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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Development of the research potential of the Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University, in the area of advanced functional materials for successful participation in world-class research at EU level


This project aims to focus the research potential of the Faculty of Chemistry in Sofia University for performing world-class research in the area of Advanced Functional Materials. The Faculty is leading scientific centre in this area in Bulgaria and in the region, with recognized contributions in the design and characterization of materials with desired chemical, catalytic, biological and optical properties. The high research level in the Faculty was recently acknowledged by the National ranking of Universities - the Chemistry in Sofia University received the highest rank among all research fields in all Bulgarian universities. European evaluators, in the frame of FP7 project “EVEREST”, estimated highly the research achievements of the Faculty and noted that the studies in the area of Advanced Materials have the potential to be developed to the level comparable to that of the leading European centers. Based on a thorough SWOT analysis, an institutional strategic plan is defined and implemented in this proposal, aimed at boosting the Faculty excellence and creativity, and building a unique Research and Educational Centre on Advanced Functional Materials in Bulgaria. This objective will be attained by building strategic partnership with leading European research centers: TU Munich (DE), Oxford University (UK), MPI for Polymer Research (DE), University of Turin (IT), ESPCI – Paris (FR); recruitment of five experienced researchers, complementing the Faculty expertise; extending the existing infrastructure with new NMR, TEM and catalytic equipment, needed for cutting-edge research in this area. The project content fits within the thematic priorities of FP7 (NMP) and within the national priority “Materials science and Nanotechnology”.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
€ 3 799 998,00
1504 Sofia

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Югозападна и Южна централна България Югозападен София (столица)
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Total cost
No data