The GENIS – LAB project aims to implement structural changes in a group of selected scientific organisations in order to overcome the factors that limit the participation of women in research. Our proposal is to create a synergy among scientific partners promoting common actions and best practices exchange in order to defeat gender discrimination, and technical partners providing and sharing innovative tools and methodologies for gender mainstreaming in science. Scientific partners present a focus area on nanotechnologies and an already set network. Besides, two other STEM areas (physics and ITC) are represented in order to provide a comparative assessment as well as best practices. The nine partners are: CSIC (Spanish Superior Council for Scientific Research) Institute for Polymer Science and Technology, Spain; IPF - Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Germany; FTM UB _ Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia; NIC_National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia; INFN, National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy; BTH_Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. Technical partners are: FGB- Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Italy; ITC/ILO_ International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization, UN Agency, International; ADS - Italian women in science organization, Italy.
GENIS-LAB will operate on three levels: the organisational level (identification of specific management tools and definition of self tailored action plans aimed to promote internal structural changes); the social/environmental level (promotion of a communication and awareness campaign aimed at fighting against stereotypes - de-constructing the stereotyped relation between women and science); the trans - national European level (promotion of networking/mutual learning among involved scientific organisation to support the exchange of experiences, practices, efficient management tools).
Convocatoria de propuestas
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Régimen de financiación
CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinador
00185 Rome