Final Report Summary - CHIEP-II (Strengthen Chilean European science and technology partnerships)
Executive Summary:
The CHIEP II project was implemented from July 2009 to December 2012 by its sole partner, the Chilean Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), which is also the Chilean scientific and technological (S&T) funding agency.
The project provided an intense support to enhancing cooperation between European and Chilean researchers through the following activities, among others:
1. Dissemination of opportunities of European Union (EU) funded projects for Chilean researchers, as well as opportunities for European researchers for doing research in Chile. Furthermore, emphasis was put on providing information for partner search of European researchers wishing to cooperation with Chilean peers. A search engine integrating three platforms and four thematic state of the art documents with data bases of Chilean researchers.
2. Enhance scientific cooperation between Chilean and European researchers in areas of mutual interest. In order to meet this objective, the CHIEP II project carried out three scientific missions and five scientific thematic workshops. The scientific missions provided the opportunity to visit research infrastructures and establish contacts in both Chile and Europe with a concrete impact reflected in joint Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) project proposals. The scientific thematic workshops focussed on provided an interesting framework for exchange of project ideas and funding opportunities between European and Chilean researchers.
3. Provide networking opportunities of Chilean national contact points (NCPs), FP7 project beneficiaries and staff of CONICYT. Though different seed funds, the CHIEP II project has funded the training of NCPs in Europe through the participation in NCP meetings and trainings, as well as the granting Chilean FP7 beneficiaries with the possibility to implement additional activities in the framework of their projects.
Through the development of these activities, the Liaison Office has positioned itself as the main gateway to cooperation with Europe and furthermore positively influenced researchers to present proposals in FP7 calls and other bilateral initiatives, as well as promoting the Chilean S&T opportunities for European researchers with a concrete impact in terms of funding. The direct link between the project and the national funding agency moreover has provided optimal conditions for the support of the political dialogue, the integration of the objectives of the project in the national S&T agenda and the possibility of jointly funding the support activities.
Project Context and Objectives:
CHIEP II (Grant Agreement 222705) is a bilateral project to support the political dialogue and enhancement of scientific and technological cooperation between Chile and the EU. The sole beneficiary of the project (CONICYT) is also responsible for the Chilean implementation of the scientific and technological cooperation agreement between Chile and the EU, signed in 2002 and renewed in January 2012. The agreement, together with the two bilateral CHIEP projects from 2006 to 2012, has contributed to a significant increase in the scientific cooperation between Chile and Europe as well as a considerable positioning of the Liaison Office in CONICYT as a gateway to S&T cooperation with Europe.
The CHIEP II project seeks to enhance the participation of Chilean researchers in the FP7, as well as the wide array of bilateral initiatives between European countries and Chile. Among the project activities and objectives, the following should be highlighted: Development of new information facilities and services to better identify and promote the creation of research partnerships; bilateral policy dialogues aiming at strengthening the EU - Chilean S&T partnerships by improving the existent collaboration schemes and identify new activities; scientific missions and thematic workshops in areas where Chile and Europe have mutual interests; as well as staff training to reinforce CONICYT's and the liaison office's capacities to provide solid advice and support to the Chilean research community.
Through important dissemination efforts, including national and international dissemination of documents and public info days targeted at research centres, universities, enterprises, public bodies and stakeholders, CHIEP II seeks to enhance awareness on cooperation opportunities between Chile and the EU.
Project Results:
Due to the fact that CHIEP II is a Coordination and Support Action, no scientific and technological results in form of publications and patents have been produced.
Potential Impact:
The impact of CHIEP II is focussed on the following points:
1. A very wide spread dissemination of the opportunities available within the project. In total, 43 dissemination events with more than 1 400 participants were carried out from 2010 to 2012. Furthermore, the website was visited by more than 36 000 people in 2001 and 2012, downloading almost 30 000 documents. Finally, the project produced 7 000 dissemination documents, which were distributed at events and meetings.
2. Through the CHIEP II project, both the Liaison Office at CONICYT and its role in bridging contacts with the European Framework Programmes has been established within the Chilean research community. This position has been used to establish a large network and become highly visible as a support office for the internationalisation of research in Chile, as well as to combine different instruments - bilateral and multilateral - in the support efforts.
3. Large enhancement of S&T cooperation between European and Chilean researchers is a direct impact of the project. Several of the participants in the activities of the projects continued cooperation through both European Commission (EC) and CONICYT funded S&T projects. In this sense, the CHIEP II project created a direct impact in both Chilean and European researchers, providing direct opportunities for joint research.
4. A potential impact is also related to the political dialogue, putting Europe on the Chilean research agenda and vice versa. The activities and enhancement of contacts at the political level has created awareness on the benefits and capacities of the bilateral research schemes, building upon the current mutual openness.
5. Research is inherently global, why the enhancement of S&T cooperation - which is the main objective and impact of the CHIEP II project - is a very strong potential benefit of the project. Coordinating the research and funding efforts on areas of joint interest such as renewable energies, astronomy, polar studies, environment and water management, just to mention a few, has a very large and future benefit, which will not end with the project.
6. Finally, the main project activities, such as thematic workshops and training schemes, will be continued by CONICYT in the future.
List of Websites:
The CHIEP II project was implemented from July 2009 to December 2012 by its sole partner, the Chilean Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), which is also the Chilean scientific and technological (S&T) funding agency.
The project provided an intense support to enhancing cooperation between European and Chilean researchers through the following activities, among others:
1. Dissemination of opportunities of European Union (EU) funded projects for Chilean researchers, as well as opportunities for European researchers for doing research in Chile. Furthermore, emphasis was put on providing information for partner search of European researchers wishing to cooperation with Chilean peers. A search engine integrating three platforms and four thematic state of the art documents with data bases of Chilean researchers.
2. Enhance scientific cooperation between Chilean and European researchers in areas of mutual interest. In order to meet this objective, the CHIEP II project carried out three scientific missions and five scientific thematic workshops. The scientific missions provided the opportunity to visit research infrastructures and establish contacts in both Chile and Europe with a concrete impact reflected in joint Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) project proposals. The scientific thematic workshops focussed on provided an interesting framework for exchange of project ideas and funding opportunities between European and Chilean researchers.
3. Provide networking opportunities of Chilean national contact points (NCPs), FP7 project beneficiaries and staff of CONICYT. Though different seed funds, the CHIEP II project has funded the training of NCPs in Europe through the participation in NCP meetings and trainings, as well as the granting Chilean FP7 beneficiaries with the possibility to implement additional activities in the framework of their projects.
Through the development of these activities, the Liaison Office has positioned itself as the main gateway to cooperation with Europe and furthermore positively influenced researchers to present proposals in FP7 calls and other bilateral initiatives, as well as promoting the Chilean S&T opportunities for European researchers with a concrete impact in terms of funding. The direct link between the project and the national funding agency moreover has provided optimal conditions for the support of the political dialogue, the integration of the objectives of the project in the national S&T agenda and the possibility of jointly funding the support activities.
Project Context and Objectives:
CHIEP II (Grant Agreement 222705) is a bilateral project to support the political dialogue and enhancement of scientific and technological cooperation between Chile and the EU. The sole beneficiary of the project (CONICYT) is also responsible for the Chilean implementation of the scientific and technological cooperation agreement between Chile and the EU, signed in 2002 and renewed in January 2012. The agreement, together with the two bilateral CHIEP projects from 2006 to 2012, has contributed to a significant increase in the scientific cooperation between Chile and Europe as well as a considerable positioning of the Liaison Office in CONICYT as a gateway to S&T cooperation with Europe.
The CHIEP II project seeks to enhance the participation of Chilean researchers in the FP7, as well as the wide array of bilateral initiatives between European countries and Chile. Among the project activities and objectives, the following should be highlighted: Development of new information facilities and services to better identify and promote the creation of research partnerships; bilateral policy dialogues aiming at strengthening the EU - Chilean S&T partnerships by improving the existent collaboration schemes and identify new activities; scientific missions and thematic workshops in areas where Chile and Europe have mutual interests; as well as staff training to reinforce CONICYT's and the liaison office's capacities to provide solid advice and support to the Chilean research community.
Through important dissemination efforts, including national and international dissemination of documents and public info days targeted at research centres, universities, enterprises, public bodies and stakeholders, CHIEP II seeks to enhance awareness on cooperation opportunities between Chile and the EU.
Project Results:
Due to the fact that CHIEP II is a Coordination and Support Action, no scientific and technological results in form of publications and patents have been produced.
Potential Impact:
The impact of CHIEP II is focussed on the following points:
1. A very wide spread dissemination of the opportunities available within the project. In total, 43 dissemination events with more than 1 400 participants were carried out from 2010 to 2012. Furthermore, the website was visited by more than 36 000 people in 2001 and 2012, downloading almost 30 000 documents. Finally, the project produced 7 000 dissemination documents, which were distributed at events and meetings.
2. Through the CHIEP II project, both the Liaison Office at CONICYT and its role in bridging contacts with the European Framework Programmes has been established within the Chilean research community. This position has been used to establish a large network and become highly visible as a support office for the internationalisation of research in Chile, as well as to combine different instruments - bilateral and multilateral - in the support efforts.
3. Large enhancement of S&T cooperation between European and Chilean researchers is a direct impact of the project. Several of the participants in the activities of the projects continued cooperation through both European Commission (EC) and CONICYT funded S&T projects. In this sense, the CHIEP II project created a direct impact in both Chilean and European researchers, providing direct opportunities for joint research.
4. A potential impact is also related to the political dialogue, putting Europe on the Chilean research agenda and vice versa. The activities and enhancement of contacts at the political level has created awareness on the benefits and capacities of the bilateral research schemes, building upon the current mutual openness.
5. Research is inherently global, why the enhancement of S&T cooperation - which is the main objective and impact of the CHIEP II project - is a very strong potential benefit of the project. Coordinating the research and funding efforts on areas of joint interest such as renewable energies, astronomy, polar studies, environment and water management, just to mention a few, has a very large and future benefit, which will not end with the project.
6. Finally, the main project activities, such as thematic workshops and training schemes, will be continued by CONICYT in the future.
List of Websites: