The national report on consumer applications in Germany gives a general overview of the situation concerning existing and emerging consumer applications in Germany. It gathers together data about multimedia industry and marketplace in Germany. The study contributes to the explanation and understanding of the heterogeneous situation throughout Europe in the field of multimedia, and especially concerning consumer applications.
MAGPIE (Multimedia Action Groups - Planning Information for Europe) was a one-year programme of studies (starting in June 1996) into the current and evolving nature of the commercial context within which the European content industry is developing. MAGPIE was an initiative from the multimedia Action Groups NETwork (MAGNET), a working group which currently consists of Multimedia Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and equivalent organisations in thirteen European countries. SIG members come from all points in the multimedia value-chain, the creators of content materials and their agents, application developers and distributors as well as tool-providers, platform-suppliers and the end-users of multimedia services. MAGPIE is a response to their need to enhance their understanding of the structure, trends and future evolution of the European multimedia industry and marketplace. The MAGPIE accompanying action has delivered five trans-national studies and ten national surveys conducted by the six Europeam multimedia Special Interest Groups who are founder-members of the MAGNET Working Group, in conjunction with organisations from Finland, France, Germany and Luxembourg.
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