Final Report Summary - RECAPO (Reinforcement the capacities of the Department of Polymer Engineering for characterization and testing polymers)
For the purposes of the project, various workshops were organised. The project was structured into the following work packages (WPs), which included the above workshops as their core-activities:
WP 1: Start-up meeting
WP 2: Research in advanced polymer materials
The utilised experimental techniques, methodologies and obtained results were published in scientific journals, or presented (books of abstracts) in national and international symposiums and congresses.
WP 3: Polymer recycling pilot line.
The following deliverables were produced:
(i) Report for monitoring and processing the technological data of pilot line.
(ii) Report for identification of weak points within the pilot line and elaborate for overcoming them.
(iii) Report for analysis of pollutant generated during work on pilot line.
(iv) Detailed elaborate with all investigations and activities on pilot line.
WP 4: Workshop on polymer material.
WP 5: Workshop on experimental modelling and modelling of plastic waste management.
The enquiry performed among the participants has shown that the polymer engineers from plastic reprocessing companies are not well educated with application of numerical modelling in polymer industry.
WP 6: Final meeting.
In the final report it is concluded that in the first and second project year the all planned activities have been generally successfully carried out.
WP 7: Up-grading the reference laboratory for characterisation and testing of polymers.
The relative deliverables were:
1. Delivery of Perkin Elmer FTIR spectrometer 100;
2. Promotion of existing FT-IR spectrometer to research organisation and polymer reprocessing companies;
3. Search of measurements possibility that offer the new IR spectroscopy and also to use most of the methodologies that are actually practiced for characterisation and testing of polymers in EU countries.
WP 8: Management activities.
It was concluded that all management activities were successfully realised from all three partners in the project.