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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Boosting Life Cycle Assessment Use in European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Serving Needs of Innovative Key Sectors with Smart Methods and Tools


"""LCA to go"" develops sectoral methods and tools for bio-based plastics, industrial machinery, electronics, renewable energy, sensors and smart textiles. These sectors have been chosen, as the manufacturers show a high interest in making clear the environmental benefits of their products to customers (""Green industries"") and in prioritizing so they can reduce their environmental impacts. This is particularly the case for SMEs. Free webtools (""apps"") will serve dedicated needs of these sectors, addressing the specifics of the technologies and implementing parameterised models, such as calculators for energy-break-even-point of photovoltaics, Product Carbon Footprints (PCF) based on technology parameters of printed circuit boards, and Key Environmental Performance Indicators (KEPIs) for smart textiles. Selected Product Category Rules will be developed to provide a robust LCA guidance for SMEs. Practically, the project website will provide an exchange of scientifically validated data templates, to assist SMEs to pass the right questions to their suppliers. Carbon Footprints are a perfect entry point for SMEs to LCA strategies. Thus, implementation of an SME-compatible PCF methodology is a key element of the project. The approaches will be tested in 7 sectoral case studies, involving suppliers, end-product manufacturers and engineering companies. Inter-linkages between the sectors (on a technical and data level) will be thoroughly addressed. A broad dissemination campaign includes a mentoring programme for 100 SMEs, which will act as showcases for others, boosting use of LCA approaches among European SMEs at large. RTD and dissemination activities will be complemented by policy recommendations and liaison with standardisation activities. The web-tools, being compatible with ILCD data and other external sources, will be made available as open source software, to be adapted to other sectors. The project will have a direct impact on sectors representing nearly 500,000 SMEs."

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Aportación de la UE
€ 695 772,50
80686 Munchen

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Bayern Oberbayern München, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Contacto administrativo
Christoph Schulte (Mr.)
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (17)