Final Report Summary - LUCRETIUS (Foundations for Software Evolution)
Research within the project studied the problem of design and evolution for different types of software, such as socio-technical systems that encompass software components but also human and social ones (e.g. businesses), cyber-physical systems that encompass software and physical components (sensors, actuators and the like), and systems-of-systems where components are systems in their own right developed and controlled independently by different stakeholders.
The project also studied the problem of design and evolution for different types of requirements. Regulatory requirements are derived from applicable laws and regulations, often concerned with safety, privacy, security and governance. Quality requirements constitute an important class of requirements that are poorly understood. The project explored novel techniques for modeling and analyzing them to produce novel designs. In addition, we developed novel techniques for dealing with security requirements, optimization requirements (such as “The system’s design will minimize operational costs”), evolution requirements (such as “The system’s evolution will minimize development costs”), and adaptation requirements.
Research was conducted by a team based in the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Trento (Italy), with many external collaborators, a group of postdoctoral fellows and a dozen PhD students.