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Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Korea-EU Science and Technology Cooperation Advancement Programme

Final Report Summary - KESTCAP (Korea-EU Science and Technology Cooperation Advancement Programme)

KESTCAP, the Korea EU Science and Technology Cooperation Advancement Programme, is based on the Science and Technology agreement signed between Korea and the EU, Nov 2006 and sought to; provide a platform to strengthen the S&T agreement between Korea and the EU; improve this cooperation by identifying S&T fields of common interests of Korea and the EU; set up a website and information help desks to respond to specific inquiries on existing opportunities and available funding instruments; contribute to the Korea-EU policy dialogue on science, technology, and innovation.

The specific objectives were to: Develop sustainable cooperation strategies; disseminate information and promote cooperation; and organise and support cooperative events between Korea and the EU. Work packages have been organised to ensure effective delivery of these objectives. They will create: a website portal to European-Korean S&T collaboration; an online database of researchers involved in interdisciplinary and collaborative EU-Korean research; information/help desk services for researchers seeking collaboration opportunities; networks of researchers involved in and interested in collaboration, and fora to share information and experiences; promotion of existing collaboration and opportunities for new collaboration; bilateral research networks to promote collaboration; and thematic networks in areas of mutual priority.

KESTCAP lasted 3 years and half (42 months), from July 15, 2008 to January 14, 2012, coordinated by NRF located in Seoul, Korea. The implementation strategy will use 3 key instruments: study, website, and fora. Events such as fora shall be organised in a 'top-down' manner and will be complemented by 'bottom-up' fora. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, MEST, shall be funding approximately half of the total budget. Three beneficiaries, NRF (coordinator), KIST-Europe and MEST (sponsor), involve with the KESTCAP: since the two organisations are located in Korea and Germany, the project could cover both areas by providing direct help desks and persons in charge as well.

KESTCAP was the first promotional program between Korea and EU that was created after the conclusion of the Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement between Korea-EU in 2006. It also acts as the basic mechanism for gaining the interest of Korean and European scientists and engineers and stimulating bilateral networks among them.

Project Context and Objectives:
The Agreement on S&T Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the European Community was signed on Nov 22, 2006 in Brussels to 'encourage, develop and facilitate cooperative activities in the areas of science and technology for peaceful purposes.' The basic principles of this Agreement include (a) Mutual and equitable contributions and benefits; (b) Mutual access of the research and technological development programmes, projects and facilities of each Party by visiting researchers of the other Party; (c) Timely exchange of information which may concern cooperative activities; (d) Promotion of a knowledge-based society for the benefit of an economic and social development of the Parties; and (e) Protection of intellectual property rights.

The Korean government has been increasing the budget for national R&D investments and its support for the international S&T cooperation through participation in bilateral/multilateral R&D programmes including the EU-FP. In compliance with the principles of the S&T cooperation agreement, the Korean government as a third country has been strongly supporting Korea-EU S&T cooperation, especially Korean researchers? participation in the EU-FP. As a result of these governmental endeavours, the Korea-EU S&T cooperation has improved significantly over the past several years- still Korea?s participation in the EU-FP has been rather inactive so far. (Statistics show that the number of Korean researchers that participated in the EU-FP5 & FP6 was 19.) The main reasons for this inactivity include vast differences in geographical location, the language barrier and a lack of information and mutual understanding. There is much more room to enhance sustainable cooperation between Korea and the EU not only by encouraging Korea?s participation in the EU-FP, but by even further galvanizing general Korea-EU S&T collaboration. To overcome the obstacles and provide the best solution for the advancement of cooperation between Korea and the EU, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) in coordination with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) of Korea and KIST-Europe in Germany proposes a cooperative framework of the Korea-EU Science and Technology Cooperation Advancement Programme (KESTCAP). KESTCAP is based on joint Korea-EU interest and aims at mutual benefit by strengthening the S&T agreement between Korea and the EU.

Recently, Korea has been working on and has achieved advancements in building a stronger relationship with the EU. The newly signed S&T agreement between Korea and the EU has been a huge step forward towards the end goal of complete cooperation between the two parties and the KESTCAP project seeks to further consolidate the forward progression by introducing the following concepts:
A. Provide a platform to strengthen the S&T agreement between Korea and the EU
B. Identify S&T fields of common interests to Korea and the EU
C. Contribute to the Korea-EU policy dialogue on science, technology, and innovation. (It refers to putting efforts on adjusting the priorities of S&T policies between Korea and the EU)
D. Focus mainly on technology areas and also add drivers that promote cooperation in innovation and serve as an impetus to promote mobility programmes and S&T policy frameworks at large.

The major objectives of KESTCAP are:
A. Develop sustainable S&T cooperation strategies
This is the starting point in Korea-EU S&T cooperation. By assessing the current S&T status in Korea and EU member states, cooperation opportunities will be identified and studying other countries' successful cases will provide a better guideline for S&T cooperation. That is, the result of the study will act as a stepping stone to devise strategies to promote S&T cooperation between Korea and the EU. The key output from this objective is thematic roadmaps for Korea-EU S&T cooperation.

B. Disseminate information and promote cooperation
Knowledge on Korea-EU S&T cooperation including researchers and institute information, R&D status of both parties, and bilateral/multilateral funding programmes is vital to initiate cooperative activities. Appropriate instruments to disseminate information, to raise awareness amongst Korean and European researchers and to galvanize S&T cooperation will be implemented. The main deliverable of this objective is the KESTCAP website. The website will be constructed in Month 7 and if necessary, renewed in Month 33; Contents in the website will be updated continuously throughout the project, providing R&D related information, grant opportunities and science & technology news.

C. Organise and support cooperative events between Korea and the EU
Cooperation platforms such as fora, seminars, and workshops will play a major role in facilitating networking activities between Korean and European researchers. The purpose of these events shall be to enhance the understanding of each other's R&D areas of expertise which will then lead to further cooperation. The experience, knowledge, and networks gained will be utilised to the utmost to build and strengthen the cooperation between Korean and European researchers. Furthermore, suggestions for practical and efficient joint funding mechanisms will be made in cooperation with Korean funding agencies, leading research labs, the private sector, and important stakeholders. The main deliverable derived from this objective is fora. The Consortium will organise five fora and support at least two cooperative events such as fora and visits.

KESTCAP, as an independent initiative, will support a formal process between Korea and the EU- giving timely feedback at annual joint S&T committee meetings through collectively pursuing the three objectives above. It also aims to reinforce industrial communities of science & technology to maximise the economic effect. It aims at market penetration and active economic exchange by promoting the joint research between researchers of both sides and industrialising study results.

Overall, KESTCAP has a clear vision and goal of what it hopes to achieve. KESTCAP focuses on further enhancing the cooperation between Korea and the EU.

Project Results:
A. Building infrastructure
a. Homepage
The KESTCAP website has been playing a pivotal role in disseminating information and promoting Korea-EU S&T cooperation. New call for proposal's information of EU FP7 and event information, and so on keep being uploaded. It shows that researchers are intensively interested in several specific contents, and we can plan how to reorganize the website. KESTCAP Website is in the renewal process to provide visitors with easy access and use since the existing website is considered inconvenient to access and a little complicating to directly obtain sufficient information on EU FP and Horizon 2020. As a leading organisation in cooperating with EU, NRF is now trying to make a portal website which contains every information regarding Korea-EU R&D cooperation from basic S&T to innovation areas so that researchers could get diverse information at one place. The English website would be renewed as well since they could easily get Korean R&D information and find their Korean partners through the portal website.

b. Online/Offline office and KESTCAP Desk
Information/help desks, which were set up at NRF in Korea and KIST-Europe in Germany, were also be an imperative physical instrument for disseminating information and raising awareness on Korea-EU cooperation programmes. The information/help desks are responsible for sharing information and dealing with inquiries about Korea-EU cooperation opportunities from researchers. Physical infrastructure such as setting project office and help desk was set up in the first period of the project and it has been operated by the NRF, while KIST-Europe serves European researchers in Germany during the entire project period. The Korean office will keep supporting Korea-EU researchers after the project ends.

c. Partnership and NCP
In order to strengthen the partnership between the consortium partners, at least three consortium meeting were held in Korea and the Europe. During the consortium meeting, the project process and timeline was cross-checked and the project direction was sometimes revised according to the current S&T situation.

Work Packages 1~5 were carried out under supervision and responsibility of a project coordinator, the NRF which was also acting as a Work package leader and a Secretariat. The project coordinator was supported and advised by the steering committee, the Working group (NCPs and FP advisers) and MEST, and also all information supported and advised were forwarded to two partners. The project coordinator and partners frequently had discussed through e-mail, telephone and meeting for mutual decision and corporate identity regarding the planned activities in the DoW. All activities, such as a meeting and events, workshop and deliverables, were discussed and decided with two partners. In addition, by selecting new Korean EU FP National Contact Point (NCP) in 11 areas started to promote Korea-EU joint activities, collect cutting-edge information & EU FP call information as well as to disseminate these information to the Korean researchers.

There was a big change of the project during the period. Three organizations were merged into the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) as of June 26, 2009: the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), the Korea Research Foundation (KRF) and the Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science and Technology (KICOS). At the begining, KICOS had proposed the application in 2008, and now it is NRF. Nevertheless, the relationship between the stakeholders was getting stronger in developing their own roles and activities each other.

D. Collecting Database
Having a various different kinds of events and conferences to disseminate EU FP7 and the importance of international cooperation with EU, NRF could accumulate several hundreds of Databases for Korean researchers who showed their earnest interests in working with EU. We also collected the Korean researchers? information through the online survey and list of subscribers registered at the KESTCAP homepage during the project period. In total, around 200 Korean researchers who agreed on distributing their personal information to the European researchers who like to work with them. The DB was also provided to European Embassies to Korea in order to help their researchers make a connection with eminent Korean researchers.

B. Producing Materials
a. Newsletters
During 3 years and half, 10 newsletters were sent to the Korean researchers interested in joining EU FP7 and EU R&D programmes including the subscribers registered at KESTCAP homepage, NCPs and conference & forum participants as well as government officers. At the first 4 newsletters contained the basic information of EU FP: What is EU FP7? How to apply and who can join? Who is going to provide fund for the Korean researchers? etc. It was linked to the a diverse websites regarding EU R&D programmes such as CORDIS.

b. Explanation Materials on EU FP7
- Online introduction of EU FP7
The basic information of EU FP7 was uploaded at the KESTCAP homepage as image files.
- Materials (Reports) on Korea-EU R&D Information
The purpose of the report was to introduce investment on Korean and European science and technology R&D and to give a direction of international cooperation and R&D of Korea by comparative analysis. The report on R&D Information of Korea and the EU was produced and regularly updated for three times. This materials aims is to introduce investment on Korean & European Science and Technology R&D and to give a guidelines for international cooperation and for R&D policies in Korea through comparative analysis.

- Materials (Reports) on Korea-EU R&D Programmes
The KESTCAP Materials on R&D Programmes of Korea & the EU aims to provide information about of both Korean and the EU R&D programmes. The purpose of this document is for researchers of both countries to have an easy access to the right information so that an appropriate support for the research can be done. This report covers information of programmes under the management of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE). Is enclosed general information about Korea investment on R&D but mainly information regarding the main cooperation programmes handled by Korean funding agencies such as the NRF, KIAT and KETEP. Detailing also the different budgets granted to those agencies to go through the R&D cooperation programmes in S&T. In addition, the European R&D programme, EU FP7 was explained as the representative R&D programmes of the EU followed by Horizon 2020.

c. Case Study Book
Case study book purpose is to show successful case of joint researches between EU and Korean researchers under the umbrella of EU FP7 programme. The book gives in the introduction detailed information about the criteria of eligibility to the EU FP programme, then it explain the programme structure and how to go through what kind of help can be personally provided to researchers through the role of NCPs. And the last part is about how to apply for it. 7 Korean research organisations participating in the EU FP7 tried to share their experiences by working with European partners under this programme. 5 groups has been funded by NRF while two from KIAT. Also, one European participant who has Korean partner of the EU FP consortium also provided us with his knowhow through the Casebook. The Korean version and English version were all published.

d. Proceeding Books
For the every event from Road show, information day to 5 Top-down forum, programme books containing presentation files and EU FP7 information (or Horizon 2020) were produced and distributed to the participants. All of the soft copies were uploaded at the KESTCAP homepage so that the Korean researchers could easily get EU FP information.
C. Research
The study was the basis for devising plans to galvanise the cooperation between Korea and the EU. Beginning with the current issue analysis of the two parties regarding RTD areas, funding programmes and major R&D areas of common interests between them was identified by using two important methodologies for analysis. The main purpose of this study is to find cooperative, specific S&T sub-areas in order to help both policy makers and researchers ready to carry out joint research with Korea or the EU understand the current situation for international cooperation better. Since developing a roadmap for Korea-EU future cooperation is one of the next steps as already discussed at the 3rd Joint Committee Meeting, it was essential to analyse the current cooperative areas between Korea and the EU. Two ways, quantitative analysis (Patent Map Analysis) and qualitative analysis (Field Survey) were utilised for this study. IT, NT and BT which are widely known as main areas to cooperate together were progressed at the both analysis, while Environment, Energy and Space Technology are only for the field survey. At the end of the strategy report, a few recommendations were listed up and described such as globalization of national R&D programmes, linking DBs of R&D Information in order for each party to know each other and launching Cooperation Programmes for R&D Commercialisation.

D. Promotion
a. Road Show
A series of road shows were organized to raise awareness of EU FP7 in Korea by introducing EU FP to Korean researchers and promoting local researchers? participation to EU FP. In 2008, four road shows were held. The purpose of the road shows was to introduce EU FP7 (overview, funding system, evaluation system) and the domestically available programmes for local researchers. In 2009, a forum was organized to explain EU FP. For this forum the Secretariat invited R&D administration managers of universities and researchers and explained practical know-how for successfully applying to EU FP and allowed participants to practice accessing the EU and KESTCAP homepages.

b. Information Days
In 2011, there were 4 Information Days, which is similar to Road show held in the first year. Beginning with a brief introduction of EU Framework Programme presented by NRF in the first session, the case of EU FP participation of experienced researchers was shared throughout the entire event. In the third session, the National Contact Point (NCP) introduced their roles and methods of helping Korean researchers involve themselves in EU FP.

E. Thematic Forum
The top-down Forum includes two categories of tasks: Top-down, where the Secretariat, with consultation from Working Groups, will organise fora alternately in Korea and Europe. And bottom-up, where the Secretariat will publish calls for fora and preparatory visits/meetings. The following is suggested areas that Korean and European researchers are expected to garner synergy from S&T areas (Information Technology, Bio Technology, Environment Technology, Nanotechnology, Energy, Space Technology, Fusion Technology), S&T policy and international cooperation, innovation, introduction to R&D cooperation programmes in Korea and the EU, and mobility programmes.

All participants of the forum, from the audience and invited guests to speakers, could have an opportunity to build up and expand networks with each other; The project organisers, hosts and researchers could better understand key issues in themes and up-to-date research trends: multidisciplinary between the areas to create a synergy effect; and The forum will contribute to establishing a firm foothold to advance the Korea-EU S&T Cooperation for the future.

b. Bottom-up Forum
The Bottom-up forum aims to provide Korean researchers with an opportunity to hold a forum between Korea and EU research group in order to make a chance for extending network. 10 groups out of 19 applicants were selected and funded around KRW 20,000,000 (approximately 12,500euros) each by NRF. Bottom-up forum is one of ways of promoting network among researchers in Korean and EU member states in an attempt to enhance cooperation on S&T fields with Top-down forum which is also included WP5. Top-down and Bottom-up network works in a reciprocal way that information and networks exchanged in the Top-down forum allows participants to take their interests further as holding their own forum or visits to identify and locate their mutual interests with counterparts. The Principle researchers should hold one cooperative forum with at least 2 European partners during the agreed period.

Potential Impact:
The 7th EU Framework Programme was about to start to fund R&D consortium with the world biggest funding pot, and it was very attractive programme not only for the European member countries but also the 3rd countries which considered R&D in S&T areas as national core strategy to boost their economy in future. Although since the EU FP7 is mainly focusing on EU member countries, it strongly emphasises international cooperation as well. In fact, international cooperation plays an increasingly important role in tackling the major European and global challenges. Increasing international collaboration is implemented by targeting third countries and fostering strategic Science & Technology (S&T) cooperation with key third countries such as Korea.

Before initiating KESTCAP in 2008, there was no proper way to promote excellence and importance of cooperation with EU with their funding scheme. Most of the Korean researchers could have a chance only when the European research partners whom he personally knows asked him to join their projects with his own funds. According to the regulation, Korean researchers are not allowed to get funds from the European commission at any EU research projects including EU FP7. Above all things, there was no enough information such as what ?EU FP7? is and how to join the projects even though the Korean government has started matching-funding to the Korean researchers who confirmed to join a consortium which succeeded in EU FP7.

As a result of KESTCAP, we could achieve our expectations such as;
1. Providing a platform to strengthen the S&T agreement between Korea and the EU
2. Identifying S&T fields of common interests to Korea and the EU
3. Contributing to the Korea-EU policy dialogue on science, technology, and innovation
4. Focusing mainly on technology areas and also add drivers that promote cooperation in innovation and serve as an impetus to promote mobility programmes and S&T policy frameworks at large.

Based on the activities above, wide range of cooperation efforts has stimulated networking between researchers of both parties. Many Korean researchers could firstly get to know EU FP7 and started to collect significant information on RTD programmes of EU through KESTCAP. Along with the steady increase in number of participating projects in the EU FP in Korea directly shows the project importance. Actually for the first year of KESTCAP, there were only 3 projects who participated in EU FP7 while there are 28 EU FP projects funded by NRF in 2011 (There are 16 ongoing projects at the same year).

First of all, KESTCAP contributed to expanding Korea-EU cooperation by setting agendas and implementing the governmental expectations for Joint S&T as a platform. In analysing the current status of cooperation between Korea and the EU, it could provide the up-to-date information for the all stakeholders from policy maker to respective researchers. In addition, by supporting each project through bottom-up forum, the project supported and attracted more cooperative activities between research institutes, universities and industries to produce tangible cooperation outcomes.

The KESTCAP targeted all researchers in Korea the EU in aiming at reinforcing industrial communities as well as basic researches. It tried to attract KIAT and MKE to the KESTCAP activities such as organizing information day together or presenting KIAT?s current international activities regarding EU at a couple of events under KESTCAP. As a leading organisation of Korea in cooperating with EU, KESTCAP also aims to reinforce industrial communities of science & technology to maximise the economic effect. With the activities, more Korean policy makers and researchers could easily understand the European system, create diverse networks and finally start to cooperate with EU.

Then, why was the KESTCAP quite meaningful in cooperating between Korea and the EU? We can take the 4 reasons into account as below. KESTCAP is,
1. The first joint-funding INCO project between Korea and the EU to improve S&T cooperation
2. The first project announcing the importance of EU FP7 and promoting its joint projects to the Korean researchers
3. The first project leading Korea-EU joint activities in accelerating Science & Technology and Research & Innovation areas
4. The first project identifying the specific areas for joint research of Korea-EU.

We can understand better the importance and impacts of the project by reviewing the activities carried out throughout the project. One of the main functions of KESTCAP is to collect current R&D information and new programmes (calls) and to distribute it to the researchers. By preparing online/offline window, more active communication was possible between governments and researchers. 8 times information day and 5 top-down forum created more chances for researchers to make new networks each other at the first level of future joint research.

KESTCAP is really a first step, first project for future cooperation between Korea and the EU. The efforts to promote EU R&D programmes and joint activities will continue after ending of the KESTCAP project. The portal website which provides entire information on Korea-EU RTC cooperation will be launched soon, and all outcomes conduced during the KESTCAP projects will be utilised and shared through the new homepage.

Project website: