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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-29

Standardization related to Research and Development for Nanotechnologies


The aims of the project are; to develop a road map of the European standardisation and pre-normative research work for nanotechnologies and to enable Europe to internationally play an active role in standardisation and nanotechnologies.

The objectives are to:
-Facilitate European industrial development and exploitation
-Enhance integration between research and production fields
-Address the different aspects of industrial and consumer health and safety
-Provide appropriate organisations and structures with information about the needs of the different stakeholders.

The project will foster collaboration between national ministries, European and International standardization bodies, European research organisations and industries in numerous nanotechnology sectors. A consortium composed of seven national organisations with complementary skills will deliver the project.

A wide range of other organisations will also contribute, including an advisory committee, composed of several European and international experts will review and advise on project progress, a number of stakeholders will attend project workshops to assess industry needs and offer potential solutions and 2,500 selected organisations will be invited to respond a pan-European questionnaire. This inclusive and consultative approach will provide a conduit through which experts, other interested parties and European industries and citizens will influence drafting process of the global standards.

The project management and decision making process will ensure that the consortium satisfies the aims of the study, implements the work plan effectively, meets agrees milestones, reports progress and produces comprehensive and current technology roadmaps. To consolidate and widen the potential impact of the project, knowledge developed will be collated for dissemination. All results will be published on a project website and sent directly to stakeholders and the European Commission to inform the development FP VII.

Palabras clave

Convocatoria de propuestas

Consulte otros proyectos de esta convocatoria

Régimen de financiación

SSA - Specific Support Action


Aportación de la UE
Sin datos
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (4)