Final Activity Report Summary - SALOMEA (Photochemistry, ultrafast dynamics and diagnostic applications of the III generation photosensitisers)
The project had the following specific objectives:
1) to integrate state-of-the-art laser technology, Raman spectroscopy and research in molecular spectral diagnostics for medical purposes,
2) to provide scientific results that can be useful in the design of new compounds with an enhanced tumoricidal activity in phototherapies and medical diagnostics,
3) to develop methods of spectral diagnosis for in vivo analysis of medical samples such as blood or breast tissue. The project will give contribution to reach a final goal of screening and monitoring cancer cells through a routine Raman blood or tissue test
4) to increase the visibility and attractiveness of European research and training in the laser-oriented fields,
5) to encourage more female scientists to join a laser-oriented research field.
In order to achieve the defined objectives the following work has been performed :
1) establishing the Marie Curie Chair in multinational and cross disciplinary environment for research/training and teaching. The MBI (host organisation) was the coordinator of the I3 programme Laser-Lab (17 laser national laboratories from 9 countries) and presently this activity is continued in even a larger dimension under the FP 7 Programme,
2) creation of the European Virtual University on Lasers by the Chair
3) enhancing public awareness of the links between the spectacular developments in laser technologies and economic growth in optical communication, material engineering, and in medical molecular diagnostics by organising conferences, workshops, and Summer Schools for PhD students (see
4) participating the conferences, organising seminars, lecturing on laser spectroscopy, optics, instrumental analysis, optical fiber transmission, laser diagnostic methods (see
5) writing a book on Physical principles of optoelectronics and ultrafast lasers in fiber communication (see
6) carrying extensive research by laser femtosecond spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy and publishing the results (see attachments)