, based on forward-looking tools of SMEs entering the European paper market

Final Report Summary - ODOUR CONTROL (Smart Odour Control system to increase product quality, occupational safety, and safeguard the location and jobs, based on forward-looking tools ...)

Increasingly closed process water circuits in the paper industry, process engineering changes and increased recovered paper utilisation rates lead to high levels of organic compounds and electrolytes, prolonged retention times, increased temperature and pH levels. These changes in boundary conditions promote biological activities leading to microbiological effects such as odour formation in a significant number of European paper mills.

Biological odour formation is a complex and challenging process whose full description and control requires a critical mass of disciplines. As a result the ODOUR CONTROL project combined biotechnological, physical, chemical and process engineering tools. This multi-disciplinary approach covered all subjects relevant to successful integral solutions. The project developed rapid monitoring products for detecting odour forming microorganisms and odorous compounds Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and Artificial olfactory systems (AOSs) triggering tailor-made countermeasures into an odour control system.

Especially in mills closing their water systems and using high recovered paper utilisation rates microbial activity causes the generation of odorous compounds. Using the FISH and AOS monitoring systems proper counter measures were triggered. The countermeasures included the biokidney concept and environmentally sound additives. The work of ODOUR CONTROL helps to overcome risks and hazards as well as avoid civic and legal actions. The project monitored the generation of microbial odorous compounds during manufacturing. Microorganisms include odour formers, whilst replacing high risk biocides. Researchers also monitored product quality and emissions from mill to surroundings.