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Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Augumented RealiTy Supported adaptive and personalized Experience in a museum based oN processing real-time Sensor Events

Descripción del proyecto

Digital Libraries and Digital Preservation

ARtSENSE tackles a very important problem in the modern usage of ICT in cultural heritage domain: bridging the gap between the digital world with the physical in a highly flexible way in order to enable a novel, adaptive cultural experience.

ARtSENSE aims to develop an active assistants which looks over the user’s shoulder (physical world) and react on any change in a visitor’s state of interests (user’s world) by adapting the “guide” (digital world) accordingly.Besides introducing novel wearable technologies for sensing continuously and non-intrusively the user’s context (visual – eye-tracking, audio, physiological – biosensing) in order to determine the user’s current interest (“mental engagement”), ARtSENSE will revolutionize the way how adaptive assistance will be realized: using cutting-edge technology (low weight bidirectional see-through displays) that enables overlaying reality with digital information transparently, including gaze-and gesture-controlled interaction, so that visitors have the feeling that physical objects are directly responding to them. In that way artworks become active artefacts that react on users’ attention and emotions and provide more information about them! This leads to the new generation of mobile museum guides based on the novel concept we call Adaptive Augmented Reality (A2R).

The realization of such an ambitious result will be based on the prior work of partners in the domain of Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage, Affective Computing and Complex Event Processing, which ensures the quality and reliability of generated outcomes and it will be driven by the three complementary use cases from Cultural Heritage domain, which ensures the usefulness and reusability of results.Very rigorous and comprehensive evaluation and exploitation plans ensures that this work will produce exploitable research results and influence the selected research areas, as well as the usage of advance ICT in the CH domain in general.

ARtSENSE tackles a very important problem in the modern usage of ICT in cultural heritage domain: bridging the gap between the digital world with the physical in a highly flexible way in order to enable a novel, adaptive cultural experience.ARtSENSE aims to develop an active assistants which looks over the user's shoulder (physical world) and react on any change in a visitor's state of interests (user's world) by adapting the "guide" (digital world) accordingly.Besides introducing novel wearable technologies for sensing continuously and non-intrusively the user's context (visual – eye-tracking, audio, physiological – biosensing) in order to determine the user's current interest ("mental engagement"), ARtSENSE will revolutionize the way how adaptive assistance will be realized: using cutting-edge technology (low weight bidirectional see-through displays) that enables overlaying reality with digital information transparently, including gaze-and gesture-controlled interaction, so that visitors have the feeling that physical objects are directly responding to them. In that way artworks become active artefacts that react on users' attention and emotions and provide more information about them! This leads to the new generation of mobile museum guides based on the novel concept we call Adaptive Augmented Reality (A2R).The realization of such an ambitious result will be based on the prior work of partners in the domain of Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage, Affective Computing and Complex Event Processing, which ensures the quality and reliability of generated outcomes and it will be driven by the three complementary use cases from Cultural Heritage domain, which ensures the usefulness and reusability of results.Very rigorous and comprehensive evaluation and exploitation plans ensures that this work will produce exploitable research results and influence the selected research areas, as well as the usage of advance ICT in the CH domain in general.

Convocatoria de propuestas

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Régimen de financiación

CP - Collaborative project (generic)

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Aportación de la UE
€ 524 898,00
76131 Karlsruhe

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Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Contacto administrativo
Nenad Stojanovic (Dr.)
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (9)