Final Report Summary - CHEMBIONMR (Using chemical-biology to synthesis and study nuclear receptor proteins)
A limiting factor so far in PTMs and breast cancer research has been the lack of appropriate synthetic approaches for well-defined Estrogen Receptor (ER) constructs featuring PTMs. To overcome this problem, our aim in this research was to use an efficient protein semi-synthetic approach that combined: a) the chemical synthesis of peptides (< 50 amino acids) that contain the desired modifications, b) the biological expression of large sections (> 100 amino acids) of the ER, and c) a final ligation step between the two segments. This strategy allowed the introduction of PTMs at the C-terminus of ER Ligand Binding Domain, in combination with a site-specifically introduced fluorescent probe or 15N-labeled amino acids. Several biophysical techniques (FP, CD and NMR) in combination with molecular dynamics calculations allowed to directly probe the effect of these modifications on the ER dynamics and its role in modulating the ER – coactivator binding. The results reveal the molecular basis for a phosphorylation dependent and ligand-independent pathway for ER activation. Moreover, our data provides evidence for a subtype specific ER activity regulation mechanism. As conclusion, a novel mechanism of ligand-independent activation of ER can be proposed, induced by the phosphorylation of conserved tyrosine residues.
The long-term goal of this project would be to reach a good level of understanding of the role of PTMs in processes such as drug action and resistance in ER. The knowledge gained at the molecular level, in this direction, would be of high importance for advancing prevention, early detection and monitoring of the breast cancer disease, and moreover, could guide and promote new therapeutic strategies for breast cancer treatment.