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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Energising the Building Sector!

Final Report Summary - ENBUS (Energising the Building Sector!)

Executive Summary:
Indicate ways to reduce energy consumption in the building sector – with an app

Construction, maintenance and operation of buildings are some of Europe’s most energy-consuming activities since about 40 % of the total energy use corresponds to buildings. The new ENBUS App makes it easier for users to find products that can reduce energy consumption in the construction and building sector.
The EU project “ENBUS - Energising the building sector” is a pilot project for testing new ways for people to access information about energy efficient technologies and products. The overall objective for ENBUS is to inform a broader audience with regard to alternatives that can potentially lead to reduced energy consumption in the building sector. The aim is to spread awareness, motivation within the building supply chain, particularly concentrating of the upstream stakeholders who will influence the choices of technologies, materials and processes and design philosophies.
In order to have a reachable project goal, the overall objective to reduce energy consumption in the building sector has been narrowed to renovation of residential and single family buildings. The main target group/end-users of ENBUS is Energy Advisors/Consultants, Project Leaders and Architects working within the field of building renovation. The focus of product groups essential for an energy efficient renovation was limited to Windows, Ventilation, Heating systems and Insulation.
The specific objectives for ENBUS are to:
• Increase awareness in the building supply chain, particularly in the SMEs, concerning the need and the value of reducing energy consumption
• Strengthen incentives for all stakeholders to strive towards reduced energy consumption in the design, construction, operation and renovation of buildings
• Improve access to information about energy-efficient practices, technologies and methodologies
• Improve ability to compare and rate the overall energy efficiency of different products and services against each other

An iPhone App for building components has been launched in the App store and can be downloaded for free. On the web page , The Green Market place is available as an interactive web page as another way to find energy efficient products. A number of meetings with policy makers, workshops for marketing the ENBUS Tools have been carried out. An information campaign is sent to 2759 companies and the ENBUS Tool Book is finalized and launched.
The ENBUS App makes it is possible to search through products in different product groups, for example windows, insulation, ventilation and heating. It gives a good and fast overview of products in a specific group and it is also possible to narrow the search within the product group. A normal Internet search will only give links to different webpages from distributors and it will take a lot of time to make a comparable list. This App will give you the list on the fly and include search parameters.The ENBUS App also gives a detailed guideline on what to consider when you are thinking of making of renovating your house or flat. There is furthermore a thorough explanation of the different search parameters under each product category.
The App calculates the potential energy saving if changing for example the windows of the house. It is possible to choose between three different “standardized” house types (detached house, row house and flat) and two locations (Copenhagen in Denmark and Munich in Germany). The energy savings are made with the calculation programs ASEPI and Energy Plus.
The ENBUS App can be downloaded for free at App Store or by the QR-code below. If you don’t have an iPhone, you can instead use the interactive website here:

Project Context and Objectives:
Concept and project objectives

Construction, maintenance and operation of buildings are some of Europe’s most energy-consuming activities since about 40 % of the total energy use corresponds to buildings. That notwithstanding, the building sector has been slow to adopt new technologies, materials and processes to reduce energy consumption and climate impact.

The ENBUS project has been about spreading awareness, motivation and information within the building supply chain, particularly concentrating on those upstream stakeholders who will influence choices of technologies, materials, processes and designs philosophies.

By examining the structure of the value chain of a construction project, it is evident that some actors are more influential than others in specifying and introducing new technologies and methods. These are typically the architects, designers and consultants that are active in the early stages of the project, whereas the suppliers, subcontractors and entrepreneurs used at the later stages have a limited influence on the design and systemic characteristics of the building. They can, however, influence the processes in which they will work, for instance using more energy-efficient methods and practices when delivering the services specified by the upstream parties.
Another important issue is the motivation to use energy-efficient technologies, methods and practices. Meeting national and EU legislation and regulation is currently not a challenging task and does not push the envelope towards less energy-consuming buildings. On the whole there is a lack of incentives and drive in the value chain to motivate change of current practices and move towards more climate- friendly ones. It is clear that the main driving force must come from the customers, that is, the owner and/or operator of the building. It is also they who will reap the most benefits from reductions in energy consumption within the life cycle of the building. End users, the tenants, can also motivate the contractors by demanding lower rents and rates. This is particularly valid for government and public buildings, where government policies concerning energy efficiency of public buildings may be adopted to provide a driver for the building contractors.

Finally, lack of information about new, energy efficient technologies and methods is an obstacle for change in the construction business. Many stakeholders in the value chain, in particular the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) lack resources and inclination to operate effective business intelligence/technology watch processes.


The overall objective for ENBUS is to reduce energy consumption in the construction and building sector. The specific objectives are:
• Increased awareness in the building supply chain, particularly the SMEs, concerning the need and value of reducing energy consumption
• Strengthened incentives for all stakeholders to strive towards reduced energy consumption in the design, construction, operation and renovation of buildings
• Improved access to information about energy-efficient practices, technologies and methodologies
• Improved ability to compare and rate the overall energy efficiency of different products and services against each other

The activities will address all stakeholders in the building value chain, including customers and end- users. Particular priority will be placed on SMEs and actors that influence the changes in the system, such as architects and designers, influential building contractors and public policy-makers.

The main thrust of the project will be centered on a series of seminars and workshops and the launch of a Smartphone Application (“App”) for Energy Efficient Buildings. These main actions will be supported by an Internet site and several other activities that will add to the effectiveness of the project as a whole.
The climatic area addressed by the ENBUS project has been limited to the area where the Partners are active, i.e. Germany-Netherlands, Poland and Denmark-Sweden. It is foreseen, however, that many of the Project’s results will be valuable for regions irrespective of their geographic location.
After the completion of the planned activities, the tools and measures developed has been compiled in a Tool Book that is distributed on the web page .

The activities will be addressing three main themes:

1) Raising the awareness of the need to change towards Greener Construction, including
o Implementation of a Simplified Energy Profile methodology as one of several ways of describing the properties of a product
o An information campaign targeted towards architects, designers and building consultants in the participating regions
o Workshops with the different stakeholders (including end users) in the building supply chain to spread information about Green Initiatives and suitable new technologies

2) Motivation and incentives for adopting new technologies and practices for reducing energy consumption
o The creation of a “marketplace” on the Internet where suppliers of energy-efficient products for the building sector can display their goods
o Liaison with relevant policy makers to support new standards and public procurement policies
o Promotion of Innovative Business and Financing Models to stimulate Green Construction

3) Transferring knowledge, information and business intelligence concerning new practices and technologies
o Production of “Wish Lists” from the upstream actors in the building supply chain that can be used by EEN to identify and select relevant new technology
o Matchmaking event in connection with relevant event such as a trade faire
o Trans-national Company Mission, bringing companies from different regions together for knowledge transfer, benchmarking and new business opportunities
o A Smartphone App that will aid in informing about, selecting the right technology and calculating the relative benefits thereof.
o Contacts will be taken with stakeholders in order to find a sustainable solution for maintaining and updating the Smatphone App.

Project Results:
S&T result/foreground for ENBUS

The overall objective for ENBUS is to inform a broader audience with regard to alternatives that can potentially lead to reduced energy consumption in the building sector. The aim is to spread awareness, motivation within the building supply chain, particularly concentrating of the upstream stakeholders who will influence the choices of technologies, materials and processes and design philosophies.
The main objectives for the ENBUS project were to:
• Develop a concept for Simplified Energy Profiles (SEPs)
• Prepare the results for the Smartphone App. Define a basic ontology for the most relevant concepts, the underlying database format and the query specifications
• Set up a system to automatically communicate the findings from the database and other results.
• Display and market the submitted SEPs in an Smartphone App, as well as on the ENBUS homepage
• Develop a Smartphone App for energy efficient products
• List of innovative Business and Financing models that can stimulate a move towards greener constructions
• Plan for a Matchmaking Event and a Trans-national Company Mission
• Plan for 10 Workshops as a part of the dissemination.
• Identification of existing and emerging technologies
• Publication of a ENBUS News Letters
• Develop of the public ENBUS web portal
• Develop a Business Model

After finalization of the ENBUS project, there will be a need to find a working Business Model for the App that secures that the App will be seen as an attractive application, in which companies like to present and update their products.

Work Package 2: Simplified Energy Profiles

The objective of this Work Package is to provide visibility to products that are excellent from a life cycle energy consumption point of view. The Work Package should also provide the means to compare different products against each other and to provide an incentive for suppliers of products in the building value chain to develop and market energy efficient products.
The objectives of Work Package:
• Develop a Template for the Simplified Energy Profiles
• Develop Guidelines and Instructions dealing with how to put together a Simplified Energy Profile
• Collect data and verify 50 Simplified Energy Profiles for different energy efficient products.
• Continue evaluating the Simplified Energy Profiles and the Guidelines and Instructions for the App and Green Market place
• Consider the SEPs as a part of the Business Model

The Simplified Energy Profile (SEP) contains information about an energy efficient product, a picture of the product and information about the manufacturer. It will also contain the link to the manufacturer’s website for users to be able to find a retailer of the product and more specific and detailed information about the product. The SEP Template and Guidelines have been updated according to feedback during the project. The aim for the development of SEPs has been to make the SEP simple, but still give enough and accurate information. It has been a process within the ENBUS project to find a design, which is possible to use with reasonable effort among the SMEs and at the same time presents as much information as possible. Therefore, as many conditions will differ and change all the time, e.g. price of products, energy price etc., prices are excluded in the SEPs and App.
In order to compare the potential energy benefits of the renovation process, usage in a quantitative way for different products, a commonly accepted calculation method/simulation tool is needed as well as a standard/reference houses for making a relevant comparison between the considered products. In the App it has been decided to focus on energy saving in relation to standard houses. Therefore the SEPs will contain data, which is easy to deliver by companies. Energy calculations have been carried out and the result is shown in the Smart Phone App in order to compare different products and demonstrate potential energy savings compared to a standard house in a chosen climate zone. Furthermore, due to the ENBUS budget, there has only been room for an iPhone Application and not an Android application, which also was the initial aim.
One of the chosen calculation software is EnergyPlus, which is a free soft ware developed by US Government and commonly used. The simulation will be based on a full year and a summary of the energy results. Because EnergyPlus input files contain a lot of details, the building description has been reduced to a set of simple, high-level parameters. It does not require heavy calculation resources from the iPhone and it will be robust for changes in the standard houses. For some product groups the ASIEPI tool (developed in an EU project) will be used to calculate the energy use and saving, because of the available data for the particular product type. As a third option hand calculation will be used for some product types. Only one calculation method has been used in each product group.

If there is a labeling available for the product, this should be commented and presented in the SEP as well as in the iPhone App.
To reach the goal of a successful ENBUS iPhone App on the market, the ENBUS consortium must have a focus on sustainable Business Models. These Business Models must consider that the future end-users only will use the iPhone App, if it gives a complete and updated picture of the energy efficient products on the market. The iPhone App needs gradually, but fast, to be more and more complete and updated. Companies producing and selling energy efficient solutions, need to have the motivation to continually update their SEPs in the iPhone App and add new products. If in the future, architects will use the iPhone App, then the updating of the SEPs will be more attractive. However, for sure it will be challenging and critical to overcome the iPhone App’s ‘prototype stage’.
One idea among many is that in the future let the SEP Template be available on the Web Page to be easy to find and fill in by companies themselves. It should also be easy to update product data.

ENBUS, with its limited budget, will be able only to present a model for how to make SEPs and produce them in a small number related to the huge amount of building products available on the market. Later on, maybe in a continuation project, more SEPs may be finalized as well as a way for continuous updating the SEPs, must be found and established.

Work Package 3: Information Tools

The objectives of this Work Package is to design, test and implement several tools that will be vehicles for transferring information, knowledge and motivation to adopt new, greener ways of working and new business practices to the companies in the target group.
The objectives of Work Package:
• Develop a database for input to the iPhone App
• Green Building Market Place online
• Usability tests of the App and Green Market Place
• Compilation of innovative Business and Finance models
• Disclaimer written and implemented in the App
• Handbook to be implemented in the App
• Release of App and launch to App Store
The development of the database has been made in close cooperation between the partners DTI, IAO and the subcontractor ‘iDeal Development – we love Apps’ of the App. To ensure as smooth operation as possible in the future, the cooperation with the subcontractor has been given much attention.
The alpha version of the App structure has been shown at the Building Green Conference in Copenhagen in October 2013. The comments from viewers have been taken into consideration in the design and structure of the beta version of the iPhone App. The beta version of the iPhone App has been shown during the ENBUS mid-term review meeting, during the Matchmaking Event at EcoBuild, London in March 2014 and at several workshops with different stakeholders. From September 2014 the App is available for free in App Store or with QR code. If you don’t have an iPhone, you can instead use the interactive website to search and compare energy efficient products: .
The communication with the App Company has been very good during the whole development phase. It has been major changes during the project time, for example concerning how to get data into the App. Today an Excel macro is used instead of a Web form.

The ENBUS project has only developed an iPhone App and a Web based application, due to the cost for developing the App for several platforms. The Web based application will be more basic than the App, but all data will be available. The SEPs will be collected via an Excel spread sheet, and presented as PDF only on the ENBUS Website. The Green building Market Place online is an interactive web page on the ENBUS Website.
Compilation of innovative Business and Finance models has been completed. The compiled schemes should not be considered as an exhausted list of the economic initiatives in the represented markets, as this is a developing market tool. 23 various business and financial models that exists in EU for motivating energy refurbishment have been presented. The purpose was to collect data on as many of these current or future schemes as possible and as detailed as possible.
The business and financial models may be categorized in the following five ways:
1. ‘Founding for renewable energy sources’ (seven in this category in NL, Dk and S). Four of the models focus only on Solar energy e.g. ‘House owners could install solar cells for production of own electricity. Over- production would be sold to the electricity net at a very attractive price. The investment in the solar cells could over time deducted via the tax’.
2. ‘Subsidized loans’ (three in this category in PL and NL) e.g. ‘A home owner can receive a loan from a found to make his home more energy efficient. Energy reduction measures like more effective heating system, insulation of facade, floor and high efficient glazing. Through these measures energy costs will fall and comfort level will increase’.
3. ‘Sustainable return of investment’ (four in this category in NL, S and ESCO) e.g. ‘Home maintenance through energy saving measures, while the owner receives a guarantee that the calculated financial benefits will be achieved. Commercial parties and the city establish a found for this guarantee’.
4. ‘Home-work scheme’ (two in this category in Dk and S) e.g. ‘Private can receive a deduction in taxes when having service or craft services done in their private homes, rental homes or holiday homes. The deduction is only given on the basis of the salary for the craftsman and not on the price of any material used’.
5. ‘Subsidy for Renewable Energy projects’ (seven in this category in PL,D and Dk) e.g. ‘Companies can achieve subsidy for developing new energy technology primarily within renewable energy and efficient use of energy. The development should amongst others be new, innovative, marketable, economically competitive etc. The support is primarily given to development of renewable energy, energy efficiency in buildings and industry. The company needs to fulfil a number of formal requirements when applying’.

Form this summary it is clear that models have been created to stimulate renovations of houses towards increased energy efficiency. The five categories of models have been found. Models are needed, as the price to undertake energy renovations of the house, often is the main reason not to start a renovation project.

Work Package 4: Events and Seminars

The objectives of this Work Package are to create awareness, motivation and improved knowledge of Energy-Efficient technologies and practices within the target group (architects, energy advisors/consultants, project leaders, designers, engineers, sub-contractors entrepreneurs, owners and end-users) by arranging a number of Events and Seminars.

The objectives of this Work Package:
• The planning for one International Matchmaking Event in connection with relevant event such as trade fair
• The planning for a Trans-national Company Mission to further strengthen the exchange of knowledge and good practice
• Planning for the 10 Workshops with the different stakeholders (including end users) in the building value chain to spread information about Green initiatives and suitable technologies

DPIN together with Swerea IVF have found possibility to carry out the Matchmaking Event during one of the biggest building fairs in Europe – EcoBuild in London. Following the success of the EcoBuild Matchmaking Event 2013, ENBUS decided to co-organise the Matchmaking Event during EcoBuild 2014.
The Matchmaking Event took place on the Wednesday 5th of March 2014, at Excel London. An invitation to participate in the Matchmaking Event was sent out to all the receivers of the ENBUS News Letter and the ENBUS partners have invited relevant regional companies as well. Participants could pre-arrange one-to-one meetings with exhibitors and visitors to find potential commercial and technology partners from all over Europe. For the ENBUS project this was a great opportunity to advertise the iPhone App and to follow up newest technologies, to put into the App. Each partner had as goal to meet at least five companies or organisations during the Matchmaking Event and to use the enquiry developed by KvK, to get feedback and suggestions for the App.
Focus of the Matchmaking Event:
• Sustainable design
• Innovative and efficient eco-technologies
• New building materials and technologies
• Systems and equipment using energy from alternative sources
Furthermore, the objective of the Work Package is to stimulate trans-national knowledge transfer and benchmarking by a Company Mission between the participating regions, to stimulate technology matchmaking and to provide new business opportunities for SMEs in the building value chain. By arranging a Trans-national company mission between different regions it should stimulate technology matchmaking by providing new business opportunities for SMEs in the building value chain. To carry out the Trans-nation company mission the partners of the ENBUS! project took part in the ee-WISE final conference in September in Valencia, Spain. ee-WISE is a project for Knowledge Transfer for Energy Efficient Buildings in the Mediterranean area. On the conference the ENBUS! project and ENBUS Tools where presented to a group of interested companies from the ee-WISE network and discuss the ENBUS! approach.
Moreover, ENBUS have arranged 10 Workshops (two in each partner region with about 25 participants in each) with the different stakeholders (including end users) in the building value chain to spread information about Green Initiatives and suitable new technologies, the iPhone App and the Web application. The Workshops have to be carried out and the topic energy saving in the building sector has been addressed in all of them. The potential company users need to be convinced about the benefits when using the iPhone App, so in the Workshops a Link for downloading the iPhone App have been given and feedback from users collected. From month 12 to 30, the ENBUS partners have launched 10 workshops. In all workshops 609 participants took part. It is important to highlight that all partners were engaged to promote the project and its products during other meetings, workshops, conferences, in which they took part, and which were thematically linked with buildings’ energy efficiency, retrofitting.

Work Package 5: Technology Scouting

The objectives of this Work Package are to identify relevant technologies for the building and construction sector. It should also develop a process to prepare data for the App and a process for updating the results continuously.

The objectives of this Work Package:
• Identification of existing and emerging technologies
• Current relevant technologies to improve energy efficiency of buildings
• Emerging technologies and upcoming trends
• Prepare results for the Smartphone App
• Basic ontology of most relevant concepts
• Database format and the query specifications
• Process to update results continuously

The main objectives of this Work Package have been to prepare results for database connection and describe the communication and updating process.
The description of the communication and updating process is the linkage between the data collection and the mobile iPhone App. It must be a robust and yet simple process, starting with data collection for energy saving products. The process is based on defined SEPs, developed in WP2, as well as on the central data repository for ENBUS. Processes and tools that have been set up to automatically communicate findings from databases and other results through web content and the iPhone App. Moreover, the process is based on data provisioning for the iPhone App (WP3), as well as for the SEP documents (WP2). A central data repository has been established he updating process consists of a simple method to enable entering data for companies and the link to the calculations made in WP2 /WP3. The interaction with the iPhone App and the generation of SEPs are based on the procedure developed.

In the list of upcoming trends in the building sector concerning energy efficiency have different trends been identified and described in a deliverable.

The result of WP2 i.e. the Simplified Energy Profiles are transformed to Excel data and incorporated in a database to finally be available on the ENBUS Website and the ENBUS iPhone App. The best solution has been found by using Excel in order to allow for a simple import and export of the collected data. The data provision for the iPhone App is based on an import of the Excel data of the central repository into the iPhone App server and on a clearly defined structured ontology for the various technology groups.

Summary of achievements:
• Identification of current technologies and most important upcoming trends for energy efficiency in the building sector
• Basic ontology to organize/structure technologies and products for the iPhone App
• Working connection/process linking WP2 (SEPs – Product data) and WP 3 (data for iPhone App
• Automated process to create SEPs from product data repository

Work Package 6: Marketing, Dissemination and External Contacts

The objectives of this Work Package are to provide a communication platform for all knowledge transfer activities in the project, to ensure the participation and commitment of relevant external partners. The objectives are also to ensure a continued exploitation and use of the project’s results and ideas after its life span.

Results that have been produced in WP6:
• The website is running
• 6 newsletters have been sent out
• WP6 has produced marketing material used at Events in Denmark and UK
• DTI was interviewed by the Danish EEN-network, which resulted in an article about ENBUS. DTI also made a press release of the interview, which was spread in several Danish online Medias. The interview + links are published on the ENBUS Website
• ENBUS on the Build up portal :
• ENBUS Tool Book
• Information campaign sent out
• A desription of a Business Model for ENBUS Tools
• Green Market Place available on the website
• All partners have had meetings with relevant public sector representatives

Within the scope of the Work Package WP6 it has supported parties generally with communication issues and assisted with updated presentations and similar for ongoing needs.

The News Letters have been during the project and each time reached 4700 recipients. The News Letters were also uploaded on the ENBUS website:

Pernille Brændstrup Andersen, DTI, was interviewed about ENBUS by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) for their journal. The text was transformed by DTI to a press release, which was cited in 4 online media. A compilation of the links to the different articles was uploaded on the ENBUS website in December.

1500 companies have been identified to be reached by the information campaign. The method for the information campaign has been developed, and it reads as follows:
1) Identify companies that the ENBUS project partners have connections to. For example from News Letter lists, lists of customers. All project partners have been involved in this work.
2) Select relevant recipients
3) The information campaign was launched in the beginning of December 2014. The information campaign did consist of:
- An e-mail with information about the Smartphone App and how it can be downloaded, but also information about the ENBUS project and its results
- A press release that will be sent to the project partner’s communication departments, so they can spread the news in relevant media
- The start page of ENBUS Website will be changed, so instead of the text about ENBUS, it will show the press release about the App and the other results.
- 2 weeks after the e-mail reminder will be sent out
The information campaign was sent in December 2014 as an e-mail. It was sent to 6692 persons in 2759 companies. The companies are related to the building industry and the energy area. The campaign contributed to the overall aim of the ENBUS project, which states that the project should spread awareness, motivation and information within the building supply chain. The companies have been identified from the News Letter lists, lists of customers and other stakeholders identified of all the project partners.

Meeting relevant public sector initiatives:
- Each partner have arranged meetings with at least 4 relevant public sector representatives to lobby for stronger emphasis on Energy Efficiency in the public procurement of buildings
- WP6 has produced a guideline for the meetings. The guideline includes recommendations for the agenda, relevant issues to discuss and an example of relevant policy makers to meet

The ENBUS! Tool Book contains all the tools and information accumulated in the project. It is available as an interactive PDF on the website. It is also available as DVD.

A description of a Business Model has been finalized and is available as a deliverable D 6.7. The questionnaire used for feedback and suggestions at EcoBuild in London is used as a basis for Business Model Generation. The questionnaire contained questions to the end users (Professionell Customer) and possible providers (Manufacturers).

Potential Impact:
Supplying transparent information of (European) building product/installation systems to decision makers in the design, tender and buying process in order to achieve better understanding of new concepts and as a result more use of energy efficient products in the building sector.  EU goal: energy saving in EU
ENBUS have developed one type of platform with information about energy efficient products The ENBUS app.(the APP).

Main dissemination activities, a summary:
• The International Matchmaking Event in connection with Ecobuild in London in March 2014
• Trans-national Company Mission to further strengthen the exchange of knowledge and good practice in connection with EU project ee-WiSE final conference, September 2014 in Valencia.
• 10 Workshops with the different stakeholders (including end users) in the building value chain to spread information about Green initiatives and suitable technologies, like the ENBUS App and SEPs. All partners have organized workshop, with relevant stakeholder.
• All partners have had meetings with relevant public sector representatives to lobby for stronger emphasis on Energy Efficiency in public procurement.
• Contacts and meetings with other EU project for collaboration, EEN offices for information, university for collaboration and trade organizations for possible exploitation of ENBUS tools.
• Contacts with several companies and organizations as possible new owner of the ENBUS tools

The consortium has tried to find a suitable owner for the ENBUS Tools, but not succeed during the project. There are still several options open for the ENBUS tools future, but no final decision is taken from any company or organization.

List of Websites:
Project co-ordinator Karin Wilson, Swerea IVF AB email address:
