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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-28

Creating a CIRCLE by extending the BIO NCP network to Third Country NIPs


BIO CIRCLE will extend the network of National Contact Points for the FP7 theme “Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology” (BIO NCP) to National Information Points (NIP) from Third Countries over a two year period. The European Commission needs to implement the bilateral Scientific & Technological Agreements signed with Third Countries (TC), for increasing their participation in FAFB FP7 and strengthening the collaboration between European and TC researchers. The main focus of the project will be on identifying, sharing and implementing good practices between NCPs and NIPs. The expected results of BIO CIRCLE are: 1. Capacities built for Third Country BIO NIPs (through SWOT analysis, training of NIPs and twinning); 2. Strengthened consortium building in FAFB international cooperation projects (through mapping of Third Country research potential and the organisation of 2 international Brokerage Events); 3. Capacities built for Third Country Researchers to participate in FP7 (through preparation of specific training materials, training and networking with EU researchers); 4. Strengthened identification, development and sharing of Good Practices to enhance cooperation between the NCP and NIP networks (through 5 Regional Benchmarking Workshops, a Common Benchmarking Workshop and the design of a Good Practices Guide). The 6% of budget is foreseen to grant researchers from TCs to attend the 2 International Brokerage Events. The 5 BIO NCP partners of BIO CIRCLE led by APRE will assure the successful implementation of the project. The 18 NIPs partners of BIO CIRCLE will be embraced in this circle of activities aimed at ensuring quality and dynamism in implementing the Scientific & Technological Agreements between the EU and Third Countries. BIO CIRCLE will work in synergy with and be closely linked to the BIO-NET project, the complete NCP FAFB network.

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

CSA-SA - Support actions


Contribution de l’UE
€ 340 387,00
00184 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Contact administratif
Claudia Zurlo (Dr.)
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (21)