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Mediterranean Science, Policy, Research & Innovation Gateway

Final Report Summary - MED-SPRING (Mediterranean Science, Policy, Research & Innovation Gateway)

Executive Summary:
In 54 months of activities, MedSpring has achieved important results and milestones, which paved the way for a stronger and co-owned Euro-Mediterranean Research & Innovation (R&I) cooperation. The overall coordination management (WP1) was guaranteed by the Coordinator (CIHEAM Bari), with the contribution of the Project Management Board (WP leaders and co-leaders) and the project was periodically steered by the External Advisory Board. Also, the Quality Control Group (QCG) periodically checked the quality of reports and deliverables, providing feedbacks to the Coordinator. As for WP2 (Societal challenges to reinforce the frame of cooperation), three events of the Euro-Mediterranean Expert Group (EMEG) were organized, gathering more than 200 people: one focused on research results valorization (Lisbon, June 2013); one focused on R&I cooperation policies (Tunisia, September 2014); one focused on Water-Food-Energy Nexus (Malta, October 2015). After each event, a position paper has been drafted and widely circulated, giving sound recommendations to policy makers and research managers. Several on-line activities have also been carried out to achieve the WP objectives (on-line consultations, surveys, identification of good practices). As for WP3 (Project portal, knowledge management and dissemination), the project web-site ( has been kept operational for the whole project and will be hosted by CIHEAM Bari server after the end of project activities. The web-site provides information on the life of the project, events, news, deliverables and documents. Also, more traditional ways to disseminate project’s objectives and outcomes (project's brochure, quarterly newsletters, thematic pamphlets) were produced and timely disseminated through the website, the social media and sent to a continuously updated mailing list. Within WP4 (Euro-Mediterranean Agorà), the project has launched since the beginning of its activities the on-line platformAgorà: a key virtual ecosystem for sharing information, priorities, opportunities linked to research and innovation within the Euro-Mediterranean region. WP4 has constantly produced multimedia materials to support the Project’s activities, to promote best practices, to disseminate knowledge. Also Agorà, that now has more than 20.000 users, will be kept operational after the end of project activities. WP4 has also actively collaborated with the project’s partners to implement new ICT tools supporting other WPs’ activities. WP4 has also enriched the open dialogue through the organization and implementation of “scientific coffees” aimed at increasing the awareness of science and innovation in the civil society. A significant number of connections has been established through the Project's social media channels: 2185 followers on Twitter and an average of 1.2 impression/day; 2062 fans on Facebook; average weekly post reach of 1.5k people.WP5 (Brokerage and venturing for innovation and EU-MPC research networking and cooperation) has organized 5 brokerage events, including the first Euro-Mediterranean Hackathon (held in Amman in December 2016), where around 90 innovative ideas were presented by 200 young idea carriers.WP6 (Institutional and funding synergies) developed an analysis of existing national research programmes in MPCs and suggested possible synergies, contributing to paving the way to PRIMA initiatives. Also, five “Awareness Campaign” were organized in Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan, Algeria and Palestine. This WP also organized three “inter-institutional events” gathering different research actors and programme managers to discuss common priorities and challenges and drafted a plan for an innovative mobility scheme in the Euro-Med region. As for WP7 (Capacity building in research, development and innovation), six regional training events, both on H2020 and on Innovation were designed and implemented in Lebanon (2013), Jordan (2013), Egypt (2015), Morocco (2014), Italy (2016) and Germany (2016).Some training events were organized in synergy with other regional projects (MERID, INCONTACT2020, MedMobil). A total of 160 trainees attended these events. WP8 (Policy, Societal Challenges and cooperation observatories)saw a partial re-scheduling and re-organization of the activities following a consultation with the EC Project Officer, the observatories involved in the project and the Consortium. Besides the periodical update of the catalogue of existing observatories, a survey was held and two meetings of Euro-MediterraneanObservatories have been organized (Beirut, May 2015 and Marseille, November 2015), respectively aimed at strengthening networking among observatories and identifying common indicators for water observation. Under WP9 (Support to inter-institutional and policy dialogue), in agreement with the EC Project Officer and the Consortium, part of the resources were re-allocated to support the creation of a GSO (Group of Senior Officials) website, which is now operational at the link In addition, an Euro-Mediterranean meeting to discuss indicators for common monitoring of Bilateral S&T Agreements was organized in Algiers on 19th November 2015, attended by the Research Ministries of MPCs. A White Paper and a policy paper for Euro-Mediterranean STI Cooperation has also beendrafted: their recommendations have been used to orient project activities and to create a sound framework for the organization of the event linked to MedSpring Final Conference, held in Brussels on 7th July 2017, hosted by the European Commission, entitled: “The MedSpring legacy for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation on R&I”.
Project Context and Objectives:
MedSpring has been drafted and implemented in a particular time in the history of Euro-Mediterranean Region, characterized by the effects of the Arab Spring on one side and by the strong momentum for strengthening Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. With reference to the latter, an important framework to be considered is the political declaration made at the first Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Research and Higher Education organised in Cairo (June, 2007), setting the main framework of objectives to be pursued for the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in Research and Higher Education, such as for Research: -) increase system capacity, -) enhancing the participation of Mediterranean countries in the EU-funded programmes in Research and Higher Education, -) promoting innovation. These objectives have been re-affirmed by MoCo in 2010 during the preparatory work for the 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Research, Innovation and Higher Education (foreseen in Slovenia - April 2010 and postponed sine-diem), and identified as objectives/actions to be pursued, particularly with reference to research mobility, research system capacity, enhancing participation of southern Mediterranean countries in EU funded research and promoting innovation. These objectives became a main reference frame to orient projects and actions jointly undertaken by the EU and Southern Mediterranean countries. Recommendations and commitments for a stronger Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in R&I came also from the Barcelona Conference on S&T in 2012. In this scenario, in continuity with the previous INCO-Net MIRA and in synergy with the project ERANETMED, MedSpring has contributed to keep active the Euro-Med dialogue on R&I cooperation among different actors: institutions, research managers, researchers, academia, civil society. This dialogue led to the identification of common challenges, gaps, opportunities and priorities. Some of these elements have fed the drafting of PRIMA initiative and Med-Spring has undoubtedly contributed to increase Mediterranean research communities and institutions’ awareness on the importance of an initiative under Article 185 of the Lisbon Treaty.
As for the objective of MedSpring, the main aim of the project was to contribute to the quality of the Euro-Mediterranean research area, particularly the bi-regional Euro-Mediterranean S&T cooperation, policy dialogue and cooperation monitoring. This has been achieved through the following actions:
Societal challenges
- The project had a focus on three societal challenges, which have been selected from the list of societal challenges included in the Innovation Union Communication: i) Energy; ii) High Quality Affordable Food, iii) Scarcity of resources. These challenges constitute the main cross-cutting theme of the project and are at the centre of the overall frame of activities addressing to STI EU-MPC cooperation.

- The analysis of selected societal challenges has been carried out by EMEG (Euro-Mediterranean Expert Group), a multi-discipline and multi-stake expert group. The analysis has provided results and recommendations for strengthening the frame of EU-MPC STI cooperation on the specific societal challenges. With regard to selected societal challenges, the project has addressed: research and policy state of play (stocktaking), synergies and complementarities between different actions/projects and funds, coordination-alignment of policies, programmes and projects, joint programming/programme level cooperation, networking and brokerage to strengthen joint EU-MPC cooperation and innovation, dialogue, strengthen MPC participation in the ERA, capacity building (training).

- Interaction and dialogue between EMEG and stakeholders/society (through workshops and social networks) has allowedto achieve large consensus on the analysis results and develop a more consistent frame of recommendations and suggestions for EU-MPC cooperation and policy dialogue.

Support policy dialogue
The project has carried out key activities to support the policy dialogue. Support to policy dialogue has been tackled through an integrated and comprehensive approach, aiming at achieving specific results, functional to an effective policy support.
- First of all, the analysis of selected societal challenges, complemented by the dialogue with stakeholders and civil society has lead to the identification of gaps and needs, strengths and weaknesses of ongoing cooperation, priorities, synergies and impacts, opportunities for innovation.

- The establishment of a Euro-Mediterranean open dialogue through social networks has allowed the upscale of the institutional policy dialogue. Through the Agorà and social media, the project has engaged the EU, governmental agencies, researchers, stakeholders in the social dialogue and reinforce the link between societal and institutional dialogue.

- Identifying and designing ways for trilateral EU-MS/AC-MPC institutional and financial synergies (joint activities, programme level cooperation), possibly including the European Regions, is another important contribution to research cooperation, and MedSpring has supported the institutional dialogue among MPC and EU, MS/AC, Committee of Regions.

- In addition, the project has supported the activity of GSO (former MoCo), trying to make more visible and impacting its work through a dedicated website

Strengthening EU-MPC cooperation
- The project has organized specific events (brokerage-networking, stakeholders workshops), working meetings, training activities and NCP network reinforcement with the aim of facilitating/promoting joint cooperation, increasing awareness and knowledge on Research Framework Programme and other relevant EU programmes, increase participation of MPC in Horizon2020.

- Brokerage-venturing on innovation has also beenan important goal of the project and has promoted and encouraged Euro-Mediterranean research-technological partnerships to enhance innovation embedded in the larger frame of EU-MPC cooperation on STI.

- Also the above mentioned activities (under policy dialogue) related to promoting “trilateral” institutional and financial synergies has contributed to strengthening the overall frame of EU-MPC cooperation research, identifying ways to reduce research fragmentation, increase complementarities and enhance a multi-donors coherent approach to selected societal challenges.

Increase effectiveness and impact
- The establishment of a permanent (along the duration of the project) Euro-Mediterranean Agora, based on social networks, has ensured deep communication and penetration in the society while ensuring deep dissemination at societal level. Ad-hoc scientific/research and institutional dissemination have been complemented through the project portal, which will also support public knowledge repository.

- A quality control strategy and related expert panel has been set-up allowing for a higher quality of deliverables and evaluation of specific-critical processes.

- The participation of relevant partners from most of the MPCs (excluding Syria and Libya due to ongoing socio-political constraints), including research Ministries and NCP as the natural EU counterpart in the policy dialogue, together with public research agencies and bodies, associations, NGOs from MPC and MS, has guaranteed the effectiveness of the project actions and the willingness of MPC to engage at the institutional-policy level.

MedSpring has achieved the following specific objectives:

1) Development of a comprehensive-holistic analysis of identified societal challenges in order to take stock of the relevant policy dialogue and existing activities/projects in the relevant sectors, identify priorities, support preparation and implementation of joint activities and draft joint recommendations for the policy dialogue.

2) Creation of an Internet based social dialogue to complement and support the institutional dialogue, support elaboration of recommendations for policies, particularly with regard to the socio-economic and governance dimension of identified societal challenges.

3) Support and promote networking and clustering to strengthen joint research cooperation and enhance local and regional innovation.

4) Identification of mechanisms and organise dialogue to develop institutional and funding synergies on selected societal challenges;

5) Capacity building through ad-hoc training initiatives aimed at increasing research capacity “absorption”, improve participation in the Research Framework Programme, develop innovation.

6) Monitoring research cooperation and policies, and societal challenges.

7) Support to policy dialogue, particularly the activities of MoCo;

8) Dissemination, institutional/stakeholders and scientific outreaching.

Project Results:
The main results for each project Work Package are outlined here below:
Work Package 1
WP Objectives
The general management of project, coordination of partners, project activities, external institutional relations as well as a platform of relevant and ongoing projects to strengthen coordination and synergies among their coordinators have been continuously implemented. The responsibility of the Work Package is of CIHEAM Bari (project coordinator), which has been supported by the deputy coordinator MHESR.
Task 1.1 - Overall project management and management of legal, budgetary and administrative aspects and issues: CIHEAM Bari has managed legal, budgetary and administrative issues in close coordination with the Consortium, the EC and the project deputy coordinator.

Task 1.2 - Management of progress and final financial-technical reporting:The management of financial and technical project report and deliverables have been continuously implemented. The repository and status of deliverables is managed by an internal project Management system (intranet). A total number of 49 deliverables foreseen in 54 months have been submitted on the Participant Portal.

Task 1.3 - Management and organisation of kick-off meeting and annual project meetings: The Project kick off meeting was held at CIHEAM Bari (Bari, Italy) on 4-5 February 4th 2013, with
50 representatives of 18 Mediterranean countries. A two days kick-off meeting was carried out with the aim of presenting the overall work-plan and define in details the first year-work plan. Very high participation, each partners came with at least two representatives, for a total number of participants of more than 70. The first annual project meeting of project consortium was held in Cairo (Egypt) on 10-11 February 2014, attended by the whole project consortium. The second annual project meeting has been organized and implemented in Berlin, Germany, from the 24th to 25th February 2015. The third annual meeting has been held in Tunis on 18-19 February 2016. The fourth and last annual meeting has been organized in Brussels on 6th July 2017. All the Annual Meetings have been the occasion to take stock of project activities and results, rescheduling some activities, planning the future as well as having a constructive exchange with the External Advisory Board.

Task 1.4 - Selection, establishment and management of a Quality Control Group (QCG):The QCG has been established soon after the start of the project, composed by 3 members. According to the Quality Control Plan, it has reviewed 27 project deliverables and 7 Internal Reports.

Task 1.5 - Coordination of external relations: Continuous relations with DG Research (relevant Thematic Directorates), DG AGRI, DEVCO and UfM have been maintained. Several meetings between Coordinator / Deputy Coordinator and the above EU institutions were organized with the aim of promoting MedSpring and creating synergies with other projects and programmes. These synergies have also allowed the organization of the side event to Med-Spring final Conference, hosted by the European Commission.
Task 1.6 - Coordination with media, such as press and communication agencies, broadcasting bodies:The activityhas been mainly pursued through the AGORA, which has a very wideoutreaching and visibility. In addition, an article on Med-Spring has been published on the Magazine of the Euro-Mediterranean Arab Association “Mediterranes” n. 2/2015 (EMA).

Task 1.8 - Coordination of Project Platform: A meeting of coordinators of R&I cooperation projects having a focus on the Mediterranean has been held in Barcelona on January 21 and 22, 2015, entitled “Euro-Mediterranean Projects Dialogue To Enhance Water-Energy-Food Nexus Meeting”. More information on the event are available on the project website:

Task 1.9 - Organisation of the Project Management Board and External Advisory Board Meeting:The EAB members and the Project Management Board (WP leaders) have met in occasion of the four annual meetings of the project (see task 1.3). The meetings have been open to the project consortium for a wider discussion. EAB recommendations have been taken into due account for maximising the impact of project activities.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• Overall project management and management of legal, budgetary and administrative aspects and issues regularly implemented
• Organization and implementation of four annual project meetings and EAB meetings
• Management of progress and financial-technical reporting
• Quality Control of project results
• Synergies established with Euro-Mediterranean R&I cooperation projects

Work Package 2

WP Objectives
The WP2 objective is the realization of a comprehensive analysis in relation to the selected societal challenges: Scarcity of resources, Energy (specifically the sustainable utilization of renewable energy) and High Quality Affordable Food.The activities carried out by the partners engaged in this WP were centered, according to DoW, on the following tasks:
Task 2.1 – Creation and management of the EMEG: The creation of EMEG (Euro-Mediterranean Expert Group) started just after the KOM (4-5/02/2013); Term of References, drawing of the 1st year activities plan, collection of expert’s CVs were performed in the first months of the project. EMEG is a permanent structured “think tank”, providing recommendations for actions, with emphasis on enhancing research impacts, effective policies and adequate holistic and sustainability approach in relation to water, food and energy. EMEG is constituted of more than 45 experts, of different background (thematic, socio-economic, policy, planners and decision makers, representatives of SMEs, ...) grouped in the above mentioned three themes (water, food and energy), coming from both Member States and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC).

Task 2.2 – Stocktaking of policy dialogue: The critical stocktaking of Euro-Mediterranean policy dialogue on Research andInnovation (R&I) was aimed at providing a comprehensive frame of policy objectives andtargets agreed and outlined in major bi-regional and multi-lateral policy dialogue eventsundertaken in the last years. The main outcome of such analysis was an overview of mainobjectives, problems and results (the latter being not necessarily achievements) of Euro-Mediterranean RDI policy dialogue. The stocktaking has been carried out from April 2014 in two main steps: a) Desk analysis based on literature review (including FP7/H2020 published topics), relevant outcomes from the MedSpring Open Consultation and 1st EMEG meeting Position Paper (June 2013), civil society insights, collected through a 3-steps on-line OpenConsultation (June-July 2014) who participate 146 people in the first step; 152 in the second step; and 31 in the third step; EMEG experts inputs, collected through an ad-hoc consultation (July-August 2014); b) Stakeholder meeting (held in Brussels on 28 April 2014), which gathered Euro-Mediterranean key actors of R&I and main MedSpring partners, having a specific session on EMEG activities on R&I Policy Dialogue. This analysis represented the background of therationale for the EMEG meeting carried out in September 2014 in Tunisia. The main objective of the meeting was the identification of ways and means to address (or re-address) policy and policy dialogue, particularly regarding objectives and expected impacts, accounting the current scenarios, in Research and Innovation cooperation.This work lead to the identification of new (or renewed) objectives and expected impacts of Euro-Mediterranean R&I policy dialogue and cooperation, which were be presented by each EMEG sub-group in a plenary session under the form of “paradigms”. Following the meeting, a position paper (under the title “Stocktaking of policy dialogue”) was drafted.

Task 2.3 – Stocktaking of research results: The aim of this Task was to identify ways to increase synergies among projects funded bydifferent programmes, to improve uptake and valorization of joint research results,favouring positive socio-economic feedbacks on the creation of innovative start-ups aswell job opportunities, especially for youths.The first step in such a process was the organization of a web-based OpenConsultation. The survey was opened from May to July 2013, involving more than 120 participantsbelonging to different sectors: Scientific community, Civil society, consumers, Policymakers,RTD managers and Industry/enterprises.The on-line open consultation provides inputs on research topics, barriers and positivefactors, to the 1st EMEG meeting (Lisbon, 20-21 June 2013) where the EMEG experts,divided in sub-groups (water, food and energy) were asked to prepare a list of thematictopics for each challenge, highlighting concrete research results and stakeholdersinvolved/target groups addressed – then gathered in a position paper. The position paper was presented and discussed with representatives of the EC in ameeting held in Brussels (July, 4, 2013). Another activity carried on under this Task was the “Survey of GoodPractices” This survey was aimed to collect, among EMEG experts, Good Practices(GP) of Euro-Mediterranean research cooperation projects in the water, food and energyareas. The Good Practices have been collected throughthe Agora web community as well as through an on-line database bymean of a geo-referenced map on the project website.

Task 2.4 – Developing a holistic frame for each societal challenge: Following the3rd EMEG meeting held Malta, MT on 30 September-2 October 2015, a position paper (under the title: “A frame for a comprehensive understanding of Water-Energy-Food Nexus”) was drafted. The draft version of the position paper wasshared among EMEG members, MedSpring partners and via web (through an ad-hoc open consultation held between March-April 2016) before submission and validation from a group of experts and EAB members in the course of the 2ndStakeholders’ meeting held in Bari on 26 May 2016.

Task 2.5 – Organizing and implementing 2 stakeholders workshops: Under this Task, a workshop"Towards a Common Euro-Mediterranean Innovationworkshop" was organized in Brussels, Belgium on 28th of April 2014. The workshop was jointly organized by the Innovation Working Group of the Euro-Mediterranean Group ofSenior Officials in Research and Innovation (EU-Med GSO) and the EuropeanCommission and supported by MedSpring regional platform in research and innovation,funded under the 7th Framework research Programme. More than50 participantsbelonging to EU-MPCs (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy,Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia,Turkey) participate to the workshop, together with other relevant actors: UFM, League of
Arab States, MedSpring Project, EIB, OECD, ANIMA Network, EBRD, World Bank,NESTA UK, Forum for Mediterranean Innovation in Action, EC, KFW, DevelopmentBank, Agency for Development France, African Development Bank, Arab Science andTechnology Foundation.
The 2ndStakeholders’ workshopwas then organized with the purpose to validate the position paper on the water-energy-food Nexus resulting from the 3rd EMEG held in Malta at the end of September 2015.This activity was organized into a 2-steps procedure: the first one was performed through an on-line open consultation addressed to a wide array of stakeholders belonging to scientific organizations and web communities (especially the Agora web-community), who expressed their opinions. The second step involved the External Advisory Board members and selected experts in evaluating the outcomes of the open consultation and validating the document. The meeting was heldat CIHEAM premises in Bari (Italy) on 26 May 2016.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• Management of EMEG activities, updating of experts’ CVs and list.
• Completion of 3 on-line open consultation(involving more than 450 participants); collection of contribution from EMEG through ad-hoc questionnaires. These activities were performed in preparation to the EMEG meetings.
• Organization and implementation of 3 EMEG Meetings(Portugal, 2013; Tunisia, 2014 and Malta, 2015).
• Preparation of 3 position papers:
- 1st Position Paper: “Stocktaking of Research results”: A frame of priorityresearch topics and niches in water, food and energy;
- 2nd Position Paper: “Stocktaking of policy dialogue”: A set of overarchingparadigms to strengthen Euro-Mediterranean dialogue on R&I and toensure more efficient policies;
- 3rd Position paper:“A frame for a comprehensive understanding of Water-Energy-Food Nexus”: A log-frame supporting the Water-Energy-Food Nexusintervention logic and a set of recommendations (both political andtechnical) addressed to Public administration, industry/private sector,research bodies and civil society organizations
• Implementation of a “Survey of Good Practices” aimed to collect, among EMEGexperts, Good Practices (GP) of Euro-Mediterranean research cooperation projects in the water, food and energy areas. Until now 10good practices and 28 projectswere collected from 13 different EU-Med countries, mainly in the sectors of water(49%) and food (27%). Inter-sectorial projects are well represented.
• An on-line Good Practices Atlas by mean of a geo-referenced map, is now visible on the project website (
• Organization and implementation of the2 Stakeholders’ workshops, involving EAB members/selected expertsin order to substantiate the analysis carried out by the three EMEG sub-groups, discuss the results of the analysis with external researchers, stakeholders, SMEs and other actors.

Work Package 3

Partner participants in the WP: CSIC (WP Leader); CIHEAM-IAMB; DLR; CNR;MESRSFC; S-COM

WP Objectives

The objectives of this WP are the project dissemination, outreaching and knowledgemanagement. A project portal has been developed and managed by CSIC incollaboration with CIHEAM, in accordance with the communication needs of the project.Dissemination and outreaching target the project partners, the researchers and institutions involved in project activities and research cooperation in the Mediterraneanregion. The activities carried out by the partners engaged in this WP were centered, according to DoW, on the following tasks:

Task 3.1- Implementation of the project portal: The project’s website functions as a repository of information on cooperation experiences andprovides access to International Cooperation Programmes, informs about the Euro-Mediterranean Agora (WP4) and also serves as a repository/library of all information concerning the project tasks and activities, supporting scientific and non-scientific outreaching and dissemination. Throughout the project the portal has been continuously developed in compliance with the needs to have an updated repository and support other project activities (training, brokerage, policy dialogue, agora).There have been four yearly repository progress reports to provide regular updates on the repository population.

Task 3.2: Developing public digital information and knowledge base onselected societal challenges, focusing on cooperation, policy and thematic aspects:The knowledge base has been developed on the base of the aggregation and review of the information and documents placed in the repository in order to provide external visitors with a comprehensive vision regarding specific themes, including forecasting, scenarios, actions and suggestions for actions.For the implementation of the project portal, different sections dealing with the societal challenges addressed by the project have been created, as well as a repository of information on cooperation experiences and project main activities. The portal complements the activities of the Euro-Mediterranean Agora (WP4), however it mainly focuses on making visible the project activities and serves as repository of information concerning the project activities and deliverables. The repository hosts different types of documents/ material including more than 200 items.

Task 3.3: Preparation of a comprehensive project brochure andpreparation of fivethematic pamphlets: A comprehensive and updated project brochure has been prepared and printed, while the electronic version has been uploaded in the project’s website. 3000 hard copies of the updated brochure have been produced, ready for use and circulation. Fivethematic pamphlets have been issued on, respectively, Research & Innovation, WEF Nexus, Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation on research and innovation in the three societal challenges (WEF), Training needs, Social dialogue and Agorà.The electronic version of the brochure (.pdf version) and the five thematic pamphlets (.pdf version) are available online from the project website. The hard copies of the brochure have been distributed to the public during public events and project activities.

Task 3.4: Create an online database of projects acting in the EU-MPC area or areas of top common interest:After drafting a concept notefollowing the recommendations of the meeting of projects’ coordinators held in Barcelona, January 2015, Task 1.8 a database has been created including projects in the water, food and energy sectors in the Euro-Med area. The database includes 59 projects with relevant information about them.

Task 3.5: Issue of digital periodic publications: quarterly Newsletters on the selected societal challenges: 16 quarterly e-Newsletters on the project activities carried out in the period concerned have been issued byCSIC. Contents on the main project activities in progress, news and discussion topics have been provided by CSIC and international experts. The electronic version of the newsletters (.pdf and html version) is available on the project website. It has been sent out electronically to a long list of researchers, policy makers, stakeholders, governmental officers and international organizations.
Task 3.6: Scientific outreaching and dissemination. Preparation of the Dissemination Plan:After the first review paper published in the project website, this task has been modified and the deliverable cancelled. Resources have been used to support other activities, such as the participation in the 3rd EMEG meeting in Malta and the organisation of the meeting of EU funded projects’ coordinators (water, food, energy sector) in Barcelona (January, 2015) that envisaged also the participation of MPCs researchers with the aim of facilitating their networking capacity.

Significant results and Activities implemented

• The project portal has been implemented and it is still available after the end of the project at the following address: includes different sections dealing with the societal challenges addressed by the project, from the scientific point of view as well as policy EU-MPC dialogue. ThePortal continues to act as a repository of information on cooperation experiences, specifically:training material on H2020 proposal writingandconsortium building and management and on promoting research and innovation (incooperation with WP7). It provided access to International Cooperation Programsand Projects and brokerage facilities to build international consortia. The Portal has facilitated activities of the Euro-Mediterranean Agora (WP4) by publicizing outcomes and recommendations. The Portal is connected with other Fora dealing with International (EU-MPC) Innovation Cooperation in the Mediterranean.
• The project brochure has been reprinted for circulation in 3000 copies and five thematic pamphlets have been issued and uploaded in the project website.
• The database on Euro-Med projects in water, energy and food has been finalised
• 16 e-Newsletter on the project activities carried out in the period concerned have been issued by CSIC. The publications have been placed on the portal and shared electronically to a number of researchers, policy makers, stakeholders, governmental officers/policy makers, international organisations.

Work Package 4
Partner participants in the WP: CIHEAM-IAMB; MHESR; TUBITAK; MESRSFC; DGRSDT;

WP Objectives
Based on a participatory approach, the AgoraMedSpring platform (WP4) favoured the creation of a stakeholders’ network around the activities of MedSpring project. Bystrengthening these connections, WP4 contributed to the circularity of the knowledgegenerationprocess by valuing information-sharing as an input and output of the project.WP4 substantially contributed to create a solid internet-based dialogue with the project’s stakeholders. During the whole project duration, WP4 has continued to develop and consolidate an increased number of connections through the project’s social media channels. The e-platform, AgoraMedSpring, has hosted multi-media materials produced by WP4 (as well as from other WPs) to continue supporting the project’s activities and to promote best practices in the Euro-Mediterranean region. WP4 has actively collaborated with the project’s partners to design and implement ICT tools in support of other WPs’ activities(WP2: completion of open consultation to support EMEG meetings; survey for collection of good practices and Euro-Mediterranean research cooperation projects in the water, food and energy areas, preparation of an Atlas for good practices and projects; WP5: calls for ideas within the organisation of the brokerage/hackathon events, map of best practices and projects on the project’s themes; WP7: multi-chat system in support of training activities, scientific coffee streaming and live interaction).

Task 4.1 - EUMA platform: The AgoraMedSpring platform ( is fully operational, rich in content, and integrated with the project’s portal ( S-COM elaborated and produced multimedia material both to promote the project's activities and best practices around the Mediterranean concerning the topics of the project. Furthermore, the Agora has been used to live-stream major project events. The Agora has also organized three on-line digital workshops, widely circulated through the project’s social media channels.

Task 4.2 - Dialogue infrastructure: The dialogue infrastructure is operational and integrated with the project’s social media channels. Up to day, WP4 has established a significant number of connections: 2,185 followers on Twitter and an increasing number of impressions (on average 1,200 impressions/day); 2,062 followers on Facebook (with an average weekly post reached of 1,500 people); 402 LinkedIn connections. At the end of the project, Agora Social Hub collected 33,620 sessions, 20,580 users, 83,617 page views. WP4 is successfully managing the co-sharing of inputs and outputs with the Project’s stakeholders.

Task 4.3 - Promoting the EUMA: WP4 has elaborated and produced multi-media materials for promoting the activities of MedSpring Project. Day-by-day interaction is carried out using social media channels promoting both activities carried out by MedSpring and MedSpring's partners and activities and initiatives carried out by otherusers, organizations, institutions. Other engagement activities have been carried out, such as the launching of the open consultations to share results coming from the 3rdEMEG meetings in Malta (September-October 2015). Targeted engagement activities have been also carried out in order to launch and sustain the call for ideas for participating in the MedSpring Brokerage event in Bari (May 2016) as well as for the 1st Euro-Mediterranean Hackathon in Amman (December 2016).

Task 4.4 - Management of open social dialogue: WP4 has managed the open social dialogue on a day-by-day basis. This task contributed to the selection of best practices around the Euro-Mediterranean region and the coproduction of material with various stakeholders (e.g. articles and interviews).
Task 4.5 - Scientific coffees: WP4 has enriched the open dialogue through the organization and implementation of two “science cafés” using the EUMA infrastructure to promote and support the events. The purpose was to increase the awareness of science and innovation in the civil society (bringing science culture closer to the public and introducing it in a more informal context), create outreach opportunities for scientists and project leaders to engage the civil society in the scientific work and evolution, stimulate informal discussions about scientific results and projects in an attempt to really address societal challenges. The first science café was held in Turin, 16 June 2015, on “Cultural Heritage contribution to Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation”. The second one “The role of Local Innovation in sustainable Development” was organized in Cairo, Egypt, on 30 October 2015, in the framework of the training on H2020 (WP7).The Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training (MESRSFC) organized the 3rdMedSpring Scientific Coffee to discuss about “Climate change: What scientific and societal challenges?”. The event was held on 10 October 2016 at Faculty of Sciences (Rabat, Morocco). The4th Scientific Coffee was held in Beirut, Lebanon on 16 February 2017 at CNRS-L aimed at presenting the state of the art and research in Early Warning Systems (Flood and Earthquakes), Solar Energy Applications & Marine Research in Lebanon.

Task 4.7 – Identification of best practices for engaging civil society in RDT through social media:The activities under this task consisted in the evaluation of the capacity of different projects and initiatives to reach civil society in RDT trough social media. Comparison and assessment of these initiatives has been carried out in order to identify the best practices. Providing visibility to these initiatives through the project's social media.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• The multi-media material produced as part of WP4 is available
• The dialogue infrastructure was established and operational. Through different webcommunication and dissemination techniques, the interaction with the wider publicand its engagement was positively stimulated.
• A significant number of connections has been established through the Project's social media channels:2,185 followers on Twitter and an increasing number of impressions (on average 1,200 impressions/day); 2,062 followers on Facebook (with; an average weekly post reached of 1,500 people); 402 LinkedIn connections. At the end of the project, Agora Social Hub collected, 33,620 sessions, 20,580 users, 83,617 page views, and a considerable amount of information, news, and stories is shared on a daily base.
• Most activities of the MedSpring project were live-streamed and disseminated through a live social media coverage. This approach attracted users to follow theproject's activities and established a model of dissemination based on participation and transparency.
• Online promotional material: a list of selected multi-media material prepared to promote the activities of MedSpring has been produced.
• AgoraMedSpring has continued to be a lively hub where different users get news, updates, useful information and in-depth insights into the three challenges addressed by the project and increasingly receives request of partnership or collaborations with other organizations, media and institutions.
• Best practices for engaging civil society in RDT through social media have been collected and are part of an Atlas of best practices from the Euro- Med area.
• 3 Digital workshops broadcast: Nexus to Migration; Climate Change and Food Security: What new technologies can do to improve resilience for small farmers;Digital Round Table: Civil Society's Perspective on Food Security
• 4 science cafés have been organized and carried out respectively on: “Cultural Heritage contribution to Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation” (Turin, Italy, 16 June 2015); the second one “The role of Local Innovation in Sustainable Development”(Cairo, Egypt, 30 October 2015); “Climate Change: What scientific and societal challenges? (Rabat, Morocco, 10 October 2016); “Early Warning Systems, Solar Energy Applications & Marine Research in Lebanon” (Beirut, Lebanon, 16 February 2017)
• Social media activities: Twitter (; Facebook (; LinkedIn (

Work Package 5

WP Objectives
This work package was aimed at strengthening Euro-Mediterranean STI cooperation both in terms of increased research cooperation between MPC and MS/AC and participation in EU programmes (including MS/AC research programme) and an improved environment for enhancing local to regional innovation accounting the selected societal challenges.In line with DoW, the activities foreseen in this WP have been implemented according to the following tasks:

Task 5.1 – Brokerage to strengthen research cooperation: In view of the H2020 Launch event “Meeting Euro-Med Common Challenges” foreseen on 9 February 2014, MedSpring organized an half-day networking events and matchmaking among EU and MPCs researchers on relevant topics (of potential interest for MPCs) aiming at facilitating participation and networking of researchers and other relevant actors in relation to H2020 call topics. The event “Deepening H2020 opportunities for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation to enhance research networking and partnerships” was held on 8 February 2014, back to back to the regional Event of the EC on 9 February in Cairo for the launch of H2020.

Task 5.2 – Cluster analysis: A short-track survey was carried out to identify promising clusters in MPCs for brokerage-venturing on innovation in selected societal challenges. These clusters can also be the target of face-to-face brokerage-venturing. The cluster survey will also enable the understanding the state of innovation development, targeted fields of technology in MPCs and the international linkages of MPC cluster.The survey also asked for desirable international cooperation partners (countries or regions). The analysis is based on a database of 95 clusters and local technology initiatives in 6 MPCs (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia) as well as Israel and Turkey, derived by ANIMA network for previous activities and enriched with more data for the analysis.Questionnaires were completed online using DLR’s PT-Survey software. The survey was announced via ANIMA’s newsletter. To facilitate brokerage activities within MedSpring, a section was included in the questionnaire where cluster manager could post possible offers or requests for technology.

Task 5.3 – Analysis on Innovation Framework Conditions: An analysis on Innovation Framework conditions in the EU-Med region was conducted under this task. The paper (Deliverable D5.3) presented the current policy framework regarding EU-MPC cooperation in R&I as well as the Innovation Framework conditions in MPCs as they currently stand. Furthermore, it concluded with recommendations and tools for the MPCs to develop new regional and national Innovation Systems able to participate to international competition.

Task 5.4 – Preparation and organization of 4 brokerage-venturing events for innovation on selected societal challenges in MPCs: In July 2013 a concept note for the 1st Joint Cooperation/Innovation Brokerage Event was prepared by the MedSpring staff. Such document was aimed to draw the line for the whole process. An ad-hoc Organizing Team was established, including representative of all involved partners: MHESR (Egypt), CIHEAM-IAMB (Italy), MCST (Malta), TESR (Tunisia), DLR (Germany), ANIMA (France), S-COM (Italy). This Team was involved in preparation of the “rationale” of the brokerage event including the objectives, logistics about event location and budgetary aspects as well as of the Agenda and the timeline of the steps.
In September 2013, a “Call for proposals for new Research ideas for the Mediterranean” and related format for “Expression of Interest” were prepared by the Organizing Team and launched in its final version on 15th October using several dissemination channels (direct mailing to EMEG members and Project Partners, project website and Agora, social networks, partners websites, EU ENPI webpage, ...) as well as on an ad-hoc MedSpring brokerage event’s webpage. At the closure of the call (30th November 2013), 22 Expression of Interest were submitted. Some of the ideas-carriers belong to the Agora community and were directly invited to participate to the event. The ideas were evaluated by an Expert Panel (6 international experts). The 1st Brokerage eventon Research and Innovation on selected societal challenges in MPCs was held in Cairo on 12-13 February 2014, back to back with the MedSpring Annual Meeting, hosted by MHESR. Focusing on the three societal challenges (Water, Food and Energy) 15 Mediterranean young entrepreneurs and researchers gathered together in Cairo to present their innovative ideas through fruitful discussions with 10 potential collaborators and partners for investment or technical and scientific support. The two-day event was attended by 43 participants from EU and other European countries and MPCs, of various types of institutions, both public and private.The majority of the participants came from Egypt and Tunisia (77%). Other countries (France, England, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, the Netherland, Palestine, Spain) make up the remaining 23%. The majority of the participants belong to Research Centres and University (42%), followed by SMEs/startups (12%). Most represented sectors of activities were Environmental /urban services and Agro-food sectors.
The 2ndBrokerage event on Research and Innovation was held in Berlin on 25-26 February 2015, back to back with the MedSpring Annual Meeting (Berlin, 23-24 February 2015).The 2-day event was attended by 102 participants from 21 EU and MPCs, of various types of institutions, both public and private.Among them both idea-carriers and interested investors, were able to concertize their ideas by attracting financial as well as technical and networking support. The majority of the participants came from Egypt and Germany (20% and 16% respectively). Other countries (Italy, Jordan, Tunisia, France, Greece, Morocco, Palestine, Algeria, Spain, Turkey, Belgium, Lebanon, Cyprus, Poland, Israel, Czechia, Malta and Portugal) made up the remaining 64% (Figure 4). Furthermore a large part of MedSPring partners, already involved in the Annual Meeting, also attended to the brokerage event.In accordance with the categories of organizations, the majority of the participants belong to Research Centres and University (40%); The most represented sectors of activities were Agri-food and Water.

The 3rd Brokerage-Venturing event was held in Valenzano (Italy) For two days (26th - 27th May 2016): 20 Mediterranean young entrepreneurs and researchers gathered together to present their innovative ideas and had the opportunity to find a way to concretize them by attracting financial as well as technical and networking support. MedSpring project, MERID project (co-organizer of the event), BILAT projects from Egypt (SHERACA), Tunisia (FETRIC), Jordan (SRTD) and Israel (ISERD-MATIMOP) financially supported the selected idea carriers. Each idea-carrier had an opportunity to engage in fruitful discussion with potential collaborators and partners for investment or technical and scientific support. This Brokerage Event represented an important matching opportunity between the supply and demand for enhancing innovation expressed by private companies, SMEs, universities and research institutions and it was aimed at developing partnerships as well as joint participation in research projects.The 2-day event was attended by more than 80 participants; among them: Cluster managers from MPCs, investors/partners from EU MS/AC and MPC, Foundations, investors and business angels from Italy and/or active in the Mediterranean region.The majority of the participants came from Italy (53%). Other countries (Israel, Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Malta, Iraq, Slovenia, France, Lebanon, Austria, Spain, England) made up the remaining 47%. In accordance with the categories of organizations, the majority of the participants belong to SMEs/start-ups (69%), Research Centres and University (21%), followed by Investors (5%) and NGOs (5%).

The first “Euro-MedHackathon on Eco-Efficiency in the Agro-Food Chain” ( has successfully taken place in Amman (Jordan) on 14th-15th December 2016. The event was co-organised with the support of the EU funded Project “Technical Assistance to the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST) for the implementation of the Support to Research, Technological Development and Innovation in Jordan Phase II-SRTD-II” which hosted and co-founded the event activities. The aim was to develop novel ideas in the field of agro-food chain sustainability trying to match private sector demand and provide immediate marketability to the product or process resulting from the hackathon experience. The private sector was represented by four Italian companies, Barilla, Seeds&Chips, Torino Wireless and SPRING invited to shortlist the 30 ideas participating in the Euro-MedHackathon. They also offered their sponsorship for the awards to the final 3 winning team. The Idea carriers were selected through an on-line “Call for Innovators” launched on 30 September 2016 through the project website and Agora (as well as main Sponsors’ and Partners’ websites) (Call for Innovators: ). The call aimed to identify 30 innovators on water-food-energy, to work on energy and water efficiency along the different phases of agro-food chain (from farm to fork). Among 50 ideas submitted, 30 were shortlisted by an Evaluation Panel composed by 10 experts belonging to the Sponsors. The selected idea-carriers were coming from 9 different EU-Mediterranean countries. The profiles of idea-carriers (11 female and 19 male) were: young researchers/entrepreneurs, belonging to research agencies/universities.The shortlist of selected idea-carriers was published on the Agora ( as well as on the project website and communicated by mail to the participants on 20th November 2016.The 2-day event was attended by more than 40 participants. The majority of the participants came from Jordan (41%). Other countries (Turkey, Italy, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Malta, Iraq, Spain, Palestine) made up the remaining 59%. Overall the experience was successful, it encouraged new forms of collaboration and exchange among the young innovators, researchers, enterprises and scientific institutions. Sharing 24 hours together developed a community feeling and fostered the creation of new linkages. Feedback was welcome and accepted to improve a format that can benefit the process of bridging the gap between research and the private sector helping in matching demand and supply of innovation. The 3 winning teamswere invited to attend to Seeds&Chips - The Global Food Innovation Summit, organized by Milano Cucina ( Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit is one of the top food innovation events worldwide, solely dedicated to Food Innovation where start-ups, corporations, investors, chefs, HO.RE.CA. industry management, organizations and policy makers can share and demo their latest ground-breaking food solutions, from farm to fork and beyond.The 2017 edition of Seeds&Chips took place in Fiera Milano-Rho (Milano, Italy), on May 8th-11th, 2017.

Task 5.5 – Reports on the results of face-to-face Brokerage events: During the MedSpring brokerage event (12, 13 February 2014), a liveTwitting session was launched in order to actively engage with the AgoraMedSpring network and to promote the live-streaming of the event. Task leader (S-COM) collected comments and views among the participants into the MedSpring brokerage event, and produced a range of multi-media materials leveraging storytelling techniques (digital notes). All the material is available on the AGORA webpage.Before during and after the MedSpring 3rdbrokerage event and 1stEU-Med Hackathon, the task leader (S-COM) produced awide range of multi-media materials leveraging storytelling techniques (digital notes). All the material is available on the AGORA webpage.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• Organization of 1 brokerage/workshop on H2020 (Cairo, 8 February 2014) (about 90 participants)
• Implementation of a survey to identify promising clusters in MPCs for brokerage-venturing (95 clusters identified).
• Launch of a Call for proposals for new Research ideas for the Mediterranean and Expression of Interest for new research ideas (22 proposals)
• Organization of 1st brokerage-venturing event (Cairo,12-13 February 2014) (43 participants coming from 10 EU-MPCs)
• Organization of 2nd brokerage-venturing event (Berlin, 25-26 February 2015) (102 participants from 21 EU and MPCs countries)
• Organization of 3rdEuro-Mediterranean Brokerage and Venturing on Research and Innovation (Bari, 26-27May2016) (80participants coming from 15EU-MPCs)
• Organization of 1st EU-MediterraneanHackathonon “Eco-Efficiency in the Agro-Food Chain” (Amman 14-15 December 2016) (40 participants from 11 EU-MPCs)
• Organization of participation to Seeds & Chips (Milano, 8-11 May 2017) of the 3 winning teams

Work Package 6

WP Objectives
The objective of WP6 was to foster the enabling environment to enhance institutional and financial synergies for regional research and innovation and to identify replications, redundancies and fragmentation of programmes/initiatives in the Euro-Mediterranean region. To this end, the activities carried out by the partners engaged in this WP were centered, according to DoW, on the following tasks:
Task 6.1 - Mapping of national S&T programming mechanisms: in seven different MPCs (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia), carried out through a survey which allowed to identify, for each programme: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, duration, funding mechanisms, main reason for funding, strategic orientation and international scope. The report under the Task 6.1 represents a useful background document to better coordinate research and innovation programs and activities in the Mediterranean region. It raised an interesting debate during the first inter-institutional meeting of MED-SPRING (Beirut, July 2013) and has been used as a reference report for the first steps of the P.R.I.M.A. – art.185 for Mediterranean TFEU initiative.
Task 6.2 - Analysis of current JPI activities and potential extension or application in MPC: The analysis investigated status, achievements and opportunities to find synergies and future perspectives of cooperation among the 10 on-going JPIs and other initiatives in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The results have been discussed during the second MED-SPRING inter-institutional meeting (Bari, 15 July 2014) at the presence of the coordinators of ERANETMED and ARIMNET, the Chair of P.R.I.M.A. and the representatives of the on-going JPIs interested in fostering cooperation with Mediterranean Partner Countries. During the meeting, some specific priorities have been identified and a Roadmap to enhance synergies has been agreed.
Task 6.3 – Inter-institutional meetings:Three inter-institutional meetings (Beirut, July 2013; Bari, July 2014; Brussels, March 2016) have been organized to strengthen trilateral (EU-MS-MPC) debate with the aim of identifying common objectives for joint programming, financial instruments for developing trilateral programme level cooperation. The 1st inter-institutional meeting for joint programming was held in Beirut on July 12, 2013 (back-to-back with the 1st training of WP7), conceived as a part of the “Capacity-Building-Awareness Workshop on Article 185 initiative for the Mediterranean” (Beirut, 11-12.07.2013). The second inter-institutional meeting, aimed at discussing synergies between JPIs and MPCs has been organized back-to-back with a meeting of Funding Agencies of ERANETMED project on July 15, 2014. The third inter-institutional meeting has been held in Brussels on 4th March 2016, aimed at discussing instruments and perspectives to promote innovative mobility schemes in the Euro-Mediterranean region (see also Task 6.4)
Task 6.4 – Raising attractiveness of MPCs: A paper for improving mobility grant schemes and spur actions, trilaterally supported by EU, MS, AC/ and MPCs has been drafted and discussed in occasion of the third inter-institutional meeting (D6.4 - Report on Instruments and Joint actions to improve mobility in the Mediterranean region). The paper has been developed through a desk office work, aimed at identifying and assessing mobility schemes (including industry-academia) implemented by Euro-Med countries has been carried on, accompanied by a survey to identify companies, universities and regional governments interested in developing new projects for EU-MPC Industrial Post-graduate (or Doctoral) Plans on specific cooperation priorities and to suggest ways for improving Euro-Mediterranean mobility.

Task 6.5 - Awareness raising campaigns: In the frame of Work Package 6, the Awareness Raising Campaigns, have been organised in each of the following Mediterranean Countries: Morocco, Jordan, Algeria, Palestine and Lebanon on the basis of the MPC demand and interest, to foster the enabling environment for euro-med cooperation, following the principle of reciprocity, co-ownership, co-dunsing and mutual benefit.They were implemented by the Ministries of Scientific Research or Research Council of the Country concerned, with the full support of CNR and the National Contact Points.The Awareness Raising Campaigns have been organised with the specific objective to increase: Awareness of joint programming in R&I at national level;Involvement of other Ministries, stakeholders and funding agencies in the joint programming cooperation;Coordination at national level for R&I cooperation in sectors of mutual interest; Providing assistance for NCPs networking;Collecting feedback from research community and institutions about possible common needs and interests for joint programming.

Task 6.6 – Euro-Mediterranean Joint Programming: This Task has developed a report (D6.6 – Proposal for an Euro-Mediterranean Joint Programming) aimed at illustrating the main themes addressed during the three inter-institutional meetings organised within the framework of MedSpring (see T6.3) focusing on ideas and suggestions to foster and increase cooperation and innovative mobility between EU Member States and Mediterranean Partner Countries and create joint programming. The report focuses on barriers impeding Euro-Mediterranean partnership, possible solutions, as well as the importance of fostering and expanding partnership and collaboration in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Significant results and Activities implemented

• Mapping of R&I programmes in MPCs and support to the setting of priorities for long lasting cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean area.
• Analysis on potential integration opportunities of MPCs in existing JPIs initiatives and contributing to establishing a dialogue among them.
• Organization of three inter-institutional meetings, one in Beirut (12 July 2013), conceived as a part of the “Capacity-Building-Awareness Workshop on Article 185 initiative for the Mediterranean (Beirut, 11-12.07.2013)”, one in Bari (15 July 2014) focused on MPCs-JPIs dialogue and one in Brussels (04.03.2016) focused on mobility in the Mediterranean.
• Preparation of a plan for an innovative mobility scheme in the Mediterranean.
• Organization of 5 editions of the awareness raising campaign on STI joint programming across MPCs in Morocco, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Algeria
• Proving recommendations and proposal for Euro-Mediterranean joint programming

Work Package 7


WP Objectives
The main objective is capacities building to enhance the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in research, development and innovation in relation to the selected societalchallenges”. The capacity building programme has been built with a transnationaldimension, and based on the concept of training for trainers (to multiply its effect andimpact) and on-the-job-training (example within clusters during brokerage events). The training activities have been addressed to researchers (including young graduates),technology driven SMEs, governmental officers, FP national contact points and thematic contact points on different cross-cutting issues, with special emphasis on the 3 selected societal challenges. The capacity building activities considered the identified clusters in task 5.2 and the Agora ofWP4. Furthermore, the capacity building programme aimed at sharingknowledge among participants on different research and innovation related issues while – on the other side – encouraged participants to use and participate in the HORIZON 2020.

Task 7.1 - Identification of training needs: Training needs were identified in the first 18 months of the project and have guided the design of all the project training events.

Task 7.2 - Training programme preparation: Based on the needs assessment, two training programmes were developed, pursuing the train-the-trainers approach and prepared on the base of the outcomes of Task 7.1,including main training subjects and training contents. The two training were on H2020 and were held in Amman, Jordan, 9-11 December 2013, and Marrakesh, Morocco, 11-13 June 2014. They were addresses to National Contact Points (Amman) and researchers and research managers / co-ordinators / administrators of public institutions in the MPCs as well as research affiliated entrepreneurs from the participating MPCs (Marrakesh). Based on the trainingprogrammefinalized on the 18th month, the training for 3rd and 4th year were prepared, also accounting for results of WP2analysis and first outcomes of the EUMA-social networks.

Task 7.3 - Identification of participants from MPCs and trainers:The participants have been identified through the country institutional partner participating in the project for the FP / HORIZON 2020 (ex: Ministries of HigherEducation and Scientific Research or Research Councils). The selection of participants was carried out taking into account the issues addressed by the training session and focus on the "train-the-trainer” aspect to enhance the leverage effect of the trainings.

Task 7.4 – Implementation of first two years training - three training sessions:The trainings proceeded from addressing NCPs as main target group in the workshops on JPIs and H2020 workshop in Cairo, to an active role of the NCP participants as trainers. Accordingly, researchers, research administrators and managers formed the main target group in the training, focusing on proposal preparation and writing and on project management under H2020. The 3 training sessions (1. “Training Awareness meeting” - 11 July 2013, Beirut, Lebanon; 2. “Horizon 2020 for Mediterranean NCP coordinators” - 9-11 Dec 2013, Amman, Jordan; 3. “Training and capacity building on Horizon 2020 for Mediterranean NCPs, Research Managers and Researchers”- 11-13 Jun 2014, Marrakech, Morocco) have been organized with a total of more 100 MPCs trainees. Online capacity building have been implemented to allow the participation of more participants in a more cost effective manner. The work package also includes specific activities addressed to the improvement and extension of FP7-Thematic Contact Points, particularly in the areas and themes relevant to the selected societal challenges. In addition, Mediterranean NCPs have been stimulated and supported to participate in the activities foreseen the ongoing INCONTACT and BILAT projects. The training were designed according to sound methodologies of research. In the capacity building measures, a comprehensive participation of trainees from the NCPs was achieved. The train-the-trainers approach was successfully implemented, allowing for a multiplying effect in the outreach of programme competence in the region. Further, a significant number of stakeholders from EU MS and MPCs encountered and networked for future cooperation in presence and distance brokerage events. The networking effects were enhanced by the back to back organisation of training and brokerage events with major other initiatives such as the regional launch of H2020 and the MEDSPRING Annual Meeting.

Task 7.5 - Implementation of third and four-year training: Three training events have been organized: the first one onH2020, held in Cairo, Egypt on 28-30 October 2015, and the second and third ones on Innovation, held in Naples, Italy, on 25-27 November 2015and Bonn, Germany on 20-21 September 2016. The training in Cairo on H2020 wasaddressedto MPC researchers, research managers, administrators and NCPs. Its organization facilitated the creation of a synergy with INCONTACT2020 and MERID projects (both EU funded), which also identified trainees and contributed to the event. The training aimed to improve the quality of the Mediterranean Partner Countries’ participation in the H2020 Programme, increase skills and level of understanding of the administrative and technical issues related to the management of H2020 projects, encourage the enhancement of research resulting from international cooperation projects. About 30 participants attended the training.The training in Naples on Innovation targeted representatives of governmental organizations, research institutions and business clusters (identified in WP5). Its organization facilitated the creation of a synergy with MERID and MedMobil projects (both EU funded), which also identified trainees and contributed to the event. The training aimed to strengthen participants’ capacities in R&I cooperation through the improvement of knowledge and skills required to promote innovation at institutional level, implement research and innovation strategies at local and national level, network for building R&I international partnerships and identifying funding opportunities. About 30 participants attended the training. The event was very successful and promoted networking among all participants and also prompted the content for a future training event to organize in the second part of 2016.The training in Bonn on Innovationfor Mediterranean Research and Innovation Managers and Decision Makerstargeted governmental organizations, research institutions and business clusters.The international event gathered speakers and 18 trainees from 12 Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Spain and Tunisia with the main goal to strengthen capacities to favor innovation both at national and international level and build more bridges among academia/research, industry and civil society. The training, conceived as a tool to foster countries’ competitiveness while addressing specific societal challenges, was successfully implemented contributing to capacity building and promotion of networking and dialogue between EU Member States and Mediterranean Countries.

Task 7.6 and Task 7.7 – Support NCPs to strengthen and/or enlarge thematic contact points / info points; facilitate participation of NCPs in INCONTACT: During the training events the coordinator agreed to identify some events, such as INFO days and brokerage events, where MPC NCPs and researchers could meet with EU NCPs and researchers. A meeting between MPC NCPs and EU NCPs was organized and held in Brussels on 4th March 2016. The objective of the meeting was to promote and support researchers’ cooperation in the framework of H2020. Specifically, the meeting, requested by the MedSpring MPCs and endorsed by the European Commission, intended to provide NCPs from MPCs with better access to information circulating in the EU that can facilitate inclusion of non-EU Mediterranean researchers in EU partnerships for calls under H2020; Networking and brokerage opportunities for approaching EU partners and liaise internally, among same country institutions, for acting, at country level, more efficiently in identifying needed research capacities; Improvement of the NCP system in the MPCs;More steady and sustainable interaction with EU NCPs. There were 10 NCP participants from MPCs and 9 from the EU. A set of recommendations and relevant actions were identified to support and promote a more active and efficient role of MPC national Contact Points.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• Six training events organized addressed to more than 150 participants
• Meeting for promoting networking and info exchange between NCPs from the Mediterranean Partner Countries and EU Countries .
• Multi-media materials (including info-graphic and video) on the training available on:

Work Package 8


WP Objectives
The aim of this WP was to create synergies among Euro-Mediterranean observatories, describing and analysing the research and innovation potential and policies in selected areas, in order to support monitoring policy development and cooperation. In the first reporting period, WP8’s activities were centred on the following tasks:
• Task 8.1- Identification of Euro-Mediterranean Observatories: based on a desk analysis and a survey which allowed to identify and classify around 50 Observatories

• Task 8.2 - Networking relations among Observatories: following the identification of Observatories, they have been invited to attend two meetings (Paris, 19 December 2013; Beirut, 29 May 2015) to foster reciprocal knowledge and share their operational modalities in order to establish networking relations. The first meeting led to the identification of a Logical Framework for strengthening collaboration among Euro-Mediterranean observatories and to the sharing of good practices for data sharing and use. The second meeting was aimed at identifying profiles of monitoring actors in the Mediterranean and at reinforcing production of innovative knowledge on environmental issues by collaborations among Euro-Mediterranean observatories. The outcomes of these meetings have been gathered in D8.4 – Implementation of the Observatories Networking Meetings and Minutes.

• Task 8.4 - Establishing a list of monitoring indicators: in consultation with partners and observatories, partners engaged in this Task prepared the main analytical dimensions for indicators to be discussed with observatories in a dedicated meeting, held in Marseille on 5th November 2015. The list of indicators discussed provided information about whether Mediterranean countries are making policy progress in water quality initiatives, if they are setting up efficiency objectives for each water use sector, what impact past and present actions may have on the stock of resources that will be available in the future. The results of the meeting have been outlined in D8.7 - Meeting minutes on establishing linkages and common list of indicators.

• Task 8.5 - Trend and scenarios: The aim of this Task was to elaborate trends and scenarios, in agreement with observatories, to support bi-regional policy (including governance and institutions) with particular regards to policy, cooperation and trends within the Societal Challenges identified by the project.

Significant results and Activities implemented
• Identification and classification of 50 Euro-Mediterranean Observatories
• 3 regional meetings among Observatories in order to strengthen networking, identify common indicators and ways to address common challenges
• Logical Framework for strengthening collaboration among Euro-Mediterranean observatories

Work Package 9


WP Objectives
The main objective of this WP was to support Euro-Mediterranean policy dialogue in the areas of MED-SPRING selected societal challenges: water, food, energy. During the project, WP9 activities concentrated on the following Tasks, as foreseen by DoW:

• Task 9.1 – Secretariat support to the MoCo: Following specific request from the EC and in agreement with MedSpring Consortium, the activities and budget of this task have been re-oriented towards the creation of a web-site to support GSO (former MoCo), with a dedicated repository and useful information, in order to facilitate public access to some activities of GSO. The web-site is available at the following link:

• Task 9.2 – Preparation of three policy documents: In occasion of the second Annual Meeting (Berlin, February 2015), following advice of the External Advisory Board and of the EC Project Officer, MedSpring Consortium has agreed to refocus this activity reducing the number of policy paper to be prepared. Therefore, one policy paper has been drafted. It has also been agreed that this policy paper would directly support the work of Task 9.3.

• Task 9.3 - Preparation of a “white paper” for the Euro-Mediterranean STI Cooperation: the white paper (D9.2 – White paper for Euro-Med cooperation in STI) has reviewed the framework of the EU-MPC co-operation in STI and Higher Education, including the political framework as defined by the EU-MPCs policy platforms (Monitoring Committee for EU-MPCs scientific co-operation and inter-ministerial “Cairo Declaration” signed in2007 and Alexandria Declaration). Following this review, strengths, weaknesses and challenges have been identified in an effort to assess the dynamics of the Research and Innovation system in the region. The White paper has also defined a Roadmap of activities that need to be developed in order to prepare the adequate activities for Science and Technology Euro-Med Cooperation.

• Task 9.4 - Preparation of two 2-year reports on ‘policies, synergies and opportunities for the research sector: In occasion of the second Annual Meeting, both general assembly and EAB agreed on the fact that this task overlaps with activities carried out in other work packages, particularly WP1, WP2, WP6.The Consortium decided to cancel Task 9.4 and related Deliverable 9.4 and allocate the budget of this task to the following: -) EMEG activities through increasing the participation of industry and -) the participation of MPC NCPs and researchers in H2020 thematic info days organised in Brussels or other EU cities with the aim of helping MPC-MS/AC networking in relation to H2020 calls.

• Task 9.5 – Assessment Frame for EU-MPCs S&T Cooperation Agreements:the assessment frame (D9.5 – Assessment Frame for EU-MPCs S&T Cooperation Agreements) has been drafted through: a desk comparative analysis on the contents and achievements of existing bilateral S&T Agreements; the preparation of a Log-Frame and the definition of monitoring indicators for a successful cooperation. The results of the analysis have been shared with the representatives of the past and ongoing Euro-Mediterranean BILAT projects during an ad-hoc meeting held in Algiers on 19 November 2014.

• Task 9.6 – Stocktaking of EU Regions – MPC Cooperation and suggestions: under this Task a survey addressed to EU Regions has been implemented, followed by a desk analysis and a stock-taking on the state of the art of EU Regions-MPCs cooperation. The results of the analysis have been discussed in an event entitled “Towards a constructive STI dialogue between EU Regions and Mediterranean Partner Countries” in occasion of the Inter-Mediterranean General Assembly of CRPM held in Venice on 27 June 2014. Aim of the session was to present the results of the stocktaking of EU Regions-MPCs cooperation and to start a dialogue among them in order to identify common priorities and modalities to strengthen cooperation. The MedSpring Session at the General Assembly of the Inter-Mediterranean Commission was organised in the context of the “Inter-Mediterranean General Assembly” in order to identify synergies between the project and the broader STI sector on one hand and the Inter-Mediterranean dialogue among Regions on the other hand. Among the 50 participants were included representatives from Research Ministries from Mediterranean partners countries (Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia) as well as the MedSpring partners, CIHEAM, NHRF and the CPMR. Regional representatives from the CPMR- Inter-Mediterranean Commission were also involved in the debate providing the opportunity to discuss and identify key parameters for the STI cooperation among Mediterranean regions. The outcomes of this activity are gathered in D9.6 – Stocktaking of EU Regions – MPC cooperation and suggestions.

Significant results and activities implemented

• GSO (former MoCo) website
• Drafting of a “white paper” for the Euro-Mediterranean STI Cooperation
• Analysis of S&T Bilateral Cooperation Agreements, drafting of a Log-Frame for bilateral cooperation on S&T in the Euro-Mediterranean Region and identification of indicators for assessing progress in bilateral cooperation
• Stock-taking exercise to identify and analyse the STI cooperation agreements and projects between Regions of CRPM Inter-Mediterranean Commission and Southern and Eastern Mediterranean counterparts, including a survey submitted to Euro-Mediterranean Regions

Potential Impact:
Back to back with MedSpring Final Conference, an event open to the public has been organized and hosted by the European Commission. The event was entitled “The MedSpring legacy for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation on R&I” and was held on7thJuly 2017. The Final Conference in Brussels gave the opportunity to reflect on the legacy of the project providing inputs for actions to be developed beyond MedSpring and steering the European Commission policy and planning towards areas functional to fill the remaining gaps and needs.For a thorough reflection including all perspectives, in occasion of the event open to the public, MedSpring partners were joined by the members of the External Advisory Board, senior research representatives,young innovators, researchers and cooperation actors, bearing witness to the project positive impacts and benefits while outlining remaining gaps and constraints. The event intended to reach and engage in an open debate different people and stakeholders interested in Euro-Mediterranean cooperation on research & innovation: EU officers, Parliamentary members, research organisations, innovation actors, youths, private sector, public/governmental administrations, NGOs (including representatives of the civil society).
In order to evaluate the project effectiveness, the following aspects have been taken into account:
• Impacts of actions: the long-term effects of the project’s actions were considered.
• Remaining gaps: the aspects for which the project did not reach or only partially achieved the goals stated.
• Project legacy: project’s outputs that can be an inheritance for future projects/programmes.

In terms of impacts, there has been a successful element common to all the project’s pillars: the establishment or strengthening of networks, partnerships, relationships and dialogue platforms that have contributed to the achievement of the project objectives. This “fil rouge” among all the pillars has increased the level of dialogue among research, policy level and civil society which is functional to reinforcing the NEXUS approach when tackling the societal challenges related to water, energy and food.The project has contributed to create a conducive environment for research and innovation by building an effective ecosystem in which policy makers, researchers, civil society and public/private entrepreneurs collaborate towards innovative solutions for problems related to water scarcity, sustainable food production and consumption and sustainable energy production and management.The continuous involvement of young researchers and innovators laid the basis for further actions to facilitate job creation and approach migration related issues by offering opportunities for local development.
All the achievements will contribute to facilitate the establishment of a steady path of actions aimed at filling the remaining gaps.In the table here below, the main impacts for each main project’s output are reported.

Main Project outputs Main Achievements/Impacts
✓ Euro-Mediterranean Expert Group: open EU-Med think-tank on Water-Energy-Food σ 45 experts on coming from EU-Med area
σ 3 EMEG meetings
σ 3 online open consultation (more than 450 participants involved)
σ 3 position papers produced
✓ Euro-Mediterranean Agora: gateway to/for the civil society (web community) to create a web-based stakeholders’ network around the Project’s activities. σ Agora social hub (more than 28,500 users reach, more than 83,600 pages views)
σ Social media activities (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) (2,200 people daily reached)
σ 1 online Network (320 researchers, 280 NGOs/associations, 210 entrepreneurs/private companies)
✓ Brokerage/hackathon event: mobility and networking (around innovative ideas) of young researchers and entrepreneurs from Mediterranean countries σ 3 regional brokerage venturing events
σ 1 EU-Med hackathon
σ 200 EU-Med R&I actors
σ 97 young idea-carriers involved
σ Sponsorship of large companies (Barilla, Seeds & Chips)
✓ National Contact Points(NCPs) network to provide NCPs from MPCs with better access to information circulating in the EU for inclusion of non EU Mediterranean researchers in EU partnerships for calls under H2020;
✓ Training on innovation to strengthen capacities to favor innovation both at national and international level and build more bridges among academia/research, industry and civil society σ 3 regional training events on H2020
σ 2 training events on Innovation (20 trainers/150 trainees Involved)
σ 1 event on NCP networking with 20 NCPs from both EU and MPCs

In terms of remaining gaps, the participants to the event have discussed and considered the main gaps that can be filled by further actions based on the results achieved by the project. To this regard, it has been noted that outreaching the policy level can be demanding for a single project but it is of crucial importance to guarantee the highest level of involvement of policy and decision-makers, when tackling societal challenges and engaging in building an enabling environment for research and innovation. This can be related to supporting mobility of young researchers coming from the MPCs, improve the skills of decision-makers, administrators and researchers needed to manage and support innovation, create opportunities for meeting research supply and demand, to enable private/public partnerships facilitating innovation processes, institutionalizing specific training paths related to innovation management that can guarantee a more steady local development in the MPCs.
The MedSpring project proved thatpolicy dialogue needs dedicated tools/actions. In this view, EMEG (Euro-Mediterranean Expert Group) played a pivotal role by bridging and negotiating among the three main stakes involved: civil society, research and policy makers. Its role could go beyond the end of the project, providing recommendations for more effective regional policies (e.g. by developing common indicators for impact assessment), able to enhance holistic and sustainable approach to the W-E-F nexus.The MedSpring AGORA and its increasing multi-facets community (made-up of young researchers, innovative entrepreneurs, industries, NGOs, members of academia), clearly demonstrates the possibility to create social innovation through a bottom-to-up approach; for this reason it should be considered as a reference interlocutor for design of policy documents and integrated into upcoming EU-Med initiatives/research programmes.
Incoming programmes/initiatives (e.g. PRIMA and 5TOI) can benefit from MedSpring experience and channel it into their activities by structuring training and prepare common training paths (e.g. developing regional training programmes to support innovators in building business plan, as this reveals to be the real weakness point in their innovative ideas).
The following table, discussed and agreed in occasion of the event, summarized main impacts, remaining gaps and elements on which future initiatives could build in order to further strengthen Euro-Mediterranean R&I cooperation and policy dialogue:

Actions that had an impact Remaining gaps Building on MedSpring legacy
Institutional / policy level dialogue and cooperation - Achievement seen in terms of continuous progress
- Majority of objectives achieved
- Built effective ecosystem
- Connections & relationships as base for the future (Community) - Political message/s to convey
- Outreaching policy level
- Idea/s of what is next
- Public skills should be better addressed
- Insufficient cooperation on research in the EU-Med area - Policy dialogue proved that needs dedicated tools / actions
- Common indicators for impact assessment
- Continuing S&T common prioritisation
- Continuingincreaseregionalapproach
Researcherslevelcooperation - Networking
- Connecting research with society - Support to mobility, particularly youth (VISA) - More involvement of economic actors
- Continue increasing participation in research programme
Societal challenges: water, food and energy - The value of NEXUS approach
- EMEG Low level penetration in policy / Euro-Med R&I agenda - Building on/after EMEG and outreaching
- Developing more efficient dissemination
- Use the repository of observatories in the 5TOI project
- EMEG can be included in BlueMed (although focus different)
Engagement of
civil society - Feeding AGORA, EMEG
- Repository of ideas and solutions from society on water-food-energy
- Makevisiblepeople’sissue - Continuity
- Lack of long-term sustainability - Integrating AGORA in upcoming initiatives (5TOI)
- Structure the information in the AGORA to be used as repository of all the material produced
- Use Agora info as basis for policy documents design in 5TOI
- Strengthened engagement of third sector (NGOs) as a part of civil society
- Involve communities in project design to guarantee flexibility
Innovation - Learning & advise
- Networking
- Research-private partnerships built (ex.: Barilla) - Structured brokerage
- Difficulties in meeting demand/offer
- Local assistance to start-ups - Build clear frame of success indicators
- Strengthening partnerships with private sector for more brokerage events/hackathons to capitalize on built experience
Opportunities for youths and engagement of industry - Important repository of solutions
- Unraveled high youth potential that can become business
- Brokerage gave visibility and opportunity for other contacts and business (ex.: Tunisia) - Limited involvement of private sector and their European networks - Integration in new initiatives
- Take stock of provided ideas
Capacity building / training - Important participation and high request - Capacity building still occasional initiative
- Targets should be innovation managers in MPCs - Structuring training and prepare regional / common training paths
- PRIMA and 5TOI can benefit from training experiences and channel it into their implementation activities
- Develop training programmes to support innovators in building business plan (weakness point of their innovative ideas)

List of Websites:
The communication tools used by Med-Spring were the following:
a) MED-SPRING Brochure
b) MED-SPRING Pamphlets
c) MED-SPRING E-Newsletter

MED-SPRING brochure. Prepared by MESRSFC with the support of CSIC and S-COM, the brochure has been prepared at the beginning of the project and provided the main information in English about the project objectives, activities, expected impact and consortium. This brochure has been updated in the third-fourth year of the project. The brochure consisted ona bi-fold document that printed in a high quality paper, and distributed in key events such as project events or European/International events. An electronic version of the same document has been uploaded in the website in PDF format.
Target group: Project beneficiaries, Researchers, Policy Makers, Euro-Mediterranean Stakeholders, relevant networks.
Means of dissemination: key events, website, Project beneficiaries events, AGORA and other social networks.

MED-SPRING pamphlets. Prepared in English by MESRSFC with the advice of EMEG experts and the Coordination Team - which provided instructions on how to prepare them. Pamphlets focused on thematic and technical work, and included also information about other projects activities and results. An electronic version of the same documentshas been be uploaded in the website in PDF format.
Target group: Project beneficiaries, Researchers, Policy Makers, Euro-Mediterranean Stakeholders, relevant networks.
Means of dissemination: key events, website, Project beneficiaries events, AGORA and other social networks.

The Quarterly MED-SPRING E-Newsletter aimed at disseminating news, events, and activities of the project in a quick, short, effective and free way. Prepared by CSIC, the e-Newsletter provided additional information in English to the project community, such as funding opportunity updates, Euro Med research news/events and information about project-related activities to communicate briefly and effectively the project’s main issues and information.
Contents of the E-Newsletter:

• Part 1
- Short explanation of what the project is about/resume of the main results or conclusions achieved up to now.
- Information about the last project activities/results/conclusions, and the activities/events coming soon,
- Information about other events/information days/open calls for proposals of interest for the Euro Med area,
- Last novelties about the Euro-Mediterranean AGORA

• Part 2
- Presentation of one MED-SPRING beneficiary: brief description of the organization, main highlights, expected contribution of this organization to the project, expected benefits of the project to this organization.
- Presentation and interview to a high-level scientist from the same country than the before-mentioned MED-SPRING beneficiary.

• Part 3
- Invited key-note on some aspects of one of the societal challenges addressed by MED-SPRING

Target group: Project beneficiaries, Researchers, Policy Makers, Euro-Mediterranean Stakeholders, relevant networks.
Means of dissemination: mailing list, website, AGORA and other social networks.

All the following MedSpring events have been occasion of dissemination and communication of project activities:

1 Project Kick off meeting 4-5 February 2013 Bari (Italy)
Project Platform Meetings 19-20 January 2015 Barcelona (Spain)
AnnualMeetings 14 February 2014 Cairo (Egypt)
24-25 February 2015 Berlin (Germany)
18-19 February 2016 Tunis (Tunisia)
6 July 2017 Brussels (Belgium)
Final Conference 7 July 2017 Brussels (Belgium)
2 EMEG Meetings 20-21 June 2013 Lisbon (Portugal)
22-23 September 2014 Sousse (Tunisia)
30 September- 2October 2015 Malta
Stakeholders’ workshops 28 April 2014 Brussels (Belgium)
26 May 2016 Bari (Italy)
4 Science coffee 16 June 2015 Turin (Italy)
30 October 2015 Cairo (Egypt)
10 October 2016 Rabat (Morocco)
16 February 2017 Beirut (Lebanon)
5 Brokerage for innovation 12-13 February 2014 Cairo (Egypt)
25-26 February 2015 Berlin (Germany)
26-27 May 2016 Bari (Italy)
EU-MediterraneanHackathon 14-15 December 2016 Amman (Jordan)
Seeds& Chips 8-11 May 2017 Milano (Italy)
6 AwarenessCampaigns 10 June 2014 Rabat (Morocco)
27 October 2014 Amman (Jordan)
19 November 2014 Algiers (Algeria)
8 March 2016 Ramallah (Palestine)
17 February 2017 Beirut (Lebanon)
Inter-Institutional Meetings 11-12 July 2013 Beirut (Lebanon)
15 July 2014 Bari (Italy)
27 April 2016 Bari (Italy)
7 2nd Training Series 28-30 October 2015 Cairo (Egypt)
25-26 November 2015 Naples (Italy)
20-21 September 2016 Bonn (Germany)
Training for NCPs on H2020 9-11 December 2013 Amman (Jordan)
11-13 June 2014 Marrakech (Morocco)
Networking meeting of NCPs 4 March 2016 Brussels (Belgium)
8 Observatories Networking Meetings 19 December 2013 Paris (France)
29 May 2015 Beirut (Lebanon)
ObservatoriesIndicators Meeting 5 November 2015 Marseille (France)
9 Meeting EU Regions – MPCs 27 June 2014 Venice (Italy)
Event at the EU Commission 7 July 2017 Brussels (Belgium)
EU-MPCs S&T Committee Meetings 19 November 2014 Algiers (Algeria)