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The Cross Border Knowledge Bridge in the Renewable Energy Sources Cluster in the Eastern Slovakia and North Hungary

Final Report Summary - KNOWBRIDGE (The Cross Border Knowledge Bridge in the Renewable Energy Sources Cluster in the Eastern Slovakia and North Hungary)

Executive Summary:

The KNOWBRIDGE project was focused on 2 cross border administrative regions – Košice self-governing region (KSR) in Slovakia and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (BAZ) region in Hungary. The BAZ region is one of the less-favoured regions of Hungary with excellent educational and R&D potential but its utilisation require a change of its out-of-date industrial structures and infrastructure. It is bordering the Košice region in Slovakia and these two regions have very strong economic, social and geographical links. They are facing the same challenges in the field of competitiveness and innovation; therefore they search the best ways to accelerate the economic development. The main project objective was to increase the capacity and strengthen the research potential of both cross border and convergence regions by supporting the development of new innovative cross border research-driven cluster in the area of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and associating research entities, enterprises and regional authorities.

The specific objectives were primarily focused on the following activities and task within the RES sector in both regions in question: analysis, mentoring, integration of research agendas and definition of Joint Action Plan (JAP) for cross border research driven cluster and the development of business plans (BP) for the actions/projects chosen from those elaborated in JAP. The project objectives have been fulfilled through delivery of various deliverables. 11 reports focused on various aspects of RES and clusters, and 2 methodological toolboxes (for analysis and benchmarking, for JAP and BP preparation) served as the main inputs for the development of 3 main deliverables: JAP for cross border research driven cluster in RES sector in KSR and BAZ regions, Business Plans for Joint Action Plan for RES research driven cross border cluster and the document focused on Mutual Learning Models. For the awareness raising and dissemination of the project outputs and information about the project the project web site has been created ( and the number of various dissemination deliverables (leaflets, e-newsletters, printed newsletters, proceedings from 2 international conferences) were created and used.

The Knowbridge project partnership members:

• Office of Košice Self Governmental region, KSR, Slovakia
• Technical University of Košice, TUKE, Slovakia
• The Agency for the Support of Regional Development, ASRD, Slovakia
• Východoslovenská energetika a.s. VSE, Slovakia
• Solarklima, spol. s r.o. Solarklima, Slovakia
• Regional Development Agency of Northern Hungary, NORDA, Hungary
• Miskolc Holding Zrt., Hungary
• University of Miskolc, UoM, Hungary
• ENIN Ltd., Hungary
• Nagy-ferenczi Ltd., Hungary
• Envirolink Northwest Ltd., UK
• CARTIF, Spain
• ZTSVVU, Slovakia

The planned duration of the project was 36 months – from June 2009 until May 2012 was extended for 6 months and the total project duration was 42 months. The KNOWBRIDGE was finished in November 2012. All its planned objectives were reached and the planned deliverables were submitted.

Project Context and Objectives:

When looking at the map of Europe and EU, the regions of Eastern Slovakia and Northern Hungary show some very similar features from the geographical point of view. Being located at the eastern border of European Union, i.e. on its eastern periphery, indicates naturally an assumption of their economic handicap based on accessibility to markets, economic centres of gravity. Location on the eastern (Schengen border today) means not only geographic kind of border. This border has its political, historical, cultural, religious attributes and perhaps any kind of viewpoint would show an impact of the border on the reference regions from the European perspective. The development on the eastern border at the beginning of the 21st century must be seen and connected with the development in the European Union. EU integration was generally accepted as the only reasonable solution for both countries. Position of the Eastern Slovakia and Northern Hungary in the economic ranking of the European regions can be explained to high extent by the influence of the eastern border as a barrier and their peripheral, limiting current developmental powers of to one, west course only. Moreover, both regions of Eastern Slovakia and Hungary are located within two different European states of Slovakia and Hungary – i.e. the second additional barrier factor of north-south border exist between the East of Slovakia and Hungary.

There are several open questions in respect of the integration influence on cross-border regions. Optimistic economic opinion would expect integration benefits at a regional level, including regional integration. Nevertheless, there are a number of other factors or barriers respectively, hindering integration at regional level between two bordering states. In the case of Hungarian and Slovak regions, on the circumstances of EU integration process, border between the regions of Hungary and Slovakia (i.e. between two countries from former one Soviet-imposed Communist political-economic system, as members of the economic union CMEA - Council of Mutual Economic Assistance) relations exist. The former barrier might be considered as higher obstacle of cooperation. Nevertheless, what might be more surprising, also in the case of the regions of the latter relation, cross-border cooperation between two former countries of CMEA was not a priority of the formerly centrally planned economies. The economic cooperation was only typical among big companies and big centres, not between nearby locations and the member countries lived their „separated lives“(Hunya G., Telegdy A., 2003). CMEA was dissoluted in 1991 accompanied with decline in trade among the former CMEA members and economic orientation to western economies.

Košice Self-governing Region (KSR) and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén region (BAZ region)have both a tradition of heavy industry, the former one is known for VSŽ metallurgical complex in Košice (U.S. Steel today) and the latter one used to be called "the Ruhr Area of Hungary" as the most important centres of heavy industry were Miskolc, Ózd, Tiszaújváros and Kazincbarcika. The economic situation might be qualified as follows:

For the KSR region

Area: 6 752 km2
Population (2006): 773 086
Number of settlements: 440
Capital city: Košice
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, EUR (2005): 6 016 EUR
Regional GDP per head in PPS at current prices EU27=22 400 (2005): 11 423
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, as % of EU27=100 (2005): 51%
Average gross wage per month (2007): 561 EUR

For the BAZ region

Area: 7 247 km2
Population: 734 341
Number of settlements: 357
Capital city: Miskolc
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, EUR (2005): 5 808 EUR
Regional GDP per head in PPS at current prices EU27=22 400 (2005): 9 484
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, as % of EU27=100 (2005): 42, 3%
Average gross wage per month (2007): 576 EUR

The project partly builds on the results of “NORRIS – North Hungary and Košice Bilateral Regional Innovation Strategy Project”, EC funded project implemented in both regions. The key document of the NORRIS project is the “Interregional innovation strategy of Northern Hungary and of the Košice region 2008 -2013” with an aim to increase competitiveness of the both regions and to support the cross-border regional and economic cohesion. The cross-border RIS is a unique initiative within the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) projects undertaken with support from the European Commission. The NORRIS project contributed to promoting cooperation, breaking down barriers and encouraging trans-regional learning, furthermore opening new areas of transnational activities and exploiting the existing capacities on a more efficient, integrated way. The preparation of the common RIS (2005-2007) represented a unique opportunity to test and implement the RIS process in the cross border environment. Within the cross border RIS the cross regional priorities have been identified. One of the priorities is a support of the cross border clusters and RES. In Slovakia and Hungary the projects for creation clusters have been prepared and both cluster initiatives are on-going. Regional authorities in both cross border regions have approved RIS. That is why the KNOWBRIDGE project has not only built on the results of previous EC funded projects (e.g. NORRIS, COGNAC) moreover it has shifted the chances for further economical development in both regions to research driven ones.

The following initiatives (projects) have been agreed in the interregional innovation strategy:

 Establishing cross-border Regional Innovation Agency – Regional Innovation Centre
 Establishing of two cooperating R&D institutions Science Park (HU) – High Tech Park (SK).
 Establishing of energetic interregional cluster

In the light of the previous arguments the KNOWBRIDGE project was built in coherence with the priorities and considered as one of the three agreed initiatives of the cross-border HU-SK region. That has implied support of the both regional authorities, interest of the private companies operating in the RES branch and finally, interest of the research and development institutions. This has been a good basis for triple helix concept of forming interregional RES cluster. The choice of the partners of the project has been carefully done to use existing R&D potential in RES, to guarantee the research driven activities in the cross-border context.

The territory of a cross-border cluster (KSR and BAZ) has remarkable potential in the area of exploitation regarding renewable energy sources. This territory has - from the natural resources point of view - significant utilizable potential, especially in the field of solar, geothermal and biomass energy. Wind and hydraulic energy offer additional, complementary opportunities in the area of exploitation of renewable energy sources.

The main objective of the project Knowbridge was to increase the capacity and strengthen the research potential of both cross border and convergence regions by supporting the development of new innovative cross border research-driven cluster in the area of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and associating research entities, enterprises and regional authorities. KNOWBRIDGE specific objectives were:

 to develop Join Action Plan (JAP) for cross border research driven cluster in order to increase regional economic competitiveness through research and technological development activities in the area of RES in cross border context;
 to foster cross border cooperation and to increase the overall capacities of regional players in Northern Hungary and Eastern Slovakia by enhancing science and technology based development in cross border context;
 to maximise the benefits of research infrastructures for cross border and regional economic development;
 to improve links and enhance common partnership of regional authorities, research entities and business community in national and EU initiatives in 2 cross border regions;
 to promote development of specific goals for regional and cross border RTD policies;
 to exploit synergy between regional, national and Community programmes for research and economic development in cross border environment and to maximise the potential for a successful involvement of regional actors in European research projects;
 to enhance trans-national, including cross-border and inter-regional mutual learning of regional actors in developing research driven clusters;
 to mentor regions with a less developed research profile by more experienced partners through mutual exchange of experience and best practices
 to promote reduction of CO2 emissions in two cross border regions

The specific objectives stated above were primarily focused on analysis, mentoring, integration of research agendas and definition of Joint Action Plan and Business Plan.

The project was implemented by the carefully built project consortium, which consisted of 13 members with respect of all areas necessary for research driven economical development in the region achievement. Also the geographical point of view is taken into account since KNOWBRIDGE project aims to cross border research driven cluster promotion. The KNOWBRIDGE project consortium included:

 Regional authorities represented by Office of Kosice self governmental region (SK) and NORDA (HU)
 Research institutions represented by Technical University of Kosice (SK) and University of Miskolc (HU)
 Business Entities in the area of RES represented by the different type of institutions: VSE (SK) which represents the large company, Solarklima (SK), ZTSVVU (SK) and NagyFerenci (HU) that are SMEs, ENIN (HU) that represents the environmental cluster.
 Business Support Organisations represented by Miskolcholding (HU), and ASRD (SK)
 Two experienced partners are represented by technological park in Spain – CARTIF and not for profit cluster organisation Envirolink from UK.

The overall project consortium was well balanced and assured the project goals fulfilment at the required quality level.

Project Results:

The project was divided into 9 working packages (WP), out of which WP1 and WP9 were focused on managerial and quality issues and enabled smooth and efficient project activities implementation and high quality deliverables elaboration. The remaining WPs were focused respectively on:

• WP2: Methodological and reference frameworks and methodological tools
• WP3. Analysis and integration of research agendas of cross border cluster
• WP4. Benchmarking and good practices transfer
• WP5. Definition of Joint Action Plan (JAP)
• WP6. Definition of Business Plans (BPs)
• WP7. Mentoring and Mutual Learning

Within WP3 and WP4 analysis and reports for further work within WP5, WP6, WP7 and WP8 were prepared. WP5 and WP6 were devoted to JAP and BPs for RES cross border research driven cluster design. WP7 was focused on mentoring and mutual learning. WP8. Dissemination and Awareness Raising was aimed to guarantee full use of dissemination and exploitation opportunities of KNOWBRIDGE project results. Within all WPs various deliverables were prepared and were used and disseminated either at confidential, restricted or public dissemination level. In the following parts the overview on the most important S&T results of the project KNOWBRIDGE.

D2.2 Methodological toolbox for analysis and benchmarking

The aim of this deliverable was to present concrete structure and content for each deliverable mentioned below and cover all needed areas. When taking into account the aims and structure of the deliverable there were three types of deliverable structure:

 Research structured deliverables - methodology has been prepared for the following deliverables:

- D3.2. Report on RTD, RTD infrastructures, R&D institutions and business entities on regional level with direct impact on selected sector.
- D3.3. Report on technological development in RES sector.
- D3.4 Report on capacity for knowledge creation, transfer and use in RES sector.

 II. Guideline structure deliverable – contains step-by step guideline for using particular tools or methods.

- D 4.5. SWOT analyse in RES sector.

 III. Content structured deliverables –provides recommended content of the deliverable.

- D 4.2. –D 4.4 Reports on best practices and trends in the area of:

 national and regional economic and technological development focused on RES sector
 national and regional RTD support policies; financial tools and approaches for RTD funding
 knowledge creation, transfer between business entities and research entities, in particular SMEs through networking

- D8.5. Report on energy efficient technologies.
- D8.6. Report on energy solution responding to SMEs specific energy demands in the region.
- D8.8. Report on research in the area of energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy technologies.

D2.3 Methodological toolbox for JAP and BP

The methodology consists of two main chapters. The first one is dedicated to the Methodology for the JAP preparation and the second one to the Methodology of the Business Plan preparation. Both describe in details the specific steps and successive activities that need to be done in order to prepare a successful JAP and BP but they also provide a framework of required inputs, timelines, responsibilities and applicable measures and basic theoretical knowledge for better understanding of these specific steps.

D3.1 List of data needed for benchmarking process reflects the methodology for benchmarking presented within deliverable D2.2 - Methodological toolbox for analysis and benchmarking and is based on deliverable D4.1 where benchmarking indicators were presented. The purpose of D3.1 was to verify accessibility, consistency and comparability of these indicators for all regions included in to Knowbridge project. The aim of D3.1 report is therefore to provide all collected data needed for benchmarking process. Data provided in this report were verified according to their accessibility, consistency and comparability.

D3.2 Report on RTD, RTD infrastructures, R&D institutions and business entities on regional level with direct impact on selected sector helps to find opportunities for improving current situation in RES sector in KNOWBRIDGE partner regions. The aim was to describe existing RTD support framework in less developed countries and regions (Slovakia, Hungary). The report focuses also on demand of institutions for new technologies and human resources which would noticeably increase theirs research capacity. The report describes the available financial sources both public and private, which can be used for funding the RTD activities within the partner regions. Report on RTD, RTD infrastructures, R&D institutions and business entities on regional level with direct impact on selected sector is built based on D2.2 Methodological toolbox for analysis and benchmarking.

The research for the D3.2 preparation has been undertaken in two regions at NUTS III level:

 Košice region
 BAZ region

The research was divided into three main parts:

 Part I: Research on RTD and RTD infrastructures
 Part II: Research on R&D institutions
 Part III: Research on business entities

D3.3 Report on technological development in RES sector describes the technological development in partner regions and compares it with the technological development in the EU and the world. It also helps to describe and compare the economic development policies in partner regions. Analyses integrated in the report are focused also on research in the area of energy-efficient technologies.

The D3.3 is the output of several analyses carried out in WP3 Analyses and Integration of Research Agenda of Cross Border Cluster. It is build mainly on:

 Analyses of the technology development in the area of RES
 Analyses of the situation in the area of economic development policies in RES

The research was undertaken in two regions on NUTS III level: Košice region and BAZ region and divided into two main parts:

 Part I: Research on technology development
 Part II: Research on economic development policies

The purpose of this current report was also to provide information about the availability and research orientation of R&D institutes in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County and Kosice Selfgoverning Region.

D3.4 Report on capacity for knowledge creation, transfer and use in RES sector is the output of the several analyses carried out in WP3 Analyses and Integration of Research Agenda of Cross Border Cluster. It is built mainly on:

 Analyses of the regional capacity for knowledge creation, transfer and use in RES sector;
 Analyses of the level of social capital and networking in RES sector.

The research was undertaken in two regions on NUTS III level:Kosice region and BAZ region

The research was divided into two main parts:

 Part I: Research on knowledge creation, transfer and use, in order to analyse:

- the knowledge creation, use and transfer in selected regions with focus on RES sector;
- Human Resources (HR) and Human Resource Development (HRD) in selected regions with focus on RES sector;
- the regional needs in the area of knowledge creation, transfer and use and education for the RES sectors enhancement (firms, public sector,NGOs…).

 Part II: Research on social capital and networking, in order to analyse

- the structure, types and principles of existing partnerships and networks in the area of RES in SK-HU selected regions;
- the effects and influence of partnerships and networks for regional development in RES sector in SK-HU selected regions;
- the barrier and obstacles for partnerships and networks in RES sector enhancement;
- the possibilities for further clustering in RES sector.

D4.1 List of benchmarking indicators

The aim of this report is to provide a list of accessible and comparable benchmarking indicators for each researched area. This is of significant importance as data must be comparable and consistent as well developed countries are to be benchmarked with less developed ones. Benchmarking indicators were proposed and then accessibility of data assessed for each region included in the Knowbridge project:

 BAZ Region - North Hungary
 Košice Region – East Slovakia
 Castilla y León Region – Spain
 Northwest UK Region – UK

Sources for this data were also assessed and are indicated in this report. As a result of this, the benchmarking indicators were split into three groups:

 Eurostat data
 Regional research data
 Policy Focus Table data

D4.2 Report on best practices and trends in the area of national and regional economic and technological development focused on RES sector

The aim of this deliverable is to describe the best practice and trends in the area of national and regional economic and technological development focused on RES sector.

Regional and Local governments are becoming increasingly involved in economic development programs: government-supported programs seek to increase local jobs or the local tax base by measures such as providing assistance to individual businesses. This report aims to provide a brief overview of economic and technological development policies and an overview the scope of economic and technological development programs and recommendations. Amongst the questions policy makers have to address are

 What is the role of national/regional governments versus other groups in economic and technological development policy formation
 What activities should be included under the label of economic and technological development policies for the RES sector
 How much resources are to be devoted to economic and technological development
 Under what circumstances are economic and technological development programmes most likely to enhance the fiscal health of a region
 What can be done to enhance the benefits of economic and technological development in increasing the quantity and quality of jobs emerging form the RES sector
 What “market failures” might justify national/regional assistance to individual businesses?
 What programs are most effective in attracting new RES business to a region and retaining existing businesses
 What programs are most effective in promoting RES sector business start-up and expansions
 What programs are most effective in developing relevant RES technologies oriented businesses
 How should economic and technological development for the RES sector be organised
 How can economic and technological policies and programmes be evaluated

At the heart of this report are the core themes of

 Participation in policy formation
 Adoption of the Triple Helix approach
 Putting industry in the lead
 A simplified approach to business support – regardless of whether it is economic and technological developments, RTD support policies, funding and financial tools, knowledge creation, transfer and SME networking. As part of the research for this report a number of expert institutions operating at regional, national and international levels have been investigated

D4.3 Report on best practices and trends in the area of national and regional RTD support policies; financial tools and approaches for RTD funding

The approach adopted to produce this report has focused on identification and description of the differences identified within the benchmarking process which went part way to identify the main differences within knowledge creation, transfer between business entities and research entities, in particular SMEs through networking and based on these differences, this part of the report will identify and describe the best practices for each area.

Best practice were identified and described on the basis of secondary information e.g. studies, reports, research articles etc as the benchmarking process identified some of the differences in approaches of the RES sector funding between Košice and BAZ region (as developing regions) and regions in UK and Spain (as well developed regions).

This best practice identification process described the tools used for RES sector funding for RTD support policies; financial tools and approaches for RTD funding within regions in Spain and UK in details and it is hope that it provides an insight into what has worked in other regions of the European Union.

Each project partner was asked to identify the key policies relevant to the area being investigated and then to survey RES sector SMEs to ask their knowledge and opinion of each as delivered by

 Administration
 R&D institutions
 Support Institutions
 NGOs

Each partner carried out a survey of key stakeholders within the RES sector using a variety of techniques involving on line surveys, telephone surveys, one to one interviews and focus groups.

D4.4 Report on best practices and trends in the area of knowledge creation, transfer between business entities through networking

The aim of this deliverable is to describe the best practice and trends in the area of knowledge creation, transfer between business entities and research entities, in particular SMEs through networking. The approach adopted to produce this report has focused on identification and description of the differences identified within the benchmarking process which went part way to identify the main differences within knowledge creation, transfer between business entities and research entities, in particular SMEs through networking and based on these differences, this part of the report will identify and describe the best practices for each area.

Best practices were identified and described on the basis of secondary information e.g. studies, reports, research articles etc as the benchmarking process identified some of the differences in approaches of the RES sector funding between Košice and BAZ region (as developing regions) and regions in UK and Spain (as well developed regions).

Each project partner was asked to identify the key policies relevant to the area being investigated and then to survey RES sector SMEs to ask their knowledge and opinion of each as delivered by

 Administration
 R&D institutions
 Support Institutions
 NGOs

D4.5 SWOT analyses in RES sector

The individual and collective analyses across the regions built on the benchmarking indicators delivered in WP 4.1 – WP4.4. The task of the regional working groups was to join, interpret and summarize their collected information and from that develop a SWOT for each region and then cross region using a simple ranking system. Finally, the regional SWOT were joined in a matching matrix among regions in order to identify common topics, regional discrepancies, outstanding strengths and joint questions.

SWOT analyses in the KNOWBRIDGE project aims to identify the position of a research driven RES sector in Košice and BAZ regions and also to identify the potential strengths and opportunities of cross-border cluster and areas that need further development and provide averages of the SWOT analyses to support the JAP preparation.

There were two main target areas for the KNOWBRIDGE project SWOT analyses:

 BAZ region as a geographical area with its main regional authorities
 Košice region as a geographical area with its main regional authorities

There are three main themes for the KNOWBRIDGE project SWOT analyses:

 RTD and economic development policies and RDT funding opportunities for an effective RES sector;
 Technology utilisation in an effective RES sector;
 Knowledge creation, transfer and use for an efficient and effective RES sector.

The approved methodology designed as WP2.2 Methodological Toolbox for Analysis and Benchmarking required that this process should prepare three types of SWOT analyses for:

 BAZ region;
 Košice region;
 Cross regional (BAZ and Košice region).

It also specified that for the KNOWBRIDGE project the SWOT should comprise three steps again each with a prescribed process:

 Step 1. Internal and external analyses and SWOT profile construction: For this step an analysis and evaluation of internal strengths and weaknesses and of opportunities and threads in the external environment that could influence (in a positive or negative way) the creation of a RES situation of the region
 Step 2. Relationship matrix development: In order to increase the objectivity of the identified Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats the methodology required that a relationship matrix was created in order to establish internal abilities of the region to relation to the changes in the external environment
 Step 3. Selection of actions for JAP: On the basis of the average relationship matrices a basic development strategy to support the development of the JAP was to be created and is shown below

D5.4 JAP for cross border cluster in RES sector was developed through the Tasks 5.1 to 5.3 outputs and includes all the key outcomes of the previous tasks. The KNOWBRIDGE team developed 43 project proposals according to the development topics and priorities carried out in the clean energy JAP, with a strong sector division. In the JAP, 5 groups according to the topic, objective and the position of the project on the innovation chain have been set up:

 Group 1 (16 actions)

- Topic: Realization of RES and EE projects (solar resources, geothermal resources, biomass and bio-fuels and municipal waste, energy efficiency projects)
- Innovation chain position: Research and innovation

 Group 2 (14 actions)

- Topic: Realization of RES and EE projects (solar resources, geothermal resources, biomass and biofuels and municipal waste, energy efficiency projects)
- Innovation chain position: Infrastructure development

 Group 3 (6 actions)

- Topic: Preparation of case studies, feasibility studies, researches for the realization of RES and EE demonstration project in the cross border region
- Innovation chain position: Research and innovation

 Group 4 (5 actions)

- Topic: Realization of “soft” project targeting the establishment of a research driven RES cluster, transformation the way of thinking of the inhabitants and the establishment of the basis of a green lifestyle
- Innovation chain position: Market transformation and expansion

 Group 5 (2 actions)

- Topic: Education and trainings for workforce and transformation of the education system
- Innovation chain position: Talent and workforce development

The JAP takes into account the complementariness between the proposed actions and the EC regional policy programmes of the cross border regions concerned. The draft JAP was reviewed by the partners and the experts and it was finalised on the basis of the comments and recommendations.

D6.1 Study on possibilities of financing of the selected actions a comprehensive study was prepared with the presentation of the different project types, financing options and the possible funding schemes between 2007-2013 and also 2014-2020. As a last chapter, the documents contain a summary table of the funding schemes. The aim of this Study in the framework of the KNOWBRIDGE project was to collect the possible funding schemes to finance the selected Actions from the Joint Action Plan (JAP) and to select and highlight the optimal alternative for each of the Actions. focus on Public Finance Mechanisms and subsidies as these are in most cases the optimal financial options for most of the actions identified in the Knowbridge Action Plan.

D6.3 Business Plan which is an umbrella document, containing the 6 Business Plans of the actions selected from all actions given by D5.4 JAP. The Business plan built in such a way can serve as the effective tool inn both relevant regions in order to

 accelerate the transformation of project ideas from EU-funded research project to specific project proposals implemented in the target regions;
 form the basis of further cooperation projects and activities between the participating actors from both countries.

In the framework of the Joint Action Plan (D5.4 prepared as a main deliverable in Work Package 5) 36 actions have been identified and listed under 5 priorities and 5 development topics.

The development topics are:

 Geothermal resources -supply side
 Biomass and biofuels and municipal waste-supply side
 Solar resources-supply
 Energy efficiency in buildings-demand side
 Market development- cross –topic

The priorities are:

 A.- research and innovation
 B.- talent a workforce development
 C.- entrepreneurship and investment
 D.- manufacture, supply chain and infrastructure
 E.- market transformation and expansion

The actions were identified by the Slovakian and Hungarian project partners and cover all the development topics and priorities.

D7.7 Mutual learning models This deliverable has aimed at creation of the conditions for a fruitful mentoring and mutual learning in the frame of a cross border cluster after the termination of the project. Specifically, a cross border cluster in the field of the renewable energy sources (RES) sector for two regions: Kosice Self-governing Region in Slovakia and Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen region in Hungary. This deliverable uses information gathered during the activities held on this WP, but also uses valuable data of previous WPs, mainly the WP3 “Analysis and integration of researchagendas of cross border cluster” and the WP4 “Benchmarking and good practices transfer”. The deliverable is structured in three chapters with the following contents:

 The chapter 1, “Business cluster”, gives some general information on business clusters, aiming to ensure that some basic ideas on this issue are known by all potential users of this deliverable.
 The chapter 2, “mutual learning and mentoring”, briefly gathers some basic notions on mutual learning and mentoring that allows introducing the terminology used in this deliverable.
 The chapter 3, “models for mutual learning”, establishes a set of practices and tools to facilitate and improve the mutual learning processes within a transnational intercluster.

D8.5.Report on energy efficient technologies and D8.6 Report on energy solution responding to SMEs specific energy demands in the region. The reports are devoted to the general public and served as the tools for awareness raising

 D8.5 The aim is to meet the increasing energy requirements of the regional actors in the most efficient ways.
 D8.6 is responding to SMEs specific energy demands in the region.

D8.8 Report on research in the area of energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy technologies This report provides an overview of all research institutes that perform research in the area of energy efficient technologies and renewable energy technologies in two cross-border convergence regions - Košice Self-Governing Region in Slovakia and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Region in Hungary – in order to be able to find the most suitable research institute and expertise while looking for specific energy-saving solutions or alternative energy technologies for your business. The aim of this report is to summarize the results, findings of the following reports that were prepared by the universities based on primary and secondary research.

Potential Impact:

The Knowbridge project by its activities contributed to the main task of the "Regions of Knowledge" initiative: to increase the overall capacity of regional players and foster science and technology-based economic development, by better integrating research to the regional innovation strategies.

The project has strong bilateral nature and the main tasks have been undertaken in both regions (e.g. analysis; benchmarking; dissemination and awareness raising) and the cross border aspect was taken into account during project implementation in order to to produce equivalent results and ensure comparability at each step of the process, even if things are not completely comparable, because of different cultural settings, languages, answer bias, attitudes.

The Knowbridge project has proven to respond to a real need in the both targeted cross border regions BAZ and Kosice regions. Based on the feedback obtained at the majority of the dissemination activities devoted to industry, universities, public administration bodies and NGOs we can already assume the project constituted the good basis for mutual learning and transfer of knowledge as well as for the establishment and development of the cross border research driven cluster.

The cooperation with the advisory panel and the dissemination activities devoted to industrial players as well as the in site visits served as a proxy for the formative assessment whether the project effectively responded to the needs of the business communities on the both SK and HU sides of the countries’ border. In principle, good quality methodology delivered within the WP2(Methodological toolbox for analysis and benchmarking, and Methodological toolbox for JAP and BP) as well as analyses and reports prepared and delivered within the WP3 and WP4 (List of data needed for benchmarking process, Report on RTD, RTD infrastructures, R&D institutions and business entities on regional level with direct impact on selected sector, Report on technological development in RES sector, Report on capacity for knowledge creation, transfer and use in RES sector, List of benchmarking indicators, Report on best practices and trends in the area of national and regional economic and technological development focused on RES sector, Report on best practices and trends in the area of national and regional RTD support policies; financial tools and approaches for RTD funding, Report on best practices and trends in the area of knowledge creation, transfer between business entities and research entities, in particular SMEs through networking, SWOT analyse in RES sector) provided useful information and knowledge on R&D capacities in RES sector in both relevant regions. On the other hand they provide the clearer picture of business needs and demand for innovation and clustering initiative in Kosice and BAZ regions.

In terms of the short term impact, already during the project life cycle, immediate result of the improved intra-regional as well as cross border communication among the key players (Triple Helix) – public administration bodies, businesses and research communities has occurred. Another part of the immediate impact of the project: through its deliverables project Knowbridge interconnected R&D capabilities and industry needs in the both cross border regions with the regional innovation strategies: in particular it was done within two deliverables: JAP for cross border cluster in RES sector and Business plan. Moreover, JAP developed within the Knowbridge project was focused not only on the contents of the actions but also on the methods and instruments for funding them from the various sources at different levels. This brings the better chance of success of the developed BPs in the near future.

Another, very important short to medium term impact can be seen in the field of mentoring and mutual learning where the deliverable Mutual learning models was prepared. This deliverable has aimed at creation of the conditions for a fruitful mentoring and mutual learning in the frame of a cross border research driven cluster after the termination of the project. Specifically, a cross border cluster in the field of the renewable energy sources (RES) sector for two regions: BAZ and Kosice regions.

Within the dissemination activities and during the process of various project deliverables development another type of the Knowbridge project impact has been noticed, in terms of the an improved level of knowledge about the clusters and clustering initiatives, management of the clusters, formal and informal knowledge exchanges among the various partner organizations, the enhancement of expertise and competence in the regional authorities involved.

The most important potential impacts of the Knowbridge project are: better inter-regional cross border collaboration through the research driven cluster in the RES sector, improved strategic vision in the cluster area; access to a pool of complementary competencies; formation of new, long-term relationships with clusters at the EU level, stronger knowledge transfer between research organisations and business, improvement in the strategy making process; improved and more efficient communication channels among the key players – cross border regional actors in the triple helix; increased awareness of the necessity of the cross border collaboration within the RES sector

The project has had positive impacts in terms of strengthening the participants’ international networks and collaboration with a wide range of different organisations in regions abroad. This type of impact has been reached mainly through the in site visits as well as the various types of workshops and international conferences organized during the project. These partnerships are at the core of a potential sustainability of the benefits of the Knowbridge projects.

Project Knowbridge has not only contributed to the increase of collaboration, but also it has helped to develop long-lasting trust-based relationships among the regional key players involved, which might lead in the near future to closer collaborations around narrower topics with some of the partners involved.

However, we have to admit, that it is too early to identify medium and/or long term impacts. The project Knowbridge set the fundaments for future impacts to occur in terms of an enhancement of regional economic competitiveness through research and technological development activities in the RES sector.

The objective of the KNOWNBRIDGE project haas been to increase the capacity and to strengthen the research potential of two cross border and convergence regions by supporting the development of new innovative cross border research-driven cluster in the area RES and associating research entities, enterprises and regional authorities. In order to fulfil this aim the engagement with stakeholders outside the network and public at large was necessary. The involvement of all relevant users and other stakeholders has allowed spreading excellence achieved during the project implementation and enhances the exploitation of the project results. In order to disseminate knowledge gained during the project life and to exploit them the Work package focused on dissemination and awareness raising has been implemented.

In order to reach the target audience and regional stakeholders efficiently the project outputs and outcomes were disseminated at 4 levels:

- Internally: dissemination at the level of project partners‘ organisations
- Locally and regionally: dissemination at the local and regional levels of Kosice and BAZ regions
- Nationally: dissemination at the national level in the project partners’countries – Slovakia, Hungary, Spain, and UK
- Internationally: dissemination at the EU level

The most important dissemination activities are:

- Regional workshops for wider public to spread the information about the project and its resulsts to the wider public
- Consensus building workshops for key experts and regional players in both regions were held in order to achieve mutual agreement and high level of JAP acceptance
- 2 international conferences organised within the project dedicated to the awareness raising, presentation of attained results, working models, best practices transfer, transfer of knowledge, trends. The representatives of all regional players took part (business entities, R&D institutions, universities, representatives of local and regional authorities, business support institutions including financial one, experts in the area of RES etc.). The conference proceedings were elaborated and published.
- Project website with public for the further dissemination of the project results and information about the project and passworded sections (used as a managerial tool during the project implementation.
- Newsletters preparation and distribution: two printed newsletters and two e-version newsletters were prepared with the aim to spread information as widely as possible. They were prepared in both Hungarian and Slovak languages in order to better reach the wider audience.
- Other promotion materials: Three different leaflets were prepared within the project: the first one focused on the KNOWBRIDGE project promotion; the second one focused on research driven approach to regional development with info about JAP for cross border cluster in RES, and the third one focused on energy saving measures.

List of Websites: