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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-06-16

Intensive training course for the development of skills necessary for the succesful participation in Sixth Framework Programme


The intensive training course EUROPRAXIS is proposed to improve the skills of Latvian stakeholders for a successful participation in Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) and further involvement in European Research Area. The training course is intended to wide spectrum of audience (scientists and entrepreneurs from various thematic fields, representatives from public organizations, policy makers, co-ordinators of National Contact point (NCP), etc.). Experience from FP5 shows that stakeholders from Latvia are informed about FP activities and they have actively taken part in the submission of projects. However, only in rare cases Latvian participants have taken the role of coordinators of the projects. These skills come with experience and practical trainings. Intensive training course EUROPRAXIS will be led by well-known and experienced lecturer Dr.Sean McCarthy. The training course will cover issues on 1) writing a competitive proposal for FP6 and 2) negotiations, management and administration of FP6 contracts. Before training course the identification of audience needs will be carried out, that will render the course very targeted and focussed on the issues especially important for stakeholders. The meeting and communication of participants from different areas during the training course will promote their relationships and foster further collaboration. Such consolidation ensures the especially necessary many-sided approach to issues solved in the FP projects.

After the training course the feedback information from audience will be collected and analysed. It will give essential data to NCP for the awareness the issues to which special attention should be paid in the further work.

All this complex foreseen in EUROPRAXIS will improve the readiness of Latvian stakeholders for the objectives highlighted by FP6.

EUROPRAXIS will be one step towards fostering the consolidation of research to solve crucial socio-economic problems actual for European citizens.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data
Skunu 4

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Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
No data