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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-29

World Energy Technology Outlook - 2050 (WETO-H2)


This proposal is a co-ordination action whose final objective is to produce the pre-print of a reference book presenting a world energy/technology outlook by 2050. In addition to the elaboration of the long-term baseline projections, the proposed project will also assess various technological breakthroughs likely to occur in the next 50 years in a context of a high value of the carbon, and evaluate two European strategies toward sustainability: the first one towards an hydrogen economy for Europe, the second one towards a reduction by a factor 4 of the CO2 emissions related to energy. The co-ordination action is based on the exploitation of the POLES model which is a global sectoral model of the world energy system, and of mean-variance portfolio optimisation to assess EU-25 energy electricity mixes/scenarios as produced by the POLES model for their financial "risk-reward" efficiency .The work plan proposed is broken down into five Work Packages

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CA - Coordination action


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Participantes (6)