In this Specific Support Action the following objectives are addressed: *To overcome the dilemma of female researchers' underrepresentation in leading positions in Science Organisations *To bring female researchers in adequate starting positions *To make f emale researchers more visible (role models) *To strengthen the authority of female scientists and engineers *To raise the interest of younger people (pupils, students) for science *To involve decision makers There is still a great underrepresentation of w omen in Science Organisations, especially in leading positions. The project "Pallas Athene" (PA) will tackle the reasons identified to be responsible for the underrepresentation of women in higher positions, e.g. lack of role models, lack of an integration of the gender dimension in EU research. With the help of high-level scientists (ambassadors) in six centres of the Helmholtz Association, PA shall stimulate the participation of women in science and technological development. Instruments combining many ta sks necessary to achieve this goal are "Science goes public", "Women in Science - Science for Women", "KIDSBITS" and physik.begreifen@desy.de (grasping.physics@desy.de). Two to three times a year, the ambassadors present their scientific findings in these events and discuss it with the public. The topics presented are multidisciplinary. Thus, the awareness of women and science issues is aroused as well as the interest of young people for science since these instruments work with schools and universities. Mo reover, stakeholders are addressed. A network is established by the ambassadors among each other and their European collaboration partners for the exchange of information. The final goal of PA is to bring young female researchers in adequate starting posi tions to become senior managers and departmental leaders.
Appel à propositions
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Régime de financement
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinateur