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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Gauge Theory as an Integrable System

Final Report Summary - GATIS (Gauge Theory as an Integrable System)

The GATIS network has had major impact on the development of gauge theory, by advancing and exploiting novel integrability based techniques. For the first time ever, teams of the network were able to compute the scaling exponents in a 4-dimensional conformal gauge theory exactly, including all perturbative and non-perturbative corrections. They also developed open codes to make these results available for a wider scientific community. The breakthrough employs a new tool in the theory of integrable systems, the so-called quantum spectral curve, which has found applications in other research areas already, most notably in studies of the Hubbard model. A second key success could be achieved in the context of scattering amplitudes where GATIS teams solved a central challenge of gauge theory that had been around for half a century: To compute amplitudes entirely in terms of the flux tube, i.e. from a 1-dimensional quantum system. This important development, which was based on the so-called Wilson loop OPE, has spurred numerous spin-offs. For example, it resulted in a complete and easy-to-use solution of planar scattering amplitudes involving up to six gluons in multi-Regge kinematics to arbitrary logarithmic order. In another direction, the key strategies of the Wilson loop OPE could also be extended to the case of correlation functions. These and other developments are fueling intense exchange with neighboring scientific communities, in a healthy competition to advance the understanding of gauge theories, our most successful framework for the description of nature.

Research training within the GATIS network took place during the four years of the network according to the GA Annex 1 (DoW). All planned activities could be implemented. Most importantly the fellows were highly satisfied with the training program and were actively involved in developing and organizing the training activities. In addition to training events settled in the DoW, the network has organized seven additional science training events, including the 1st GATIS Young Researcher School on Integrability (Durham, UK). The latter was entirely organized by the fellows who also edited a special proceedings volume that was published by Journal of Physics A. The event developed such momentum that the next two volumes are planned already.
Special attention was paid to soft skill training, which followed a well-designed curriculum. With our associated private partner Sissa Medialab, a training on ``Science Communication and Presentation Skills’’ was carried out in London, 2014. Two further soft skill trainings were organized 2014 at DESY on “Scientific Writing Skills” and “Presentation Skill & Vocal Power”. In 2015 another two day soft skill training was organized in Paris on “Successful Grant Writing” and “Vocal Power and Physical Presence”. It was followed by a workshop by Milde Marketing in the fall of 2015 on ``Advanced Science Communication’’. This workshop kicked off the GATIS outreach project training which resulted in two short movies and a GATIS flyer. Finally a training session on “Project Management” was held at DESY in 2016.
Together with the Task Group Training (TGT) a data base on scientific reading and online lectures has been implemented within the training section of the GATIS webpage which can be accessed by all young researchers. The data base was updated by the Task Group Training.
Another central training event in the final year was the Les Houches Summer School in June 2016. It incorporated lectures on all scientific topics of the GATIS network, delivered by leading experts in the field. Most of the GATIS fellows participated in the four week school and profited from its inspiring and communicative atmosphere in which numerous new projects were started. The proceedings of the school are being prepared and will function as an introduction and status report of the entire field.

The many networking activities which were planned and carried out in close collaboration between the partners have boosted the scientific exchange and transfer of knowledge. All GATIS associated partners (public and private) were highly involved in shaping GATIS policy and future development, in particular through the Supervisory Board and various task groups they participate in. The associated public partners played an important role, by contributing highly relevant scientific expertise. They also played an essential role in the supervision of the research of the fellows as Non-Local Mentors.
The GATIS associated private partners were involved in the GATIS Task Groups as well as offering and hosting secondments. Deloitte Consultatores Portugal hosted a two month secondment of ESR 15. SISSA MediLab organized and performed a 3 day SoftSkill Training Course in February 2014 on Science Communication. Wolfram Research Europe ltd. was a key element in the organization of the Mathematica schools, providing experienced speakers, software support and licenses for admitted students. Milde Marketing drafted the texts for the public section of the GATIS website in cooperation with the TGO and organized an outreach training during which the participating fellows collected ideas and developed texts and visuals which were further processed and resulted in 2 short movies and a GATIS flyer (see Dissemination activities). The private partner Epigeum provided all appointed GATIS fellows access to the excessive online eLearning materials via the Durham University. The private partner Mann Beisst Hund established the design and, in consultation with the TGW, the new structure of the GATIS website after the GATIS kick-off meeting. Additionally Mann Beisst Hund implemented a GATIS social media platform project and hosted a secondment of ESR 5 in summer 2015.
During the final year of the GATIS network, the network drafted and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between 15 academic partner institutions, including most of the GATIS partners. The goal of the new GATIS+ collaboration is to provide excellent training opportunities for young scientists with high international mobility and to foster the profile of research on gauge theory at the interface of mathematics, statistical physics, computer algebra and experiment. GATIS+ continues some of the most successful elements of GATIS, such as the mentoring programme, the annual fellow workshops and a common website ( with information on the member institutions, the science, events and news.

At the end of the funding period, the number of publications by members of the GATIS network counts around 540 publications in total. These include around 70 publications by the recruited GATIS fellows. Almost all of them were published in prestigious peer reviewed journals. The GATIS fellows were also very active in presenting their scientific work in seminars and workshops. In fact, fellows gave more than 100 presentations, including a large number at events that are not part of the GATIS DoW. This also demonstrates the high impact of the network in neighboring fields.
GATIS outreach activities for the general public were pursued on a very high level. Among several other measures we introduced a regular public lecture at the IGST conferences in 2015 and 2016. Furthermore, in the context of the GATIS outreach training the fellows developed two short movies and a flyer. Milde Marketing accompanied the process from the first storyboarding, through the filming and all the way to the post production. The films have already been shown on several occasions to general public and they are included in the GATIS webpage ( Similarly, the flyer is being distributed at open days of the GATIS partners. With the private partner Mann Beisst Hund, the fellows developed a social media platform for internal communication.

During the 4 years of GATIS the Coordinator and the various GATIS Consortium Bodies (Supervisory Board, Steering Committee, Task Groups on Hiring, Training, Outreach and Webpage) have met regularly to guarantee successful coordination of all aspects. In addition, through their active participation in the GATIS Young Researcher Committee (YRC), the recruited fellows injected numerous suggestions e.g. for implementation of soft skill trainings, mentoring, scientific fellow workshops or the GATIS Young Researcher Summer School on Integrability.
The website of the project ( has been kept up to date during the whole project runtime. With fellow pages, news section, internal section etc. the webpage constituted an important network tool for organization and exchange of information throughout the network and also addresses the general public. It also contains complete lists of network publications and events with links to presentations etc. During the last few months the website has been transformed into a website of the future GATIS+ collaboration.
Concerning the recruitment of ESRs and ERs in the project, the realised recruitment is mostly in line with the planned recruitment described in the DoW, with only minor deviations. Personal decisions and a maternity leave of recruited fellows has caused in total 8,35 unemployed fellow months.