Final Report Summary - DCSUBSET (Cross-species characterisation of CD8alpha+ dendritic cells and their role in immune regulation)
On the subject of cDC ontogeny, we serendipitously found that mouse CDPs and pre-cDCs also express DNGR-1. Accordingly, when we genetically fate-mapped DNGR-1-expressing cells and their progeny, we were able to specifically label cDCs across all mouse tissues. Fate-mapping of cDC progenitors allows one to define cDCs on the basis of their haematopoietic origin rather than phenotype or function. An example of the utility of such an approach was provided by subsequent work examining the cells that develop in total mouse bone marrow cultures with GM-CSF, which have been used in many studies of cDC function. We were able to demonstrate that such cells are in fact heterogeneous and comprise both CDP-derived DCs and monocyte-derived macrophages. Our ongoing work on cDC ontogeny now aims to examine the development of cDC precursors in BM and the mode of tissue colonisation by blood-borne pre-DCs.