The accurate simulation of fluid dynamical processes puts great demands on both efficient algorithms and high-performance computers. Any effort in developing and applying modern computational techniques to fluid dynamical problems is well-directed, since - - by pure impact on technological innovation, economic competitiveness and environmental issues -- computational fluid dynamics plays a pivotal role in European research in science and engineering.
This project proposes to support the research of Dr. Peter Schmid on problems related to computational fluid dynamics, specifically in the areas of:
(i) flow instabilities in complex domains,
(ii) flow control by feedback mechanisms, and
(iii) interaction of fluid flow with flexible structures.
This support will ensure the efficient reintegration of Dr. Schmid into the European Research Area. During this project, large-scale numerical simulations of fluid flow in complex domains will be performed with particular emphasis on the dynamics of small-amplitude disturbances and the response behaviour of these flows to manipulatory measures. Modern iterative techniques, ideally suited for large-scale problems, will build the algorithmic foundation for this undertaking.
The obtained results will form the starting point for an investigation into actively controlled flow configurations with an eye on drag reduction, mixing enhancement or instability suppression. Fluid-structure interactions will further be investigated as to their potential to add a new dimension to lift-generation and flow manipulation, with many applications in air vehicle design.
The proposed project is highly computational and heavily relies on the availability of high-performance computer resources. Support is sought for contributing to the purchase of a shared -memory multi-processor supercomputer, with matching funds from the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
- sciences naturellessciences physiquesmécanique classiquemécanique des fluidesdynamique des fluidesdynamique des fluides computationnelle
- ingénierie et technologiegénie électrique, génie électronique, génie de l’informationingénierie électroniquematériel informatiquesupercalculateur
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Régime de financement
IRG - Marie Curie actions-International re-integration grantsCoordinateur