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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Transport Properties of Ion-Beam Shaped Metallic Nanowires in Vertical Geometry

Final Report Summary - TAPIR (Transport Properties of Ion-Beam Shaped Metallic Nanowires in Vertical Geometry)

Task 1.1. Only the synthesis of gold NPs have been done. Two NP sizes have been synthesized: 15nm and 30nm.

Task 1.2. few samples containing gold NPs sandwiched between two silica layers have been prepared.
One sample have been prepared and observed by transmission electron microscopy

Oral presentation at the first meeting of the “Groupement de Recherches” (GDR) NACRE (Nanocristaux dans des diélectriques pour l’électronique et pour l’optique)

Title: Transport Properties of Ion-Beam Shaped Metallic nanowiRes in Vertical Geometry
October 8-10 2012
The candidate Dr. Francesco Ruffino got a permament position at the Universty of Catania (Italy). Thus, we were obliged to stop the project