ASSET addresses Task 6: Transport related sensitive areas, Section 3.2 of the SSP 5A call. It will develop the scientific and methodological capabilities to implement European policies aiming at balancing the environmental protection of Sensitive Areas (SA) with the provision of an efficient transport system. Special emphasis on market based instruments. Main impact: improved policy formulation/implementation (infrastructure charging, sustainable development of TEN-T).
Main outputs:
- common framework of definitions, criteria and valuation parameters for Transport Sensitive Areas (TSA),
- methodology for assessment of sensitiveness in TSA,
- mapping of TSAs across the EU,
- review of policy instruments for the protection of SA, analysis of applicability to different TSA categories, identification of policy packages,
- detailed assessment of proposed methodology and policy instruments for 10 case studies (mountainous, urban/metropolitan, natural/protected, coastal areas)
Palabras clave
Convocatoria de propuestas
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Régimen de financiación
STREP - Specific Targeted Research ProjectCoordinador