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Trans-national cooperation among Research Potential NCPs

Final Report Summary - RESPOTNET (Trans-national cooperation among Research Potential NCPs)

Executive summary:

RESPOTNET, the European network of National contact points (NCPs) for the 'Research potential' programme, aimed to support the main research actors in the convergence and outermost regions of the European Union (EU) to unlock their research potential through the opportunities offered under Research potential capacities programme.

The project started on in 2008 and run for 48 months. The consortium consisted of 16 partners and its activities targeted the NCPs of all 36 Member States and associated countries. The network promoted the coherent development and growth in the enlarged and diversified Union, by providing: a) integrated information and support to research organisations for submitting competitive proposals, finding partners, promoting their research results across Europe and finding complementary funds by other EU initiatives; b) training, benchmarking and mentoring activities to less experienced NCPs for establishing a consistent level of high-quality information and assistance services throughout Europe. The network promoted the research potential programme in high-level European events, established links with other Networks and provided feedback from the researchers to the European Commission (EC).

RESPOTNET became an essential partner for research organisations in their effort to utilise the knowledge and experience of more advanced European regions, to establish the necessary conditions and contacts for their development and to contribute to the overall European research effort.

Project context and objectives:

The objective of the project was to support research and industrial communities in the EU's convergence and outermost regions to fully utilise their research potential and strengthen their capacities, through their participation in the Framework Programme (FP). The instrument to achieve this goal was the upgrading of the existing European network of NCPs for the research potential programme and the improvement of services and tools provided to potential beneficiaries in the convergence / outermost regions. The network became the essential partner for researchers and institutions in their effort to utilise the knowledge and experience existing in more advanced European regions, and to contribute to the overall European research effort.

The research potential network provided the means for strong collaboration and mutual learning among regional NCPs, resulting in better services tailored to the needs of the researchers. By simplifying access to FP7 calls and raising the average quality of the submitted proposals, the network promoted coherent development and growth in the enlarged and diversified Union.

More specifically, the objectives of the project were:
a) Consistent level of high quality information and assistance services for potential proposers: Researchers in convergence / outermost regions needed to fully utilise the opportunities offered by FP7 for funding, as well as for sustainable collaborations with more advanced regions in order to unlock their full potential. The preparation and submission of high quality competitive proposals is, generally, closely linked to the information and assistance services by NCPs. The RESPOTNET network aimed to improve these services, reduce the time for problem solving, increase the effectiveness and provide links and contacts for collaborations at European level. The consistency in the services? level was a prerequisite for improving the average quality of all proposals and for wider geographical distribution of funds across Europe. Specific objectives were the development of common tools and procedures for fostering transnational research collaborations, the establishment of common standards for high-quality proposals, etc. Joint strategies were developed to resolve common problems, as well as to implement awareness activities at wider level, with lower cost and higher visibility. Key players benefitted from integrated information / services and collaborations, leading to combined research efforts, reduced fragmentation, shared knowledge and infrastructures for the best possible implementation of scientific projects. The result was the improvement of the quantity, quality and geographical dispersion of the proposals submitted and funded.

b) Networking and synergies with related national, regional and European networks and policies for an integrated approach to the European Research Area (ERA): The realisation of the full research potential in the convergence / outermost regions required synergies and complementary activities with other programmes and initiatives that foster regional development. The network went beyond the provision of information / support for research potential and sought diverse opportunities focused on convergence / outermost regions, or particular research topics, etc. Specific objectives were the coordination of activities with other NCP networks (FP7, structural funds), the identification of diverse sources of funding for research and regional development, etc. The coordination of the network's activities with related national, interregional and European strategies and initiatives contributed to the development of an integrated picture of the EU Research and technological development (RTD) policy. Synergies at diverse levels restricted fragmentations and double efforts, as well as promoted a balanced research growth at the ERA.

c) Benchmarking, exchange of know-how and experience, twinning schemes, training and mentoring of new and less experienced NCPs: A significant obstacle to successful participation was the lack of information, experience and contacts. The transfer of knowledge from more experienced NCPs was a priority of the network, so as to narrow the gap of the services provided, and promote the coherent development of all European regions. The specific objectives were the identification of NCPs' specific training needs, the organisation of tailored training schemes, the exchange of know-how on daily basis, etc.

d) Disseminating knowledge and exploiting results for the social and economic development of the regions: The development of the research potential in the convergence / outermost regions required an integrated approach by regional, national and European stakeholders. To this end, the RESPOTNET network implemented a dissemination plan, covering all interested parties, with particular focus on the social and economic benefits that research can bring to the whole regions. Specific objective were to raise the awareness on the opportunities offered by the research potential programme and other complementary / relevant programmes and initiatives, as well as on the added value of transnational collaborations, the research activities in the convergence / outermost regions, etc.

Project results:

During the lifecycle of the project, the following results were produced (since RESPOTNET is a coordination support action, the results are not scientific):

Online tools:

- Partner search (PS) facilitator: the PS facilitator was fully operational in July 2009. It has been a useful tool for: a) REGPOT proposers to find partners; b) REGPOT coordinators to promote their research work; c) regional authorities to map centres of excellence in convergence / outermost regions of the EU; d) NCPs to consolidate their work results.
- Communication platform and Frequently asked questions (FAQs): The intranet communication tool facilitated the daily collaboration of the NCPs, the exchange of good practice and problem-solving. FAQs were developed for potential beneficiaries of the programme. The info was based on the experience / feedback of all NCPs, it was consolidated, classified by subject, revised by the EC and uploaded on the website.


- First RESPOTNET forum and workshop 'Coordinated use of FP structural funds to support RTD in convergence regions" (26-28 October 2009, Bucharest, Romania): NCPs exchanged knowledge / best practice, discussed common problems, elaborated on joint activities, etc. The workshop provided useful know-how on research strategies, combination of different funding sources, etc.
- Second RESPOTNET forum 'Regional RTD and innovation funding opportunities' and workshop 'FP7 financial issues" (18-19 November 2010, Vienna, Austria): NCPs exchanged views on the development of REGPOT programme. Synergies were sought with Structural Funds NCPs, who were invited as key note speakers in the forum. A practical workshop on financial issues, mainly audits, took place.
- Eight training visits took place (2008-2010) aiming to transfer knowledge / expertise from more experienced to less experienced NCPs. The added value was the improvement of the NCPs? skills, the facilitation of their daily work and the exchange of useful experience. Results and conclusions of the visits were widely disseminated to all NCPs, so that as many NCPs as possible benefit from the acquired knowledge / experience.
- First training workshop on research driven clusters and collaboration with Mediterranean partners (14 October 2008, Brussels, Belgium): The workshop focused on the collaboration with the Mediterranean countries, given the occasion of the relevant call for proposals (REGPOT-2008-2). Information, consultation and contacts were provided.
- Second training workshop on legal and financial issues (8 September 2009, Brussels, Belgium). EC officers presented key legal / financial issues and replied to specific queries / cases of NCPs.
- Third training workshop on assessment and new challenges of research potential: Gathering of coordinators, PC members and NCPs of regional and Research Infrastructures (IRs) FP7 programmes (9 June 2011, in Debrecen / Hungary): the workshop was an excellent opportunity for gathering feedback on REGPOT programme from proposers, coordinators, NCPs, PC members and regional authorities representatives.

The efficiency / impact of the training activities was evaluated in the assessment report developed in 2009 and 2011. The report identified the strong and weak points of these activities. The conclusions can be utilised in future initiatives.


- Report on excellent organisations in convergence / outermost regions: the report consolidated the information on organisations / key players identified / financially supported by research potential programme (main call: REGPOT-1) and highlights the strong research fields of convergence / outermost regions, the transnational collaborations and synergies with more advanced regions, the progress achieved through the EU programme for capacity building and the possible investments by other national and / or European sources. The report serves as a useful data-tool for various stakeholders in ERA including the NCPs, research institutions and individual scientists in convergence / outermost and advanced regions, decision makers, governments.
- Report on reasons and bottlenecks for the participation in REGPOT: the study examines and justifies the low participation / success rate of some countries in the programme.

Potential impact:

The project's activities resulted in:
1. Improved and consistent NCPs service across Europe: The NCPs improved their services through stronger collaboration and interaction, regular exchange of know-how, trainings, benchmarking, common tools / procedures, joint strategies for wider visibility, involvement in high level discussion forums, communication lines with the EC for efficient problem solving, contacts with other initiatives for regional development and exposure to diverse research systems in place in Europe.
2. Simplification of access to FP7 calls and lowering entry barriers for newcomers: The main obstacle of the newcomers was always the lack of information, experience and contacts. The network organised training activities for the NCPs, tools for potential beneficiaries, etc., aiming to improve the work of the NCPs and to reduce costs and frustrations of the researchers.
3. Raising the average quality of submitted proposals: The coordination of the NCPs activities improved the quantity and quality of the submitted proposals, as well as the geographical dispersion of the proposers. The network developed and provided the proposers with the necessary tools and contacts to set up strategic partnerships and excel in high-quality research (PS for finding partners, success stories and best practices, FAQs, brokerage events, face-to-face discussions with proposers in European events, etc).

The network's activities also contributed to the development of research in the convergence / outermost areas and the coherent growth in Europe. Firstly, key-players in the convergence / outermost area were encouraged to develop sustainable partnerships with advanced regions (through PS facilitator, networking events, information activities on regional development, etc). Secondly, the results of the project are consolidated and provide useful data for regional strategies on research. Stakeholders developed links and contacts with European organisations with common interests, networks and European institutions (through networking, regular communication, joint events, etc). The development of the research organisations potential is expected to generate knowledge and innovation, which can be exploited and commercialised for further economic and social growth.

Regarding the dissemination activities, the network promoted efficiently the goals and the objectives of the EU policies. It raised awareness on the opportunities offered by the European research and regional policies, promoted the benefits of transnational cooperation and provided input for the development of further research and innovation policies for the convergence / outermost regions.

List of websites: