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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-28

Space Transportation Assets Valorisation in Europe

Final Report Summary - STAVE (Space Transportation Assets Valorisation in Europe)

Executive Summary:

The STAVE project aims at identifying, evaluating and valorising the skills (research laboratories, universities, research institutes, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), industry) of the 12 New Member States (NMS) of the European Union (EU), in the domain of space transportation. The skills to be identified are not necessarily those developed in the space transportation field but those which could be useful for space transportation activities. The expected impact is a better integration of these skills in European space transportation activities, for enhancing the European capacity of maintaining an independent access to space.

The consortium involves CNES, the French Space Agency (coordinator Michel Pons and Pascal Fortunier is responsible of WP4 ( ASI, the Italian Space Agency (Cristiana Cirina being responsible for WP2 ( and DLR, the German Space Agency (Prof. Wolfgang Koschel is responsible of WP3 (

These three European space agencies cover 85 % of the space transportation effort in Europe and are representative of the European scientific and technological needs in terms of space transportation for preparation of the future.

The first activity consisted in the setting up of an efficient network in the 12 NMS using the existing networks of National contact points (NCPs), embassies, agencies and institutional representatives of the three members of the consortium, combined with website information. As a result, thanks to the active cooperation of the local contacts, more than 1000 contacts and 600 entities have been identified within industries, universities, research centres and other entities.

A dedicated website has been created for promoting the project, inform widely about its action, provide information and reach all entities willing to participate (please see online).

The second step was the presentation of the technical skills needed. The multidisciplinary team of senior experts covering the whole space transportation domain completed a technical presentation of the way a launcher is designed and operates, meant for people who were not necessarily already involved in space transportation projects, aiming at making clear what technical skills are necessary. This was presented during the workshops.

The third step of the project consisted in presenting the needs to the NMS through a set of workshops in each interested country. Ten workshops have successfully been organised in Poland, Latvia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Romania, Estonia and Slovenia, Malta. All the workshops have been very well prepared by the host organisation and highly appreciated by the participants. Many technical questions have been raised regarding their future participation and how can they be involved in the near future. The number of participants per workshops ranges from 11 to 80 people, with an average of 40.

The fourth step consisted in obtaining from the interested actors in each NMS a declaration of interest. This questionnaire was presented to those interested by the workshop technical content. Was also prepared a document explaining how this questionnaire would be evaluated. Seventy nine answers were received. The senior experts then visited and thoroughly evaluated candidate entities, in the objective of obtaining a qualified mapping of NMS technical skills applicable to space transportation.

The final valorisation of these entities is reached though the wide dissemination (industry, universities, agencies, development organisms, ministries, etc.) of the report containing all the technical evaluations performed. This report contains guidelines for participation to future programs. This dissemination is made to all the 'classical actors' of European space transportation, in order to help them to identify partners for future cooperation.

The project was completed by end of May 2010.