Final Report Summary - NGAMIT (Next generation atom chips. Planar microwave traps for experiments with cold atoms and ions/electrons.)
Initially conceived for trapping neutral atoms and charged particles simultaneously, during the project we have focused on the development of a novel Penning trap technology: useful for capturing charged particles. The result is the novel coplanar-waveguide Penning trap. This new planar Penning trap technology will allow for the detection of a single trapped ion/electron, a primary goal of on-chip Penning trap technology, not achieved experimentally yet. The new chip trap has been patented and the experimental set-up has been built. A prototype of the new coplanar-waveguide Penning trap has been designed and is currently under construction. We have published 2 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 2 invited book chapters and 2 patents, in total 6 publications related to the coplanar-waveguide Penning trap. Our trap is the first Penning trap incorporating the magnetic field source in a scalable chip. This will open the possibility of making accessible advanced Penning trap technology to many academic laboratories and small companies, thereby eliminating the big cost associated with the purchase of a superconducting solenoid. This could have an important impact in research and in the applications of Penning traps, particularly in mass spectrometry.