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Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of S&T Partnerships between the European Union and the United States of America

Final Report Summary - BILAT-USA (Bilateral coordination for the enhancement and development of S&T partnerships between the European Union and the United States of America)

Executive summary:

The 'Bilateral coordination for the enhancement and development of S&T partnerships between the European Union (EU) and the United States of America' (BILAT-USA) project has been set up to establish a bi-regional, sustainable and knowledge based dialogue platform between science and technology (S&T) key players and stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantic at the thematic level, at horizontal level and at the policy level.

Established in a complementary way to the LINK2US project, aiming to enhance the awareness and participation of European researchers and research organisations in national research programmes in the United States of America (USA), BILAT-USA aimed to boost the bilateral S&T relationship under the S&T Cooperation Agreement between the European Union (EU) and the USA, promoting the participation of USA researchers in the European Framework Programme (FP). BILAT-USA focused on strengthening EU-US S&T cooperation through various awareness raising activities, good practice sharing and effective dissemination actions. It established synergies with other projects and initiatives, in order to identify complementary opportunities and to contribute to the further development of the cooperation between the EU and the US

In the initial phase BILAT-USA was dedicated to establish the whole infrastructure, broaden awareness about the project and its activities, and initiate the first contacts to EU and US authorities. Main focus in the second phase was to deepen the transatlantic dialogue, to promote the last Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) calls and to maximise the impact of the portal as major info point for EU-US cooperation activities in S&T.

Main activities were analyses on S&T priorities, on US participation in the FP and on reasons for US participants to renounce the FP grant agreement, based on an online survey in which 130 FP7 project coordinators and 105 US participants in FP7 projects participated. Several events have been co-organised between 2010 and 2012 on thematic level, on cross-cutting, multidisciplinary level and on policy level, raising awareness on transatlantic S&T cooperation addressing S&T key players, stakeholders and multipliers.

The online portal became the major info point for EU-US S&T cooperation activities, providing all relevant transatlantic news and events, reports and studies under .
The activities will be taken over by the follow-up project BILAT-USA 2.0 until 2015.

Project Context and Objectives:

WP1: Transatlantic dialogue

WP1 aimed at establishing a sustainable transatlantic dialogue platform to connect all relevant stakeholders to the project, including effective communication and information sharing with authorities of the EU and US as well as with other stakeholders. Focus was given on interactions with other existing collaboration initiatives, networks and projects. Between October 2009 and September 2012 numerous meetings with representatives of EU and US authorities have been taking place, events have been attended by BILAT-USA partners and discussions have been made between BILAT-USA representatives and EU and US authorities.

- Inventory of existing thematic task forces/working groups and ERA-Nets
- Inventory based on a project environmental analysis and identification of round 120 major key players and multipliers that may contribute further to the enhancement of EU-US cooperation in S&T
- Report on communication and coordination activities (RE).
- Report on the visits to the European Commission (EC) and US authorities (RE).
- Report on communication and coordination activities with key players, stakeholders and multipliers (RE).
- Organisation of the first policy forum in Washington DC on 13 May 2010 as part of the AAAS Science Policy Forum
- Organisation of the second science forum participating at the ESOF1212 conference, in Dublin, Ireland, 11 - 15 July 2012

WP2: Analysis of participation and monitoring

WP2 was providing in depth analyses to support strategic decisions of the transatlantic dialogue platform in the area of S&T priorities. In the second reporting period the participation of US researchers and research organisations in the Sixth and FP7 (including. June 2012) was updated and finalised. Furthermore, an online survey was undertaken in September 2011 resulting in a report analysing existing instruments, regulations and obstacles for US participation in the FP.

- Report on S&T Priorities in Public Research in Europe and the US
- Report on US participation in the FP6 and FP7
- Report on Reasons for US participants to renounce the FP grant agreement

WP3: Increase collaboration and support for participation in the FP

WP3 was dedicated to awareness raising and networking activities in order to increase research and technological collaborations between EU and US organisations and technology firms in selected thematic areas. It aimed at sharing experiences and identifying good practices in cross-cutting multidisciplinary issues and building capacities by providing specific support to increase US participation in FP7. The last FP7 Call was very intensively promoted in the US as well as in Europe, by disseminating info-leaflets about '7 reasons for US researchers to participate in the last FP7 calls'.

- Organisation of the 'Large-scale research infrastructures symposium' in Rome, Italy, on 1 October 2010, back to back with the EURORISNET Project Conference
- Organisation of the 'Innovation and Technology Transfer Symposium' in Vienna, Austria, on 22 March 2011, in cooperation with the Austrian Chamber of Economics, back to back with the MIT Europe Conference 2011 on 'Innovation in a Networked World - Technology, People and Places'
- Organisation of the SFIC Symposium on 'Ways of successful science, technology and innovation cooperation between Europe and the USA', 23 - 24 April 2012, Vienna, Austria
- Participation at the NORDP Fourth Annual Research Development Conference, contributing with an international session on 'Transatlantic Mobility Without Borders', 21 - 23 May 2012, Alexandria, Virginia
- Organisation of the Workshop on Safe implementation of nanotechnologies, 29 - 31 May 2012, Grenoble, France
- Organisation of the 'Contractual issues and IPR Training Workshop' at the 2011 BIO International Convention, 29 June 2011, Washington DC, USA
- Organisation of the Technology Transfer Management Workshop, 4 October 2011, Luxembourg
- D3.7 Report on awareness raising activities (RE).

WP4: Communication and dissemination

WP4 aimed at establishing the web portal as major info point for EU-US cooperation activities in S&T by maximising public awareness and visibility on BILAT-USA and its activities. 165 relevant News and 80 Events, e.g. related to transatlantic S&T cooperation, Horizon 2020 or EC and US funding opportunities have been published on the portal. 6 e-Newsletters and 7 e-Alerts have been sent out to round 1 180 subscribers in the US and in Europe.

- E-Newsletters
In addition, several articles, news and press releases have been published in the US as well as in Europe, reaching several thousand of members of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA), USA Magazine, National Organisation of Research Development Professionals, (NORDP) USA News, EURAXESS Links USA Newsletter, EARMA Link and the PROJECTS Magazine.
- D4.4: Delivery list of related media (RE).
- D4.5: Press bulletin

WP5: Management

WP5 was assuring efficient, effective and flexible management, communication and documentation through:
- regular communication and information exchange among project partners including the project officer (PO);
(b) organisation of five project management board meetings (incl. the kick-off meeting on 20 October 2009 in Brussels, Belgium and the final meeting on 20 September 2012 in Washington D.C. US) and a virtual PMB conference to discuss the previous work progress and work plans for the upcoming 6 month period at task level;
(c) implementation of a sound administrative and financial management through internal work plans and progress reports;
(d) coordination of work packages and tasks;
(e) update of the Project Handbook for the project consortium;
(f) submission of deliverables, finalisation of the project activities, and provision of the two activity and cost reports and the final report:
- Activity and cost report (RE),
- Final report (RE),
- project handbook (RE).

Project results:


Four European project partners and one US partner formed the BILAT-USA consortium aiming to set up a sustainable and knowledge based dialogue platform supporting transatlantic S&T cooperation between researchers, key players, stakeholders and policy makers. The project comprised events on thematic horizontal and policy level, awareness raising activities in order to foster participation of US researchers and research organisations in FP7, and the establishment of the web portal as major info point for EU-US cooperation activities in S&T.

Main results and foregrounds

WP1: Transatlantic dialogue

- Task 1.2: Communication and synergies with EU-US programmes / initiatives, thematic task forces / working groups, and European Research Area networks (ERA-NET).
- Task 1.3: Communication with EC and US authorities.
- Task 1.4: Communication with other key players / stakeholders and multipliers in EU and in the US
- Task 1.5: Organisation of 2 EU-US science fora on global issues.

The transatlantic dialogue had to be prepared by the project consortium by establishing an overview of existing collaborations, thematic task forces and working groups between the EU and the US Therefore existing thematic task forces, working groups and ERA-Nets had been screened resulting in an online inventory. A project environmental analysis, identifying round 120 major key players and multipliers for further enhancement of EU-US cooperation in S&T, had been added to this online inventory.

In order to increase the transatlantic dialogue meetings with representatives of EU and US authorities were organised, events had been attended by BILAT-USA partners and information exchange took place between BILAT-USA representatives and EU and US Authorities. Another focus was to establish communication and create synergies with major EU-US programmes, projects or initiatives in order to benefit from their experiences and exchange information. Aim was to increase the visibility of these groups by providing information on their activities and achievements.

The most fruitful collaborations had been those with the:

- EU Delegation to the U.S: BILAT-USA was supporting the EU delegation to exchange information and to make promotion for the last calls of the FP7. The US project partner participation at the US-EU research cooperation stakeholder roundtable held on 19 September 2012, in Washington DC
- EURAXESS LINKS USA: Communication with the EURAXESS Links USA project was continuous throughout the project duration. Project news had been exchanges and the representative of EURAXESS Links USA was invited to participate at several BILAT-USA project events.
- Strategic Forum for International Science and Technology Cooperation (SFIC) BILAT-USA participated in the SFIC Workshop on 18 - 19 October 2011 in Brussels presenting the project goals and main obstacles for US participation in FP7. A joint SFIC / BILAT-USA workshop on Ways of successful science, technology and innovation cooperation between Europe and the USA was organised between 23 and 24 April 2012 in Vienna.
- US NORDP: BILAT-USA participated at the NORDP Annual Conference 2012 on 21 - 23 May 2012, in Alexandria, Virginia. The international part of the conference was taken over by BILAT-USA promoting FP7 and the possibilities in the 'Mobility' programme. The round 300 participating research practitioners and administrators from all over the US were exactly the accurate audience for the BILAT-USA session. As multipliers they were able to spread the information about BILAT-USA and FP7 mobility instruments and possibilities for transatlantic collaboration at their universities.
An article was published in NORDP News (Vol.2 Issue2) about 'New ERA of Transatlantic Research Collaboration', reaching round 500 members worldwide.

Two EU-US Science Fora on global issues had been organised bringing together leading scientists, policy makers and multipliers from both sides of the Atlantic to jointly address major S&T issues of global concern.

- Organisation of the First Policy Forum in Washington D.C. on 13 May 2010 as part of the AAAS Science Policy Forum. The topic of the event was: 'New Approaches to International S&T Engagement: Trans-Atlantic Perspectives'. The session was comprised of two panels, each focusing on different aspects of the subject. The first panel discussed 'New approaches to science engagement taken by governments in the US and Europe for capacity building and development and diplomacy', while the second panel focussed on 'New approaches to US-European Union (EU) collaboration to address global challenges'.

The panels emphasized the importance of strategic engagement, both bilaterally and between regions, using science (e.g. between the US and EU; between the EU and the African Union and Latin America; between the US and Muslim-majority countries); the incorporation of new and non-traditional partners (e.g. universities, non-governmental scientific organisations) into the government-led engagement strategy for development efforts and solving global challenges; development of new funding mechanisms for cooperative science (e.g. supporting bilateral and region-to-region engagement activities through the FP, pooled global fund for science capacity building); and the employment of not just joint scientific research in cooperation schemes but also exchanges, discussions opportunities, and network formation.

Overall, this first forum for the BILAT-USA project showed that strategic trans-Atlantic cooperation has been gaining increasing attention on the agenda of the EU and US scientific relationship and that the mechanisms developed for furthering cooperation between the EU and the USA can be lessons for use with other countries and regions.

- Participation at ESOF2012 between 11 and 15 July 2012 in Dublin, Ireland, as it is the largest science meeting in Europe and very well known in the US BILAT-USA was represented with a booth during the whole conference duration and with 3 sessions in the exhibition area on 13 and 14 July 2012. BILAT-USA highlighted the last FP7 calls as good opportunity for trans-Atlantic S&T cooperation, obstacles to trans-Atlantic S&T cooperation as well as the requirements for US based European researchers being able to contribute to their native country´s education and innovation process.

Most important learning from the sessions was that despite the fact that it needs individuals who have the motivation to stay connected with the native country it needs a good network in order to reach critical mass and a long-term effect on trans-Atlantic S&T cooperation. Educational exchange and mentoring programs, such as short stays and summer schools were proposed as good tools to foster scientific cross-Atlantic exchange and knowledge transfer, bringing profit for both sides.

WP2: Analysis of participation and monitoring

- Task 2.1: Analysis of S&T priorities in public research in the EU and the US
- Task 2.2: Analysis of existing instruments, regulations and obstacles for the participation in the FP.
- Task 2.3: Analysis of existing Instruments, regulations and obstacles for the participation in the FP.

For enhancing the transatlantic policy dialogue it was important to provide analytical support, i.e. a status-quo of S&T priorities in public research in the EU and in the US, an analysis of US participation in FP6 and FP7 as well as a survey about existing obstacles for US participation in the FP: report on S&T Priorities and Public Research in the EU and the US

The main objective of the analysis was to provide the scientific communities as well as policy makers with a comparative overview on the S&T priorities of EU and US by examining S&T priorities and priority setting processes.

Main outcomes: This analysis provides general information on research and development (R&D) spending and general insights into the priority setting process in EU, EU Member States and in the USA. Information on thematic as well as policy/horizontal priorities in R&D policies in the EU MS the EU and the US are highlighted, concluding with a comparative analysis of thematic and horizontal priorities. The basis of the comparative analysis is a matrix of thematic and horizontal priorities found in each EU MS, on EU level and in the USA. Environment and sustainable development, energy, ICT, biotech / health and nanotechnologies are the most important research areas for the majority of EU MS and also reflect priorities in the EU FP7 for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (FP7).

The US has a strong policy focus on defence and health related research. Strengthening human resources in research (through mobility, special attention to young and / or female researchers etc.), international research cooperation and industry-academia relations for raising competitiveness and innovation are amongst the most crucial of horizontal priorities for EU and EU MS. On both sides of the Atlantic Ocean there is growing concern about societal and global challenges fuels investment in R&D in selected areas such as climate change, environment and ageing.

- Report on reasons for US participants to renounce the FP grant agreement
The overall objective of this report was to analyse the most common limitations and obstacles that affect the participation of US researchers and research organisations in the FP7 for Research and Technological Development (FP7), the EU's main instrument for funding research in Europe. Two questionnaires have been elaborated addressing on the one hand US partners in FP7 projects and on the other hand European project coordinators with at least one US project partner. This report presents the results of the online survey during September 2011, providing conclusions and recommendations for policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic.

Main outcomes: Three recommendation levels have been identified: According to European coordinators and US project partners, administrative and legal barriers to EU-US FP7 collaboration have to be reduced. On policy level bilateral agreements between the EC and US national funding organisations regarding applicable law and jurisdiction have to be reached and more flexible and straightforward administrative procedures are needed. One major hurdle to EU-US collaboration in FP7 is lack of funding for the US partner. A synchronisation of EU and US funding programs is required allowing the US partner to receive national funding if FP7 funding is not approved. The fact that 90 % of EU-US cooperations in FP7 have been established through former contacts of the US partner either to the project coordinator (69 %) or another partner from the consortium (21 %) might on the one hand imply that research cooperation networks are well established. On the other hand it is common knowledge that establishing new contacts in the US needs a lot of efforts. European partners might prefer to get back to the already existing contacts not even trying to search for other suitable research partners. In this case the dialogue and communication should be enhanced and visibility as well as transparency of European S&T activities should be increased in the US and vice versa in order to provide more room and flexibility for joint innovative ideas and state-of-the-art research.

- Report on US participation in the FP6 and FP7.
The overall objective of this report was to assess US participation in the FP6 (2002-2006) and FP7 (2007 - 2013) for Research and Technological Development, the European Union's main instrument for funding research in Europe. Analytical data on each different programme, priority and action have been provided. The methodology used to study the US participation is based on the analysis of data provided by the EC (Directorate-General for Research).

Main outcomes: In the FP6 across all programmes 400 US organisations participated in 358 FP6 projects. The Mobility scheme accounted for about 60 % of US participants with seven thematic priorities showing 27 % of US participation, information society technologies in the lead.

In the first five years of the FP7 a total of 3 322 proposals, with at least one US participant, have been submitted, and 403 grant agreements have been signed by US organisations. The most successful Programmes, in terms of projects funded, involving at least one US participant, were the Mobility scheme, i.e. the 'People programme' (143 GAs signed), and the Cooperation programme (220 GAs signed).

WP3: Increase collaboration and support for participation in the FP Task 3.1: Organisation of 2 symposia on cross-cutting, multidisciplinary issues.
- Task 3.2: Organisation of 2 thematic workshops and linked brokerage events.
- Task 3.3: Training workshops.
- Task 3.4: Awareness raising activities.
- Task 3.5: Advisory group.

To promote the participation of US researchers and research institutions through targeted actions addressing main FP7 activities and to support transatlantic S&T collaboration was one central focus of the project. Several events have been planned and organised in order to share good practices and support transatlantic technology transfer.

- SFIC Symposium on 'Ways of successful science, technology and innovation cooperation between Europe and the USA', 23 - 24 April 2012, Vienna, Austria
The first symposium was organised in cooperation between BILAT-USA and the SFIC, a partnership between the EU Members States and the EC. The overall objective of the symposium was to analyse barriers related to framework conditions and legal governance for scientific, technological and innovative cooperation with US partners and to put forward recommendations on how to develop solutions. Main outcome of the symposium, among others, was that it is very important to raise awareness about transatlantic cooperation possibilities in the USA. Funding agencies need to better understand the (different) philosophy of the respective grant systems, what the rules mean in detail, what the funding goals and expected impacts are, what resources are to be committed and how. A better distribution of information, e.g. with simple and short brochures for informing US agencies and a successful implementation of the 'Destination Europe' Initiative, are first recommendations.

- NORDP Fourth Annual Research Development Conference, 21 - 23 May 2012, Alexandria, Virginia
The 2012 Annual Conference of the NORDP gathered 300 research development professionals and administrators, in order to exchange views on numerous topics, such as enhancing researchers' competitiveness in seeking extramural funding, managing cross-disciplinary collaboration or advancement of women in academic science and engineering careers. The international part of the conference was taken over by BILAT-USA on 'Transatlantic Mobility Without Borders' and was very well received among the US research development professionals.

The main outcome of the BILAT-USA participation at the NORDP conference was that the round 300 participating research practitioners and administrators from all over the US were exactly the accurate audience for the BILAT-USA session. As multipliers they were able to spread the information about BILAT-USA and FP7 mobility instruments and possibilities for transatlantic collaboration at their universities.

- Workshop on Safe implementation of nanotechnologies, 29 - 31 May 2012, Grenoble, France.
The Workshop on Safe implementation of nanotechnologies´ was organised by the EC, the NanoSafety cluster and the Safe Implementation of Innovative Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SIINN) ERA-NET. It was open to FP7 EU project coordinators and gave a complete overview of the entire portfolio of projects on the safe implementation of nanotechnologies in the FP7. BILAT-USA invited two US researchers to foster transatlantic S&T cooperation. Main outcome of the event was that the participants set up a roadmap to foster the transnational development of nanotechnologies in Europe.

- Training on 'Contractual issues and IPR'
On 29 June 2011, as part of the 2011 BIO International Convention in Washington DC, BILAT-USA hosted an IPR workshop at the EC’s booth. Workshop participants were invited to attend, in order to identify and discuss the most common limitations or constraints that create obstacles to participation in the FP for US researchers and research institutions. The purpose was to deepen the understanding of contractual and IPR related issues and enhance the ability of US researchers on management of IPR in consortia, patent and licensing applications within FP7.

Main outcome of the training was that most of the identified IPR related hurdles were only perceived due to a lack of knowledge about the EC grant agreement.

- Workshop on Technology Transfer Management
On 4 October 2011 BILAT-USA organised its Technology Transfer Management workshop in Luxembourg, in collaboration with INTRASOFT International and Luxinnovation GIE, the National Agency for Promotion of Innovation and Research in Luxembourg. Main purpose of the workshop was to highlight the importance of Technology Transfer in Europe and share good practice with the US participants form Austria, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the UK participated interactively and used the workshop as good opportunity for networking.

Main outcome of the Technology Transfer Management workshop was that Innovation is the main source of competitive differentiation and one of the most important drivers for company growth. Technology Transfer has to be need driven with Open Innovation supporting the access to more ideas and different skills.

During the last months of the project the last FP7 Call was very intensively promoted in the US as well as in Europe, by disseminating info-leaflets about '7 reasons for US researchers to participate / European researchers to cooperate with US partners in the last FP7 calls' by publishing an article in the US (NCURA Magazine, i.e. 'The Seventh European FP Comes to an End: What Was it About and Why Should US Researchers Cooperate Now?') and on Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) in Europe (referring to the last FP7 calls and the info-leaflet about '7 reasons for European researchers to cooperate with US partners in the last FP7 calls').

Finally, the advisory group of six advisory group members, the supporting board in case the project needs assistance or advice, gathered twice during the project. The advisory group members had been updated on the project activities and the project members had been informed about relevant news and developments.

WP4: Communication and dissemination

Task 4.1: Web portal.
Task 4.2: Logo and brochure.
Task 4.3: E-newsletter.
Task 4.4: Media relations.

Communication and dissemination were important core activities of the project. The main objective of this work package was to create public awareness and visibility on the project and its activities.

The web-portal had become a user-friendly information portal providing a broad spectrum of information about project related activities, but also major transatlantic cooperation and communication activities covering News, Events, as well as Documents and Publications in the Document Library. Internally, its simple applications provided all partners the opportunity to interact straightforwardly. A BILAT-USA project logo and a BILAT-USA header had been created and widely used for all project activities and documents.

A separate BILAT-USA / Link2US header had been created in combination with the Link2US logo in order to create a unified logo for both projects. It was used for the E-newsletter, the website, and the project info brochure.

In order to increase E-newsletter subscriptions, a post card was created and distributed at project events in addition to the project info brochure. A poster was created and used at major events and booths.

11 E-Newsletters and 25 E-Alerts have been sent out to round 1 180 subscribers (status September 2012) in the US and in Europe, directly linking to the 165 News, 80 Events and numerous Documents on the portal.

Numerous news and press releases in the EURAXESS Links USA Newsletter and the CORDIS Wire News as well as five articles have been published in the US as well as in Europe, reaching several thousand of members of the NCURA (National Council of University Research Administrators, USA) Magazine, NORDP, USA) News, EARMA Link and the PROJECTS Magazine.

WP5: Management

- Task 5.1: Administrative and financial management.
- Task 5.2: Communication and reporting.
- Task 5.3: Quality assurance.

In order to ensure effective and in-time implementation of the BILAT-USA project and to reassure the quality of the deliverables the administrative and financial management had to be robust, efficient and in line with the EC requirements.

Five project management board (PMB) meetings took place and one virtual meeting was organised discussing previous work progress and work plans for the upcoming 6 months period at task level.

In order to assure quality of the deliverables some of them had been provided with a delay, not causing any sustainable interruption of other deliverables. All deliverables and requested reports (two activity and cost reports, one final report) have been provided. Internally the project handbook provided the project overview, strategy, project management and the implementation plan, management, reporting and quality assurance templates.

Finally, the advisory group of six advisory group members, the supporting board in case the project needs assistance or advice, gathered twice during the project. The advisory group members had been updated on the project activities and the project members had been informed about relevant news and developments.

WP4: Communication and dissemination

- Task 4.1: Web portal.
- Task 4.2: Logo and brochure.
- Task 4.3: E-Newsletter.
- Task 4.4: Media Relations.

Communication and Dissemination were important core activities of the project. The main objective of this work package was to create public awareness and visibility on the project and its activities.

The web-portal had become a user-friendly information portal providing a broad spectrum of information about project related activities, but also major transatlantic cooperation and communication activities covering News, Events, as well as Documents and Publications in the Document Library. Internally, its simple applications provided all partners the opportunity to interact straightforwardly. A BILAT-USA project logo and a BILAT-USA header had been created and widely used for all project activities and documents.

A separate BILAT-USA / Link2US header had been created in combination with the Link2US logo in order to create a unified logo for both projects. It was used for the E-newsletter, the website, and the project info brochure.

In order to increase E-newsletter subscriptions, a post card was created and distributed at project events in addition to the project info brochure. A poster was created and used at major events and booths.

11 E-Newsletters and 25 E-Alerts have been sent out to round 1 180 subscribers (status September 2012) in the US and in Europe, directly linking to the 165 News, 80 Events and numerous Documents on the portal.

Numerous news and press releases in the EURAXESS Links USA Newsletter and the CORDIS Wire News as well as five articles have been published in the US as well as in Europe, reaching several thousand of members of the NCURA (National Council of University Research Administrators, USA) Magazine, NORDP, USA) News, EARMA Link and the PROJECTS Magazine.

WP5: Management

- Task 5.1: Administrative and financial management.
- Task 5.2: Communication and reporting.
- Task 5.3: Quality assurance.

In order to ensure effective and in-time implementation of the BILAT-USA project and to reassure the quality of the deliverables the administrative and financial management had to be robust, efficient and in line with the EC requirements.

Five project management board (PMB) meetings took place and one virtual meeting was organised discussing previous work progress and work plans for the upcoming 6 months period at task level.

In order to assure quality of the deliverables some of them had been provided with a delay, not causing any sustainable interruption of other deliverables. All deliverables and requested reports (two activity and cost reports, one final report) have been provided. Internally the project handbook provided the project overview, strategy, project management and the implementation plan, management, reporting and quality assurance templates.

Main outcome of the technology transfer management workshop was that Innovation is the main source of competitive differentiation and one of the most important drivers for company growth. Technology transfer has to be need driven with Open Innovation supporting the access to more ideas and different skills.

During the last months of the project the last FP7 call was very intensively promoted in the US as well as in Europe, by disseminating info-leaflets about '7 reasons for US researchers to participate / European researchers to cooperate with US partners in the last FP7 calls' by publishing an article in the US (NCURA Magazine, i.e. 'The FP7 Comes to an End: What Was it About and Why Should US Researchers Cooperate Now?') and on CORDIS in Europe (referring to the last FP7 Calls and the info-leaflet about '7 reasons for European researchers to cooperate with US partners in the last FP7 calls').

Finally, the advisory group of six advisory group members, the supporting board in case the project needs assistance or advice, gathered twice during the project. The advisory group members had been updated on the project activities and the project members had been informed about relevant news and developments.

WP4: Communication and Dissemination
- Task 4.1: Web portal.
- Task 4.2: Logo and brochure.
- Task 4.3: E-Newsletter.
- Task 4.4: Media relations.

Communication and dissemination were important core activities of the project. The main objective of this work package was to create public awareness and visibility on the project and its activities.

The web-portal had become a user-friendly information portal providing a broad spectrum of information about project related activities, but also major transatlantic cooperation and communication activities covering News, Events, as well as Documents and Publications in the Document Library. Internally, its simple applications provided all partners the opportunity to interact straightforwardly. A BILAT-USA project logo and a BILAT-USA header had been created and widely used for all project activities and documents.

A separate BILAT-USA / Link2US header had been created in combination with the Link2US logo in order to create a unified logo for both projects. It was used for the E-newsletter, the website, and the project info brochure.

In order to increase E-newsletter subscriptions, a post card was created and distributed at project events in addition to the project info brochure. A poster was created and used at major events and booths. 11 E-Newsletters and 25 E-Alerts have been sent out to round 1 180 subscribers (status September 2012) in the US and in Europe, directly linking to the 165 News, 80 Events and numerous Documents on the portal.

Numerous news and press releases in the EURAXESS Links USA Newsletter and the CORDIS Wire News as well as five articles have been published in the US as well as in Europe, reaching several thousand of members of the NCRA Magazine, NORDP, USA) News, EARMA Link and the PROJECTS Magazine.

WP5: Management

- Task 5.1: Administrative and Financial Management.
Task 5.2: Communication and Reporting.
Task 5.3: Quality Assurance.

In order to ensure effective and in-time implementation of the BILAT-USA project and to reassure the quality of the deliverables the administrative and financial management had to be robust, efficient and in line with the EC requirements. Five project management board (PMB) meetings took place and one virtual meeting was organised discussing previous work progress and work plans for the upcoming 6 months period at task level.

In order to assure quality of the deliverables some of them had been provided with a delay, not causing any sustainable interruption of other deliverables. All deliverables and requested reports (two Activity and cost reports, one final report) have been provided. Internally the project handbook provided the project overview, strategy, project management and the implementation plan, management, reporting and quality assurance templates.

Potential Impact:

Main impact which BILAT-USA gained during its lifetime was at the following occasions / events and after the following dissemination activities:

- In September 2011 project coordinators of industrial countries' FP7 INCO projects had been invited by the EC DG for Research and Innovation (i.e. Jürgen Sanders) to join a telephone conference and to provide recommendations regarding the following discussion points afterwards:

Functional and efficient communication of international cooperation projects
IM was to gather suggestions to the EC or other policy makers where the overall communication towards the third countries by the EC, Member States, and others would need different messages or new actions.

Global challenges: New instruments / clusters
Aim was to discuss FP7 new instruments (ERC, JTIs, EIT, ERA-NETs), analyse the international links of these initiatives and highlight if are they sufficiently open to third countries.

Reciprocity, the mutual access to funding programs is becoming an important principle in the discussions leading to the question whether there are other programmes in third countries that support financially European scientists? Aim of the discussion was to find answers to the following questions:
- Is the European way of looking at reciprocity relevant to cooperation?
- Is the principle of reciprocity correct in the overall frame of cooperation, considering a wider range of interactions like scholarships, access to facilities, bilateral relations, industrial R&D investments, etc.?
- Is reciprocity compatible with the objective of innovation?

A recommendation paper was provided by BILAT-USA to the EC.

- During September 2011 BILAT-USA Organised an online survey in order to analyse the most common limitations and obstacles that affect the participation of US researchers and research organisations in FP7. Two questionnaires have been elaborated addressing on the one hand US partners in FP7 projects and on the other hand European project coordinators with at least one US project partner. 277 coordinators and 356 US participants in FP7 projects) had been invited by the EC (Jürgen Sanders) to participate in the BILAT-USA online survey during September 2011. 130 European FP7 project coordinators (47 %) and 105 US participants in FP7 projects (29 %) filled in the online questionnaire.

The Report on ´Reasons for US participants to renounce the FP grant agreement´ presents the results of the online survey, providing conclusions and recommendations for policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic.

Main conclusions: According to European coordinators and US project partners, administrative and legal barriers to EU-US FP7 collaboration have to be reduced. Bilateral agreements between the EC and US national funding organisations regarding applicable law and jurisdiction have to be reached and more flexible and straightforward administrative procedures are needed. One major hurdle to EU-US collaboration in FP7 is lack of funding for the US partner. A synchronisation of EU and US funding programs is required allowing the US partner to receive national funding if FP7 funding is not approved. The fact that 90 % of EU-US co-operations in FP7 have been established through former contacts of the US partner either to the project coordinator (69 %) or another partner from the consortium (21 %) might on the one hand imply that research cooperation networks are well established. On the other hand it is common knowledge that establishing new contacts in the US needs a lot of efforts. European partners might prefer to get back to the already existing contacts not even trying to search for other suitable research partners. In this case the dialogue and communication should be enhanced and visibility as well as transparency of European S&T activities should be increased in the US and vice versa in order to provide more room and flexibility for joint innovative ideas and state-of-the-art research.

- The Report on 'Existing Instruments, Regulations and Obstacles for US participation in the FP' was basis for the SFIC Symposium on 'Ways of successful science, technology and innovation cooperation between Europe and the USA', 23 - 24 April 2012, in Vienna, Austria. Organised in cooperation with the SFIC, the overall objective of the symposium was to analyse barriers related to framework conditions and legal governance for ST&I cooperation with US partners and to put forward recommendations on how to develop solutions.

Main outcome of the symposium, among others, was that it is very important to raise awareness about transatlantic cooperation possibilities in the USA. Funding agencies need to better understand the different philosophy of the respective grant systems, what the rules mean in detail, what the funding goals and expected impacts are, what resources are to be committed and how. A better distribution of information, e.g. with simple and short brochures for informing US agencies and a successful implementation of the 'Destination Europe' Initiative, would be first recommendations.

- BILAT-USA participated with its session on 'Transatlantic Mobility Without Borders' at the NORDP Fourth Annual Research Development Conference, 21 - 23 May 2012, in Alexandria, Virginia.

The 2012 Annual Conference of the NORDP gathered 300 research development professionals and administrators, in order to exchange views on numerous topics, such as enhancing researchers´ competitiveness in seeking extramural funding, managing cross-disciplinary collaboration or advancement of women in academic science and engineering careers. The international part of the conference was taken over by BILAT-USA on 'Transatlantic Mobility Without Borders' giving an overview of instruments, career prospects, and recent trends in the migration of highly skilled labour, as well as recommendations for new strategies to address challenges related to trans-Atlantic mobility. This international part was very well received among the US research development professionals.

The main conclusion of the BILAT-USA participation at the NORDP conference was that awareness raising about transatlantic cooperation possibilities is essential in the US as well as increasing mutual understanding of current opportunities, strategies and trends in transatlantic mobility for researchers. The round 300 participating research practitioners and administrators from all over the US were exactly the accurate audience for the BILAT-USA session. As multipliers they were able to spread the information about BILAT-USA and FP7 mobility instruments and possibilities for transatlantic collaboration at their universities all over the USA.

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