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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Self-Assembled semiconductor Nanostructures for new Devices in photonics and Electronics

Final Report Summary - SANDIE (Self-Assembled semiconductor Nanostructures for new Devices in photonics and Electronics)

Most prominent on the research agenda are self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots. The self-assembly process allows fabrication of structures in the 10 nm size range during epitaxy without artificial patterning. These nanostructures can then be cemented in position by the deposition of further layers of the substrate material. By varying the semiconductor materials involved, the growth conditions, and by vertically stacking layers of nanostructures, a rich variety of novel materials can be produced for the study of the fundamental properties of strongly confined systems, and for the development of advanced electronic and photonic devices.

34 institutions from Portugal to Russia, among them five industrial companies, have established a close partnership to integrate their human resources, their facilities and their research agenda in the field of self-assembled semiconductor nanostructures on a European scale. The Network of Excellence was dedicated to the formation of an integrated and cohesive approach to research and knowledge in the field of self-assembled semiconductor nanostructures. The network supported the spreading of research results and excellence into the scientific community. In the fourth year of its existence, the network has again successfully reached all of its integration goals.

Publicly available information can be found on the SANDIE website

The network had set itself, in negotiation with the European Commission, quantifiable goals with respect to the achievement of the integration of people, facilities, research and training events. The level of integration in each of these areas is measured numerically from a variety of indicators all of which are above target for the third year. The network established itself as a stable structure with well-defined decision making processes and a lively and amicable working atmosphere. Several joint projects and investigations have been performed and progress in existing efforts has been made that would not have emerged without the network.

The network continues its joint programme of workshops and technical training courses that is to a large extent open to the public and can be found on our website. An increasing number of PhD theses within the network are jointly supervised by two partners. The students perform their research in two or more facilities of the network thus increasing their experience with complementary methods and using the infrastructure in the European Research Area (ERA) efficiently.

The scientific success of the partners can be seen in the coordination and the participation in numerous national and several European projects, such as the Integrated projects (IPs) NODE, ZODIAC and the Specific Targeted Projects (STREPs) NATAL, TRIUMPH and NANDOS. These projects benefit from the integration of partners within SANDIE.