Periodic Report Summary - TMG (Intellectual relations between Western Europe and Latin America, 1918-1939)
I have furthermore attended and given talks/papers at conferences, workshops and seminar series in Brussels (annual meeting of the Belgian society for Latin American Studies), Glasgow (Social History Society), Newcastle (Northumbria University, seminar series in transnational history) and, again, Mexico City (Colegio de México, inaugural conference of the International Research Training Group 'Between Spaces').
Several new publications have appeared during the reporting period. First an article in the journal Past and Present ('Gauchos, gringos and gallegos: the assimilation of Italian and Spanish immigrants in the making of modern Uruguay, 1880-1930': and another one in New Global Studies ('Globalisation and nationalism in Latin America, c. 1750-1950': As a result, I am satisfied with the progress of the research project and there have been no major deviations from the work planned in the initial application.
In an important development I have been offered a two-year postdoctoral position at the international Research Training Group 'Between Spaces', based at the Lateinamerika-Institut of the Freie Universität Berlin.
Starting on 1 February 2010, this appointment has led to a seven-month temporary suspension of my Marie Curie Fellowship at the EUI, consequently resumed on 1 September 2010. Final developments in the Marie Curie Fellowship's final months will therefore be relegated to the final report.