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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Laboratory- Based Coded Aperture X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging

Final Report Summary - LABCAXPCI (Laboratory- Based Coded Aperture X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging)

The aim of the LaBCAXPCI project was to make X-ray Phase-Contrast Imaging techniques more powerful and flexible, completing their translation into real-life applications with the deployment of new experimental methods that are fully compatible with a laboratory, industrial or clinical environment. LabCAXPCI has progressed as planned for this reporting period, with the development of a high-magnification CAXPCI system, a system capable of 2D sensitivity and a method for laboratory-based hard-X-ray dark-field imaging. The first three objectives of the project were successfully completed and the obtained results were published (or are going to be submitted in the near future). In addition to the scientific output presented on scientific journals and at international conferences, one patent was filed which serves as the basis for the continuation of a fruitful collaboration with industry. The collaboration network was also expanded with new connections within the Host Institution where overlapping area of interest were identified. The fellow also started to develop new skills by supervising and co-supervising undergraduate, masters and PhD students. The fellow was also successful in securing a five-year Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship for exploring the applications of the novel imaging methods that are under development within LabCAXPCI and maximising their expansion and impact. All these elements are contributing to the integration of the fellow and towards the consolidation of him as a scientist in cutting edge X-ray imaging research and its interdisciplinary applications.