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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-16

European Driver's desk advanced concept implementation - Contribution to Foster Interoperability


EUDDplus aims at the development, in-field testing and validation of the interoperable, harmonised and modularised train driver's desk. It represents the logical and necessary link between the successful FP 5 project European Driver's Desk (EUDD) and the large-scale exploitation of that driver's desk concept, advanced in ergonomics, safety and LCC, being the important "crystallisation point" for the MODTRAIN IP. Simultaneously, EUDDplus shall use the intermediate findings of this ongoing IP in which the EUCAB working area elaborates the harmonised driver's cab system requirements specs (SyRS) of the future. EUDDplus is designed as a multi system stepwise approach involving modular and integral phases. Due to its more ambitious complexity, the locomotive application has been chosen for first field testing under real operational conditions with a pre-competitive R&D approach. Using the EUCAB intermediate results, the locomotive version EUDDplus shall differ from the EUCAB multiple unit case is some details due to operational and vehicle platform constraints. It is the aim of the EUDDplus team to minimise the configuration and layout differences for different kinds of rolling stock. A modern multi system locomotive will be the platform for EUDDplus integration. Constraints given by the vehicle are to be respected, opportunities for efficient future desk upgrading will be considered as far as requirements have been identified and specified in detail. The project EUDDplus consists of the major steps: specification compliant to ORS/FRS/SyRS/FIS, development and vehicle integration of the new desk including software development, in-field tests in least two networks (including the necessary certification), involving drivers from several other operators to justify expected advantages, recommendations derived for broad scale exploitation and for facilitating of future certification procedure, i.e. for those countries the vehicle platform was not designed for.

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Participantes (16)