Flexibility in the manufacturing sector will be improved by the application of open standards that enable control products and systems from different suppliers to be linked together. OSACA has specified an application programming interface (API) and an infrastructure, the so-called OSACA system platform, for an object-oriented open controller architecture. The results, in the form of specifications and software, cover a communication system, a configuration system and the so-called reference architecture. These components were realized in the programming language C++ for different operating systems such as Windows95, WindowsNT, Unix and the real-time operating systems VxWorks and OS-9. The OSACA technology enables a control system to be open in the sense of portability, interchangeability, interoperability and scaleability of control-relevant application modules. OSACA is of interest for all interest groups in the field of manufacturing, which can be categorized in control vendors, machine tool builders, software houses, system integrators and end users. The existence of a vendor-neutral standard in the field of control technology strengthens the cooperation process between companies and therefore increases the productivity within more and more complex software projects. The results are currently used by different companies and research institutes within pilot applications and control prototypes. For demonstration purposes, Daimler Benz and BMW have equipped a transfer line and an assembly machine with OSACA-compliant controllers which were provided by the companies Bosch and Siemens. The company HOMAG has equipped a machine-tool for wood-working with an OSACA-compliant controller based on the real-time operating system OS-9. Several other European companies and research institutes are developing applications and tools for the OSACA architecture.