Final Activity Report Summary - REN-NCFT (Renormalisation of non-commutative quantum field theory)
The first renormalisable NCFT was obtained by considering a commutative Lagrangian and modifying its propagator. Such a process is now called a vulcanisation. Our work essentially revealed the complexity of such a procedure. We proved the perturbative renormalisability of another NCFT, discovering that the needed modification is far more complicated that we expected. Moreover we found that another model, thought to be properly vulcanised, is actually not. In particular, it does not regularise the commutative renormalisation group flow.
At a different level, we studied some of the mathematical aspects of such non-commutative models. Concretely, we derived the combinatorial properties of the graph invariants which enter the Feynman amplitudes of these theories.
As a conclusion, our work points to the need of a more general approach to the understanding of the vulcanisation. This approach should be more physically inspired but also rely on a more abstract mathematical foundation.