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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-29

EARA Early Stage Training in Astrophysics


This EST proposal is presented by the European Association for Research in Astronomy (EARA) a consortium of five leading European research institutions in astronomy: the Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris (lap), the Institute of Astronomy (Loa) in Cambridge, the Sterrewacht Leaden, the Max-Planck Institute fur Astrophysics (MPA) in Arching and the Institutor de Astrophysical de Canarias (lack). EARA, which was founded twelve years ago, has been designated during the 5th Framework Program as a joint Marie Curie Training Site. The five EARA laboratories have broad scientific interests, covering mostly all aspects of astrophysics and cosmology. They host internationally recognized experts in theoretical astrophysics (theory and numerical modelling and simulation) and observational astronomy who have a large access to some of the most modern astrophysical instruments and facilities. Comprehensive doctoral study programs are available at all EARA sites, which have a long experience in training young researchers in astrophysics. The FP5 Marie Curie Training Site 'EARASTARGAL' has been very successful and the aim of this EARA - Early Stage Training in astrophysics (EARA - EST) proposal is to capitalize on our experience in scientific training and collaboration acquired in the last years with short-term student exchanges. The possibility within FP6 to offer long-term fellowships is very attractive and answers a strong demand for increasing collaborative European PhD projects. The EARA consortium indeed has the capacity to organize European PhDs with a coordinated supervision of a student by the best experts in several institutions (for example by combining a theoretician with an observer or a radio astronomer with an optical astronomer, etc). In summary, EARA-EST is the continuation of an ongoing European effort to promote the doctoral training capacity and visibility of some of its top research laboratories in astronomy and can only exist with the support of the European Union.

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