Final Activity Report Summary - IPTEM (Network-independent Multimedia Service Architecture)
N.Crespi joined AIT for training, integration in research team and participation in research projects. The training objectives of the fellowship were to develop a strong expertise on service overlays and related mobility protocols, as well as to develop knowledge on emerging wireless broadband technologies. N.Crespi actively participated in the intERLab internab projects. The long-term objective of this OIF was to set, during this fellowship, the basis for a larger long-lasting scientific collaboration between European and Asian partners that should materialise in concrete research projects. In parallel to this project with Asian institute of technology (AIT), the 'Institut national des telecommunications, groupe des ecoles des telecommunications' (INT-GET) established a joint MSc degree, which started in August 2005, as well as a joint PhD degree and joint research laboratory. These joint actions were further consolidated with his return in INT during the second phase of the project in order to strengthen cooperation between the partners and contribute to a long-lasting collaboration.