Accurate measurements of specific charm particle decays are needed to provide calibration for lattice-QCD computations and for some CP violation measurements. In particular, these inputs are crucial to extract electro-weak parameters as the CP violation phase and light (u,d,s) quark masses. With the large amount of data registered at present by the BABAR detector (more than 300 fb-1) and foreseen by 2008 (more than 1 ab-1), and using charm quark pairs coming from the continuum, precise measurements involving charm semileptonic and hadronic decays can be addressed.
These studies will help, among others, in the precise measurements of the magnitude and phase of the Vub element of the Cabibbo-Cobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. The phase of Vub, gamma, is directly r elated to the phase generating CP violation in the Standard Model, since it is free of contamination from possible New Physics effects. The applicant will join the Spanish group already involved in the BABAR Collaboration and will keep close contact with Italian and French BABAR communities. The group is currently involved in the measurement of the angle gamma and in hadronic charm decays. She will continue the studies done during the previous IEF contract in France on charm semileptonic decays to perform accurate measurements of specific decay channels, as well as will actively contribute to the current efforts of the hosting group (experimental data analysis together with contribution to the software and data taking of the BaBar experiment).
Champ scientifique
Appel à propositions
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Régime de financement
ERG - Marie Curie actions-European Re-integration GrantsCoordinateur