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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Boosting EU-Ukraine cooperation in the field of Superhard Materials

Final Report Summary - START (Boosting EU-Ukraine cooperation in the field of Superhard Materials)

Executive Summary:
The START project is to reinforce the cooperation between EU and Ukraine in the field of Superhard Materials and its application areas in the various thematic priorities of FP7. Thus, START will support the Ukraine’s leading research institute in the field of Superhard Materials, namely V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ISM), to become a “flagship institute’ in international cooperation

Project Context and Objectives:

Main objectives:
1. Analyse ISM’s research competencies, review the scientific and technological developments and examine the EU/Ukraine’s collaboration framework in order to develop ISM’s long-term Research Strategy and position the Institute in the international research arena.
2. Set up a consultation, assessment and validation mechanism in a collaborative perspective with EU research actors to monitor the implementation on ISM’s Research Strategy.
3. Organise a variety of training activities adjusted to the Institute’s support needs building
ISM’s competencies towards its participation in future FP7 collaborative research activities.
4. Deploy a set of diversified twinning activities, to significantly increase ISM’s networking level facilitate the exchange of knowledge and good practices and, thus, prepare the ground for setting Joint Research Plans with EU leading research centres.
5. Support the implementation of joint research activities between ISM and leading EU
research centres in the field of Superhard Materials.
6. Facilitate the exchange of research staff between ISM and EU research centres, enabling them to carry out joint experiments and, thus, setting the foundations for long-term collaboration.

Project Results:
The START project is to reinforce the cooperation between EU and Ukraine in the field of Superhard Materials and its application areas in the various thematic priorities of FP7. Thus, START will support the Ukraine’s leading research institute in the field of Superhard Materials, namely V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ISM), to become a “flagship institute’ in international cooperation.

Main objectives:
1. Analyse ISM’s research competencies, review the scientific and technological developments and examine the EU/Ukraine’s collaboration framework in order to develop ISM’s long-term Research Strategy and position the Institute in the international research arena.
2. Set up a consultation, assessment and validation mechanism in a collaborative perspective with EU research actors to monitor the implementation on ISM’s Research Strategy.
3. Organise a variety of training activities adjusted to the Institute’s support needs building
ISM’s competencies towards its participation in future FP7 collaborative research activities.
4. Deploy a set of diversified twinning activities, to significantly increase ISM’s networking level facilitate the exchange of knowledge and good practices and, thus, prepare the ground for setting Joint Research Plans with EU leading research centres.
5. Support the implementation of joint research activities between ISM and leading EU
research centres in the field of Superhard Materials.
6. Facilitate the exchange of research staff between ISM and EU research centres, enabling them to carry out joint experiments and, thus, setting the foundations for long-term collaboration.
Please provide a description of the work performed since the beginning of the project and the main results achieved so far. The length of this part cannot exceed 4000 characters
Achievements of the START consortium during the project: 1/11/2011 - 31/07/2014 were reached according following project DOW objectives:

• Assessment and analysis of ISM’s research competencies,
- The strengths and weaknesses of the ISM competencies have been reviewed, major socio-economic factors and trends that influence on the ISM needs and the ISM policy priorities have been identified, the research areas most relevant to EU priorities have been also identified .
- It was decided that the joint project proposals were defined as a basis for assessment of the ISM competencies and potential collaboration activities.
- It was decided that the formed new research profile of the ISM, new consortiums and new joint project proposals to programme HORIZON -2020 were defined as a basis for assessment of the ISM competencies and potential collaboration activities.

• Review the scientific and technological developments and examination of the EU/Ukraine’s collaboration framework in order to develop ISM’s long-term Research Strategy and position the Institute in the international research arena:
- Comments on the scope and objectives of the “ISM Research Strategy” were provided.
- Contributed to the development and fine tuning of the “ISM Research Strategy 2020”.

• Development of “ISM’s Research Strategy 2020” (including a 2 year detailed action plan):
- The “ISM’s Research Strategy 2020” was discussed on the basis of PR profiles and Technical offers which were presented by the ISM’s research departments and which include perspective development of ISM research activities. Also it was agreed that the best way for the development of the “ISM’s Research Strategy 2020" should be based on preparing new project proposals for programme HORIZON -2020 and other international funds.
- The 11 (eleven) new projects proposals were submitted to EU Research Programs and International funds.
- The 7 (seven) new projects were started and implemented during the project “START” period;
- About the 6 (six) new project proposals have planned to be prepared to EU Research Program Horizon 2020 during the 2015-2016 years during the Post – project Exploration period.
- The 9 new international consortiums were formed.
- The complementary areas of research of Institute P’ and UNIPRESS were under the consideration, and the advance studies and strategies of the EU leading research establishments were taken into consideration. In result the 2-nd version of the document "ISM's Strategy 2020" was updated.
- The “ISM’s Research Strategy 2020 (final version), including Action Plan for the period 2015-2016" has been finalised and prepared.
- It was agreed that implementation of the “ISM’s Research Strategy 2020” to create the Transfer Technologies Centre of the ISM (TTC –ISM) and International Scientific Laboratory (ISL).
- ISM initiates the process of restructuring the ISM’s organizational structure and as the result:
- The Department of the Innovation and Technology Transfer of the ISM (DITTC ISM) as structural unit of the ISM was formed at the end of the project “START” period, according the decision of the Scientific Council of the ISM and the decision of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (17.06.2014).
- The International Scientific Laboratory (ISL) as structural unit of the Department of the Innovation and Technology Transfer of the ISM (DITTC ISM) will be created in the Post - project Exploitation period.
- The Transfer Technologies Centre of the ISM (TTC –ISM) as the union of the several ISM’s structural units will be created in the Post- project Exploitation period.
- For support the process of restructuring the ISM’s organizational structure:
- Concept of the Transfer Technologies Centre of the ISM (TTC –ISM) and International Scientific Laboratory (ISL) were prepared.
- The memorandum of international scientific-technical cooperation and the establishment of an International Scientific Laboratory (ISL) between Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (UNIPRESS) and V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ISM) were signed.
- The Memorandum of Understanding and cooperating partnership between the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (hereafter PRAXI/FORTH) on behalf of the NMP TeAm 2 consortium and ISM was signed.
- The contacts with two national platforms: “Ukrainian National Technology Platform on Advanced Materials” (project BILAT) and "Kharkovskaya innovation platform” were formed.

• Setting up a consultation, assessment and validation mechanism in a collaborative perspective with the EU research actors to monitor the implementation on ISM’s Research Strategy:
- Focus of the socio-economic factors and trends that influence on the ISM needs and the ISM policy priorities and the research areas most relevant to EU priorities have been refined.

• The training material that was used for the organisation of the various START training activities has been developed:
- The curriculum, several templates and presentations regarding the participation in FP7 research projects as well as the proposal preparation procedure has been developed.
- The “Getting Started with EU ICT research”, which was initially developed under the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) Cluster was updated (and enriched where necessary)
- The networking guide “How to Effectively Network/Communicate in
- International R&D projects”, which were initially developed under the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) Cluster both in English and Russian has been distributed.

• Organisation of the “FP7 training workshops” in Ukraine:
- The 1st "FP7 training workshop (14.09.2012 Kiev, Ukraine) was organized.
- The 2nd “FP7 training workshop” (17 May 2013, Kiev, Ukraine) was organised.

• Organisation of the “intensive FP7 training courses” in Ukraine:
- The “1-st “Intensive training course” (17-21 September 2012) was organised in Kiev, Ukraine.
- The 2nd “Intensive FP7 training course” (11-15 November 2013, Kiev, Ukraine) was organised in Kiev, Ukraine.
- The 3rd “Intensive FP7 training course” (11-17 March 2014, Kiev, Ukraine) was organised in Kiev, Ukraine.

• Organisation of “on-the-job FP7 training” activities:
- The 1st “On-the-job FP7 training” for 4 ISM researchers during 03.06-05.06.2012
(France) and for 2 ISM researchers during 22.10.2012–02.11.2012 (Poland) were organized.
- The 2nd “On-the-job FP7 training” were organised: 14 May-15 June 2013, University de Poitiers, CNRS/ Institute P’ (France) and 15–27 September 2013 Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Poland.

• Activities to promote ISM research competencies:
- Finalise the review the 12 "PR profiles" and 16 "Technology Offers" where outlining the Institute’s competencies and achievements of the departments ISM.
- ISM’s scientists participation at 15 International Conferences and workshops.

• Exchange of scientific knowledge and good practices:
- The 1-st round “Research Internships" for 4 ISM Researchers (28.05 – 11.06.2012) in France: and for 2 ISM Researchers 22.10 – 02.11.2012 in Poland: was organized.
- The 2nd round “Research internships” was organised for ISM researchers: in France (Universite de Poitiers, CNRS/ Laboratoire PHYMAT, 14 – 26 May, 2013) and Poland (Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 15 – 30 September, 2013).
- The 2nd round “Research internships” was organised in Kiev (Ukraine): for researchers from France (11 – 22 November, 2013) and for researchers from Poland (11 – 23 February, 2014 and 30 March -06 April 2014);
- The 1st “scientific seminars” (04.08-08.06.2012 and 30.07.12–03.08.12) was organized in Ukraine.
- The 2-nd “scientific seminars” (25.02.2013 – 28.02.2013) was organized in Ukraine.
- The 1-st round “Delegation Tour” (03.06.-05.06.2012) was organized in EU (France).
- The 2nd round “Delegation Tours” (23.04-26.04.2013) was organized in Ukraine.
- The 3rd round “Delegation Tour” (22-26.09.2013) was organised in EU (Poland).
- The 4th round “Delegation Tour” (25-27.06.2014) was organised in Ukraine.
- Moreover, 15 young scientists participated in E-MRS 2013 Fall Meeting, September 16-20, Warsaw, Poland using the grants from Organizing Committee and Institute of High Pressure Physics.
- Support to participation of ISM’s scientists at 15 International Conferences and workshops.

• Development of Joint Research Action Plan with leading EU research centres – initiation of joint experiments:
- Joint research Action Plan 1-st version and final version were developed.
- Facilitation the exchange of research staff between ISM and EU research centres, enabling them to carry out joint experiments and, thus, setting the foundations for long-term collaboration.
- Initiation of the implementation of joint research activities between ISM and leading EU research centres in the field of Superhard Materials (e.g. experiments, lectures).

• Promotion campaign
- The «Project Dissemination Strategy» was developed.
- Developed the necessary templates for the development of the project publications, i.e. “PR
- Profiles” and “Technological Offer”:
- The promotional project ‘tools’, namely the web portal, leaflet, logo, project identity, etc. was developed.
- The project web-site has been launched in 11.05.2012.fThe project web-site worked. Uploading of new documents, information, etc. were planned during the project period to provide a wide auditorium with the newest information on project activities;
- Six e-Newsletters were developed.
- Three articles published in the International and Ukrainian journals.
- 12 examples of successful international collaboration of the V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials, in the form of "Collaboration cases" publications, have been prepared.

• Organisation of awareness raising events:
- The 1st round “Info-day” was organised on 13/0912 in Kiev (Ukraine) in order to increase the awareness about START performance, stressing attention on opportunities for scientists and researchers who work within superhard materials area.
- 2nd info-day (16 May, 2013) was organized in Kiev, Ukraine;
- 3rd info-day (23 September, 2013) was organized in Warsaw, Poland;
- Info-meetings for chiefs and scientists of the ISM’s departments were organised: 4 May 2012, 15 May 2012, 18 June 2012 and 31 January 2013 in Kiev (Ukraine).
- The International Dissemination Conference (26-27.06.2014 Kiev, Ukraine) was organised;
- The International Dissemination Conference Materials on the DVD–ROM were prepared.
- Project "Development of a network of information exchange on science-education programmes of European Union" (events in EU and Ukraine):
- Uzhgorod (26.04.2012) Donetsk (29.05.2012) Kharkiv (31.05.2012 Lviv, 17.09.2012 240 participants);
- Best of East-For Eastern Partnership Forum (21-23 May 2012, Poland, Bialystok, 80 participants);
- WIRE 2012 Forum (4-5 June 2012, Poland, Cracow, 500 participants);
- ICT Proposers Day 2012 (26-27 September 2012, Poland, Warsaw, 1700 participants);
- The RENEXPO (16-17 October 2012, Poland, Warsaw);
- International scientific congress "Information society,25-26 October 2012, Ukraine, Kyiv, 200 participants);
- Fairs of innovation and new technology INNOTECH EXPO 2013 in Kielce, Poland, on 17th – 19th October 2013;
- International conference “Development of international cooperation in the field of renewable energy” in Lviv, Ukraine on 2 October 2013;

• Post-project Exploitation:
- The “Post-project Exploitation Plan» 1-st version and final version were developed.

Potential Impact:
The strategic impact of the START project stems from its main aim to reinforce the research cooperation capacity of Ukraine, and in particular of country’s leading institute in the field of Superhard Materials, V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ISM), and thus, reinforce EU-Ukraine cooperation in the context of the European Research Area (ERA).

In terms of numbers, the impact of the START project is following:
1, The ISM’s long-term Research Strategy including 2 Action Plans addressing a short period of 2 years (2013-14 and 2015-16) was development.
2. Two “FP7 training workshops” were organized in Ukraine.
3. Tree “Intensive FP7 training courses” were organized in Ukraine.
4. Two rounds “on the- job FP7 training” were organised in EU.
5. More than 50 ISM’s researchers were involved as ‘trainees’ and more than 10 external experts were involved as ‘trainers’ for the organisation of the training activities towards.
6. 12 “PR Profiles” and 16 “Technology offers” outlining the research competencies and main achievements of ISM’s main departments/laboratories were development.
7. More than 100 EU research and industrial organisations will be contacted, to participate in project awareness raising/training/networking activities.
8. Two Joint Research Action Plans were agreed with respective EU actors.
9. 12 examples of successful international collaboration of the V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials, in the form of "Collaboration cases" publications, have been prepared.
10. 4 Delegation Tours will organised in Ukraine and EU, during which more than more than 20 researchers from ISM and EU research centres were participated.
11. Two rounds “Research internships” were organised in ISM, CNRS-PPRIME and UNIPRESS,enabling researchers from consortium partners carry out joint experiments.
12. Two “scientific seminars” were organised in Ukraine, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and good practices, while more than 30 researchers are expected to be involved.
13. Two info-days in Ukraine and one in EU were organized.
14. Major Dissemination conference was organised in Ukraine and near 100 participants were expected to attend.

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