Final Report Summary - CELLS INTO ORGANS (Functional genomics for development and disease of mesodermal organ systems)
The network held a variety of meetings, aimed at integrating the network. These included regular meetings for work packages (WPs), scientific discussion meetings aimed at integrating a cluster of WPs and/or giving a definitive consensus view on a topic, symposia, workshops, summer schools and plenary meetings. One of the topic meetings led to an important collaborative review article. Workshops and symposia took over to some extent from the internal discussions, and were disseminated to the scientific community.
There was development of a network website, an intranet for reporting, and a public access domain for disseminating the network's excellence. The website had a brochure aimed at the general public and information about research and network activities for the scientific community. It advertised events sponsored by the network, especially symposia, workshops, summer schools, scientific theatre, science cafes.
The network launched the first European graduate school in developmental biology, which sponsored 10 collaborative PhD projects between partners in the network, made courses and scientific visits available, and sponsored symposia, specialist workshops and summer schools to train the graduate students.
The network launched initiatives aimed at spreading the network's message to the general public and particularly to schools. These included science cafes, school exchange visits, and scientific theatre. Partners also published a brochure aimed at introducing their work to the general public and especially to high school students. A TV film was also made about the network.
Partners organised one symposium on Early Development, three workshops on Conserved pathways in Development, Designing the Bodyplan and Stem Cells, and one summer school on Developmental Systems.