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Contenu archivé le 2024-05-27

Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors

Résultats exploitables

Result description

As interest in the biology of marine jellyfish grows, a number of jellyfish metabolites with potential health benefits, such as anticancer or antioxidant activities, are increasingly reported. VECTORS has created the World Jellyfish Patents (WJP) database which collates available information on international patents on jellyfish utilization in different fields, such as biological applications, cooking treatments and recipes, pharmacological and cosmetic uses.

Result type

* other

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Result description

The website is an online library of VECTORS products and findings, providing access to its research results, which can be used to support marine management decisions, policies and governance as well as future research and investment.

Result type

* website

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Result description

Using published scientific literature, model outputs and expert judgement this study assessed the various related effects on the provision of ecosystem services from the Dogger Bank, a shallow sand bank in the southern North Sea, under two contrasting scenarios.

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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Olenin, S., Narscuis, A., Minchin, D. et al. (2014) Biological Conservation, 173, 98-107.

Result description

Assessment of offshore wind farm developments in the North Sea, on the Dogger Bank as an example of an area primed for large scale wind farm development in the near future. It mapped out all aspects related to two undesirable events, including ways of preventing and mitigating risk: 1.The loss of renewable energy resources; ‘ways that climate change can cause the environment to affect the wind farm’; 2.Changes to the environment in terms of the MSFD GEnS indicators; ‘ways that the wind farm can affect the environment'.

Result type

* Report

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Result description

The VECTORS policy synthesis document provides guidance in the achievement of governance solutions to ecological and economic issues identified by the wider VECTORS project and emphasises to marine managers from different sectors, the need for tackling synergistic and antagonistic influences between different marine uses and users. Feedback from marine stakeholders was considered throughout the duration of the project in order to produce policy recommendations on governance controls, assessment tools and policy scenario analysis for the key vectors of change associated with fisheries, marine energy and shipping.

Result type

* guidelines/standards

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Result description

A citizen-science nexus initiative : an Android and Iphone application allowing people to submit information relating to jellyfish sightings. It is contributing to enrich a database for marine biologists and sending alerts for the app users in case of jellyfish blooms.

Result type

* multimedia

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Result description

Physiological model of Pelagia noctiluca, a painfully stinging holopelagic jellyfish, providing better understanding of its massive outbreaks and when they occur.

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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Result description

ATLANTIS is an end-to-end ecosystem and fisheries system model with extensive hydrodynamic, bio-geo-chemical, food web, bio-economic multi-stock-multi-fleet fish and fisheries management modules, in one single modelling framework. Applied to the Baltic Sea region, the Atlantis model was used to explore implications of changes in nutrient regimes (eutrophication). Point source inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus were manipulated under two scenarios of nutrient reduction to investigate indirect consequences elsewhere in the food-web. Simulations resulted in reduced fish production in the region although the magnitude of effects was very small (despite very dramatic reductions in nutrient inputs).

Result type

* guidelines/standards

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Result description

Risk assessment of fishery management in a Marine Protected Area of the Western Mediterranean, to determine how risks of over-exploitation of the biological resource can be prevented or mitigated. 1.It allowed a quick analysis of management of the biological resource throughout the years; 2.It will support the local MPA managers in their drafting and adoption of proper management plans that take into account possible repercussions if some of the factors involved in the sustainable use of the biological resources are overlooked.

Result type

* Report

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Result description

Hypothetical future projections for all three regional seas is given to inform on the relative vulnerability of the lower trophic level of the marine ecosystem to the investigated drivers of change (climate change, ocean acidification and river discharge) through a modeling study.

Result type

* Report

Link to result fact sheet :


Result description

FISHRENT model to simulate how climate change will likely impact the Dutch, German and UK fishing fleets targeting flatfish and shrimp in the North Sea.

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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Result description

A North Sea parameterisation was completed for the spatially explicit food web model OSMOSE, which has a size-based approach. Four different fishing fleets are recognised with their own specifics. This model setup allows for scenario runs with different drivers such as anthropogenic and climate change.

Result type

* guidelines/standards

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Result description

searchable database of aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species and their distribution in European waters.

Result type

* data

Link to result;;


Olenin, S., Narscuis, A., Minchin, D. et al. (2014) Biological Conservation, 173, 98-107

Result description

In the Mediterranean, an Atlantis model was created for the Straits of Sicily and used to investigate the consequences of future climate change as well as an increase in nutrient run-off from rivers. The model proved insensitive to future increases in nutrients discharged to coastal areas, and also relatively insensitive to the projected temperature increase, which for the Strait of Sicily area is on average 0.6°C over the next 50 years, a relatively low increase compared to the rest of the Mediterranean Sea.

Result type

* guidelines/standards

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Result description

Today global shipping transports over 90 % of the world’s overseas trade, and trends anticipate that it will continue to play an increasing role world-wide. The most recent waterborne threat is the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens with ballast water and sediments releases, which may result in harmful effects on the natural environment, human health, property and resources globally. The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments represents a globally uniform framework for the implementation of ballast water management measures, and supporting tools like risk assessment and decision support systems.

Result type

* Book/Review

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David, M., Gollasch, S. (eds). 2015. Global Maritime Transport and Ballast Water Management, Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology 8, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9367-4_1

Result description

ATLANTIS is an end-to-end ecosystem and fisheries system model with extensive hydrodynamic, bio-geo-chemical, food web, bio-economic multi-stock-multi-fleet fish and fisheries management modules, in one single modelling framework.

Result type

* guidelines/standards

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Result description

Along the Catalan coast, there has been a perceived increase in the occurrence of jellyfish in coastal waters and beach strandings. The principal drivers of this change, are a combination of increased water temperature (climate change), and reduction in predators and competitors (overfishing).

Result type

* exploitable scientific result

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