Final Report Summary - NANOTHERAPY (A Novel Nano-container drug carrier for targeted treatment of prostate cancer)
According to our results we have fabricate a smart vehicle for accomodation of different hydrophobic and/or hydrophylic anticancer drugs or combination of them. During the five years we fabricate pH, thermo- redox and hyperthermia sensitive nanodelivery vehicles which release the drug at the pathological area in contrast to healthy cells. The microspheres' surface have modified by different target groups such folic acid ( which overexpressed on breast and cervical cancer) and Leuprolide ( a small peptide which target on the prostate cancer) aiming at releasing the drug after penetrating the cell surface. The in vitro and in vivo evaluation identify that the fabricated nanocontainers are non toxic and in this way avoid causing additional problems to pregnant animals and to their babies. We create tumor xenograft models and we have investigated the therapeutic efficacy of the anthracycline loaded smart vechicle